领域1:敏捷原则和理念 / Domain I: Agile Principles and Mindset

  • 在项目团队和组织的环境中探索、拥抱并应用敏捷原则和思维方式。
  • Explore, embrace, and apply agile principles and mindset within the context of the project team and organization.

领域2:价值驱动交付 / Domain II: Value-Driven Delivery

  • 通过根据干系人的优先级尽早且经常地生成高价值增量以供审查,从而交付有价值的结果。让干系人提供有关这些增量的反馈,并使用此反馈来确定未来增量的优先级并加以改进。
  • Deliver valuable results by producing high-value increments for review, early and often,based on stakeholder priorities. Have the stakeholders provide feedback on these increments,and use this feedback to prioritize and improve future increments.

领域3:干系人参与 / Domain III: Stakeholder Engagement

  • 通过建立一个信任的环境来吸引当前和未来的干系人,该环境可以对齐他们的需求和期望,并在他们的请求与对所涉及的成本/努力的理解之间取得平衡。在整个项目生命周期中促进参与和协作,并为有效和明智的决策提供工具。
  • Engage current and future interested parties by building a trusting environment that aligns their needs and expectations and balances their requests with an understanding of the cost/effort involved. Promote participation and collaboration throughout the project life cycle and provide the tools for effective and informed decision making.

领域4:团队绩效 / Domain IV: Team Performance

  • 创建一个信任、学习、协作和解决冲突的环境,促进团队自组织,增强团队成员之间的关系,并培养高绩效文化。
  • Create an environment of trust, learning, collaboration, and conflict resolution that promotes team self-organization, enhances relationships among team members, and cultivates a culture of high performance.

领域5:适应性规划 / Domain V: Adaptive Planning

  • 根据目标、价值观、风险、约束、干系人反馈和审查结果,制定和维护从启动到结束的不断发展的计划。
  • Produce and maintain an evolving plan, from initiation to closure, based on goals, values,risks, constraints, stakeholder feedback, and review findings.

领域6:问题发现和解决 / Domain VI: Problem Detection and Resolution

  • 持续识别问题、障碍和风险;确定优先次序并及时解决;监控并传达问题解决状态;并实施流程改进以防止它们再次发生。
  • Continuously identify problems, impediments, and risks; prioritize and resolve in a timely manner; monitor and communicate the problem resolution status;and implement process improvements to prevent them from occurring again.

领域7:持续改进(产品、流程、人员) / Domain VII: Continuous Improvement (Product, Process, People)

  • 不断提高产品、流程和团队的质量、有效性和价值
  • Continuously improve the quality, effectiveness, and value of the product, the process, and the team
领域 占比 任务
领域1:敏捷原则和理念 16% 9 tasks
1. 定义价值
1. 避免潜在不利状况
1. 优先级
1. 增量开发
20% 4个子领域, 14 tasks
1. 了解相关方的需求
1. 确保相关方的参与
1. 管理相关方的期望
17% 3个子领域, 9 tasks
1. 团队组建
1. 团队授权
1. 团队协作与承诺
16% 3个子领域, 9 tasks
1. 规划层次
1. 适应
1. 敏捷估算与调整
12% 3个子领域, 10 tasks
领域6:问题发现和解决 10% 5 tasks
领域7:持续改进 9% 6 tasks



领域 I 敏捷原则和理念 16% Domain I Agile Principles and Mindset
任务 1 倡导敏捷的原则和价值观,在整个团队乃至客户与团队之间形成一种共同的理 Task 1 Advocate for agile principles by modeling those principles and discussing agile values in order to develop a shared mindset across the team as well as between the customer and the team.
任务 2 帮助确保每个人都对敏捷的价值观和原则有共同的理解,并对敏捷实践和术语有共同的认识 ,以便有效地工作。 Task 2 Help ensure that everyone has a common understanding of the values and principles of agile and a common knowledge around the agile practices and terminology being used in order to work effectively.
任务 3 通过教育组织并影响流程,行为和人员来支持系统或组织层面变革, 以使组织更加有效和高效。 Task 3 Support change at the system or organization level by educating the organization and influencing processes, behaviors, and people in order to make the organization more effective and efficient.
任务 4 通过维护高度可见的信息发射源来实践可视化,以显示真实的进度和真实的团队绩效 ,以提高透明度和信任度。 Task 4 Practice visualization by maintaining highly visible information radiators showing real progress and real team performance in order to enhance transparency and trust.
任务 5 营造一个安全、信任的团队氛围,允许每个人犯错,因为这样能够让他们从中学习并不断改进工作方式 Task 5 Contribute to a safe and trustful team environment by allowing everyone to experiment and make mistakes so that each can learnand continuously improve the way he or she works.
任务 6 通过尝试新技术和流程创意来增强创造力 ,以发现更高效和有效的工作方式。 Task 6 Enhance creativity by experimenting with new techniques and process ideas in order to discover more efficient and effective ways of working.
任务 7 鼓励团队成员通过协作和协作来分享知识 ,以降低知识孤岛的风险并减少瓶颈。 Task 7 Encourage team members to share knowledge by collaborating and working together in order to lower risks around knowledge silos and reduce bottlenecks.
任务 8 通过建立一个安全和尊重的环境,鼓励团队内的自发式领导,在这个环境中可以尝试新的方法 ,以便进行改进并促进自组织和赋权。
Task 8 Encourage emergent leadership within the team by establishing a safe and respectful environment in which new approaches can be tried in order to make improvements and foster self-organization and empowerment.
任务 9 通过支持和鼓励他人的努力来实践仆人式领导,以便他们能够在最高水平上表现并继续改进 Task 9 Practice servant leadership by supporting and encouraging others intheir endeavors so that they can perform at their highest level andcontinue to improve
领域 II 价值驱动型交付 20% Domain II Value-Driven Delivery
Define Positive Value
任务 1 通过确定可以增量生产的单元来定义可交付成果,以便最大限度地提高其对相关方的价值,同时最大限度地减少非增值工作。 Task 1 Define deliverables by identifying units that can be produced incrementally in order to maximize their value to stakeholders while minimizing non-value added work.
任务 2 通过及时就功能的验收标准达成共识来优化需求 ,以提供价值。
Task 2 Refine requirements by gaining consensus on the acceptance criteria for features on a just-in-time basis in order to deliver value.
任务 3 根据项目和组织特征以及团队经验选择和定制团队的流程,以优化价值交付。 Task 3 Select and tailor the team’s process based on project and organizational characteristics as well as team experience in order to optimize value delivery.

Avoid Potential Downsides
任务 4 通过将需求组织MMF/MVP来规划小的可发布增量 ,以便尽早识别和交付价值。 Task 4 Plan for small releasable increments by organizing requirements into minimally marketable features/minimally viable products in order to allow for the early recognition and delivery of value.
任务 5 限制增量大小,提高适当相关方的审查频率以便以最低的成本尽早识别和应对风险。 Task 5 Limit increment size and increase review frequency with appropriate stakeholders in order to identify and respond to risks early on and at minimal cost.
任务 6 通过经常评审增量来征求客户和用户的反馈,以确认和提高业务价值。
Task 6 Solicit customer and user feedback by reviewing increments often inorder to confirm and enhance business value.
任务 7 通过与相关方协作确定工作单元的优先级 ,以优化可交付成果的价值。 Task 7 Prioritize the units of work through collaboration with stakeholders inorder to optimize the value of the deliverables.
任务 8 通过优先考虑和维护内部质量来频繁地审查和维护工作结果 ,以降低增量开发的总体成本。 Task 8 Perform frequent review and maintenance of the work results by prioritizing and maintaining internal quality in order to reduce the overall cost of incremental development.
任务 9 持续识别环境、运营和基础设施因素并确定其优先级 , 以提高可交付成果的质量和价值。 Task 9 Continuously identify and prioritize the environmental, operational,and infrastructure factors in order to improve the quality and value ofthe deliverables.

Incremental Development
任务 10 与利益相关者进行运营评审和/或定期检查, 以获得对正在进行的工作和计划工作的反馈和更正。 Task 10 Conduct operational reviews and/or periodic checkpoints withstakeholders in order to obtain feedback and corrections to the workin progress and planned work.
任务 11 通过将价值产生和降低风险的工作纳入待办事项,平衡可交付单元的开发和风险降低工作, 以便随着时间的推移,最大化价值
Task 11 Balance development of deliverable units and risk reduction effortsby incorporating both value producing and risk reducing work intothe backlog in order to maximize the total value proposition overtime
任务 12 定期重新确定需求的优先级, 以响应环境和相关方需求或偏好的变化,从而实现价值最大化。 Task 12 Re-prioritize requirements periodically in order to reflect changes inthe environment and stakeholder needs or preferences in order tomaximize the value.
任务 13 通过考虑将使用解决方案的环境,来引出相关的非功能性需求(如运营和安全性),并确定其优先级,以最大程度地降低失败的可能性。
Task 13 Elicit and prioritize relevant non-functional requirements (such asoperations and security) by considering the environment in which thesolution will be used in order to minimize the probability of failure.
任务 14 通过执行检查,审查和/或测试来对工作产品进行频繁的审查, 以识别和
Task 14 Conduct frequent reviews of work products by performinginspections, reviews, and/or testing in order to identify andincorporate improvements into the overall process andproduct/service.
领域III 干系人参与 17% Domain III Stakeholder Engagement
Understand Stakeholder Needs
任务 1 通过定期审查确定并吸引有效且授权的业务干系人,以确保团队了解干系人的利益、需求和期望。 Task 1 Identify and engage effective and empowered businessstakeholder(s) through periodic reviews in order to ensure that theteam is knowledgeable about stakeholders’ interests, needs, andexpectations.
任务 2 通过在项目早期和整个项目期间促进知识共享,确定并吸引所有利益相关者(当前和未来),以确保在项目的整个生命周期内不受阻碍地传递信息和价值。 Task 2 Identify and engage all stakeholders (current and future) bypromoting knowledge sharing early and throughout the project toensure the unimpeded flow of information and value throughout thelifespan of the project.
Ensure Stakeholder Involvement
任务 3 通过在关键相关方之间形成工作协议来建立干系人关系, 以促进参与和有效协作。 Task 3 Establish stakeholder relationships by forming a working agreementamong key stakeholders in order to promoteparticipation andeffective collaboration.
任务 4 通过不断评估项目和组织中的变化来保持适当的干系人参与,以确保新的干系人得到适当的参与。 Task 4 Maintain proper stakeholder involvement by continually assessingchanges in the project and organization in order to ensure that newstakeholders are appropriately engaged.
任务 5 通过促进群体决策和冲突解决,在组织成员之间建立协作行为 ,以提高决策质量并减少决策所需的时间。
Task 5 Establish collaborative behaviors among the members of theorganization by fostering group decision making and conflictresolution in order to improve decision quality and reduce the timerequired to make decisions.
Manage Stakeholder Expectations
任务 6 通过制定高层次的愿景和支持目标,建立各种项目增量(产品、可交付成果、发布、迭代)的共同愿景,以协调利益相关者的期望并建立信任。
Task 6 Establish a shared vision of the various project increments(products, deliverables, releases, iterations) by developing a highlevel vision and supporting objectives in order to align stakeholders’expectations and build trust.
任务 7 通过提高干系人的意识,建立并保持对成功标准,可交付成果和可接受的权衡的共同理解,以调整期望并建立信任。 Task 7 Establish and maintain a shared understanding of success criteria,deliverables, and acceptable trade-offs by facilitating awarenessamong stakeholders in order to align expectations and build trust.
任务 8 通过沟通团队进度、工作质量、障碍和风险,提供有关工作状态的透明度以帮助主要干系人做出明智的决策。 Task 8 Provide transparency regarding work status by communicating teamprogress, work quality, impediments, and risks in order to help theprimary stakeholders make informed decisions.
任务 9 提供详细程度的预测,以平衡对确定性的需求和适应性的好处,以便允许利益相关者进行有效规划。 Task 9 Provide forecasts at a level of detail that balances the need forcertainty and the benefits of adaptability in order to allowstakeholders to plan effectively.
领域 IV 团队绩效 16% Domain IV Team Performance
Team Formation
任务 1 与其他团队成员合作,制定基本规则和内部流程,以促进团队的凝聚力,并加强团队成员对共享成果的承诺。 Task 1 Cooperate with the other team members to devise ground rules andinternal processes in order to foster team coherence and strengthenteam members’ commitment to shared outcomes.
任务 2 帮助创建一个具有实现所有已知项目目标所需的人际关系和技术技能的团队 ,以便以最小的延迟创造商业价值。 Task 2 Help create a team that has the interpersonal and technical skillsneeded to achieve all known project objectives in order to createbusiness value with minimal delay.
Team Empowerment
任务 3 鼓励团队成员成为通才专家 ,以减少团队规模和瓶颈,并创建一个高绩效的跨职能团队。 Task 3 Encourage team members to become generalizing specialists inorder to reduce team size and bottlenecks, and to create a highperforming cross-functional team.
任务 4 通过赋予他人权力并鼓励自发性领导层来制定有效的解决方案和管理复杂性,从而有助于自组织工作。 Task 4 Contribute to self-organizing the work by empowering others andencouraging emerging leadership in order to produce effectivesolutions and manage complexity.
任务 5 不断发现团队和个人激励因素以及不满因素 ,以确保团队士气高涨,团队成员在整个项目中积极进取且富有成效。 Task 5 Continuously discover team and personal motivators and demotivators in order to ensure that team morale is high and teammembers are motivated and productive throughout the project.

Team Collaboration and Commitment
任务 6 通过集中办公或使用协作工具,促进团队内部以及与适当的外部干系人的密切沟通 , 以减少沟通不畅和返工。 Task 6 Facilitate close communication within the team and with appropriateexternal stakeholders through co-location or the use of collaborationtools in order to reduce miscommunication and rework.
任务 7 减少干扰, 以建立可预测的结果并优化交付的价值。 Task 7 Reduce distractions in order to establish a predictable outcome andoptimize the value delivered.
任务 8 通过共享项目愿景来参与调整项目和团队目标,以确保团队了解他们的目标如何适应项目的整体目标。 Task 8 Participate in aligning project and team goals by sharing projectvision in order to ensure the team understands how their objectivesfit into the overall goals of the project.
任务 9 鼓励团队通过跟踪和衡量以前迭代或版本中的实际性能来衡量其速度, 以便成员更好地了解其能力并创建更准确的预测。
Task 9 Encourage the team to measure its velocity by tracking andmeasuring actual performance in previous iterations or releases inorder for members to gain a better understanding of their capacityand create more accurate forecasts.
领域 V 自适应规划 12% Domain V Adaptive Planning
Levels of Planning
任务 1 在多个层面(战略,发布,迭代,每日)进行计划,通过使用滚动式计划和渐进明细来创建适当的细节,以平衡结果的可预测性和利用机会的能力。 Task 1 Plan at multiple levels (strategic, release, iteration, daily) creatingappropriate detail by using rolling wave planning and progressiveelaboration to balance predictability of outcomes with ability toexploit opportunities.
任务 2 通过鼓励关键干系人的参与和公布规划结果,使规划活动可见和透明 ,以提高承诺水平并减少不确定性。 Task 2 Make planning activities visible and transparent by encouragingparticipation of key stakeholders and publishing planning results inorder to increase commitment level and reduce uncertainty.
任务 3 随着项目的展开,通过做出越来越具体的承诺来设定和管理干系人的期望,以确保对预期可交付成果的一致理解。 Task 3 As the project unfolds, set and manage stakeholder expectations bymaking increasingly specific levels of commitments in order toensure common understanding of the expected deliverables.
任务 4 根据对项目可交付成果的特征和/或规模/复杂性/关键性的定期回顾的结果,调整节奏和规划过程, 以实现价值最大化。
Task 4 Adapt the cadence and the planning process based on results ofperiodic retrospectives about characteristics and/or thesize/complexity/criticality of the project deliverables in order tomaximize the value.
任务 5 根据团队学习、交付经验、利益相关者反馈和缺陷,检查和调整项目计划,以响应需求、进度、预算和优先级变化, 从而最大限度地提高交付的商业价值。 Task 5 Inspect and adapt the project plan to reflect changes in requirements,schedule, budget, and shifting priorities based on team learning,delivery experience, stakeholder feedback, and defects in order tomaximize business value delivered.
Agile Sizing andEstimation
任务 6 通过使用渐进明细技术确定项目的大小 ,以确定可能的项目大小,而不受团队速度和外部变量的影响。 Task 6 Size items by using progressive elaboration techniques in order todetermine likely project size independent of team velocity andexternal variables.
任务 7 通过合并维护和运营需求以及其他因素来调整生产能力,以创建或更新范围估计值。 Task 7 Adjust capacity by incorporating maintenance and operationsdemands and other factors in order to create or update the rangeestimate.
任务 8 预计当前对项目所需投入的概略理解,制定一个初始范围、计划和成本估计区间,从而确定项目管理的起点 Task 8 Create initial scope_, _schedule, and cost range estimates that reflectcurrent high level understanding of the effort necessary to deliver theproject in order to develop a starting point for managing the project.
任务 9 基于对项目所需投入的最新理解,重新调整项目范围、计划和成本区间,从而管理项目 Task 9 Refine scope, schedule, and cost range estimates that reflect thelatest understanding of the effort necessary to deliver the project inorder to manage the project.
任务 10 持续使用来自资源容量、项目规模和速度指标变化的数据, 以评估剩余的工作。 Task 10 Continuously use data from changes in resource capacity, projectsize, and velocity metrics in order to evaluate the estimate tocomplete.
领域六 问题检测和解决 10% Domain VI Problem Detection and Resolution
任务 1 通过鼓励对话和实验来创造一个开放和安全的环境,以发现阻碍团队发展或阻止其交付价值能力的问题和障碍。
Task 1 Create an open and safe environment by encouraging conversationand experimentation, in order to surface problems and impedimentsthat are slowing the team down or preventing its ability to delivervalue.
任务 2 通过在项目的各个阶段教育和吸引团队来识别威胁和问题,以便在适当的时间解决这些问题并改进导致问题的流程。 Task 2 Identify threats and issues by educating and engaging the team atvarious points in the project in order to resolve them at theappropriate time and improve processes that caused issues.
任务 3 确保问题由适当的团队成员解决和/或根据无法解决的问题重置期望,以最大限度地提高交付的价值。 Task 3 Ensure issues are resolved by appropriate team members and/orreset expectations in light of issues that cannot be resolved in orderto maximize the value delivered.
任务 4 维护可见,受监控且按优先级排列的威胁和问题列表,以提升问责意识、鼓励采取行动并跟踪所有权和解决状态。 Task 4 Maintain a visible, monitored, and prioritized list of threats andissues in order to elevate accountability, encourage action, and trackownership and resolution status.
任务 5 通过维护威胁列表并将活动合并到待办事项中来传达威胁和问题的状态,以提供透明度。 Task 5 Communicate status of threats and issues by maintaining threat listand incorporating activities into backlog of work in order to providetransparency.
领域七 持续改进(产品、流程、人员)9% Domain VII Continuous Improvement(Product, Process, People)
任务 1 通过定期审查和整合团队实践,组织文化和交付目标来定制和调整项目流程, 以确保团队在既定的组织原则和规范内的有效性。
Task 1 Tailor and adapt the project process by periodically reviewing andintegrating team practices, organizational culture, and delivery goalsin order to ensure team effectiveness within establishedorganizational guidelines and norms.
任务 2 通过频繁进行回顾和改进实验来改进团队流程, 以不断提高团队、项目和组织的有效性。 Task 2 Improve team processes by conducting frequent retrospectives and improvement experiments in order to continually enhance theeffectiveness of the team, project, and organization.
任务 3 通过增量交付和频繁演示来寻求对产品的反馈,以提高产品的价值。
Task 3 Seek feedback on the product by incremental delivery and frequentdemonstrations in order to improve the value of the product.
任务 4 通过为人们提供发展技能的机会来创造一个持续学习的环境,以发展一个更有效的通才专家团队。 Task 4 Create an environment of continued learning by providingopportunities for people to develop their skills in order to develop amore productive team of generalizing specialists.
任务 5 通过执行价值流分析和消除浪费来挑战现有的流程元素 ,以提高个人效率和团队效率。 Task 5 Challenge existing process elements by performing a value streamanalysis and removing waste in order to increase individualefficiency and team effectiveness.
任务 6 在团队和组织之间传播知识和实践,推动系统性改进,防止同类问题再次发生,提升组织的整体效能。
Task 6 Create systemic improvements by disseminating knowledge andpractices across projects and organizational boundaries in order toavoid re-occurrence of identified problems and improve theeffectiveness of the organization as a whole.


工具箱 这些示例说明了工具包的广度, 但不是旨在提供所有技术和工具的详尽列表工具包 The examples illustrate the breadth of the toolkit, but are NOTmeant to provide an exhaustive list of all techniques and tools inthe toolkit Toolkit
敏捷分析和设计 产品路线图
Product Roadmap
User Stories/Backlog
Story Maps
Progressive Elaboration
Agile Modeling
Learning Cycle
Collaboration Games
Agile Analysis and
敏捷估算 相对尺寸/故事点/T恤尺寸
Relative Sizing/Story Points/T-shirt Sizing
Wide Band Delphi/Planning Poker
Affinity Estimating
Ideal Time
Agile Estimation
沟通 信息发射源
Information Radiator
Team Space Agile Tooling
Osmotic Communications for Co-located And/or Distributed Teams
Two-way Communications (Trustworthy, Conversation driven)
Social Media–based Communication
Active Listening
Feedback Methods
人际交往能力 情商
Emotional Intelligence
Adaptive Leadership
Servant Leadership
Conflict Resolution
Interpersonal skills
度量指标 速度/吞吐量/生产率
Cycle time
Lead time
EVM for Agile Projects
Defect Rate
Approved Iterations
Work in Progress
规划、监控、和适应 评审
Kanban Board
Task Board
Iteration and Release Planning
Variance and Trend Analysis
WIP Limits
Daily Stand Ups
Burn Down/Up Charts
Cumulative Flow Diagrams
Backlog Grooming/Refinement
Product-feedback Loop
Planning, Monitoring,andAdapting
过程改进 改善
The Five WHYs
Retrospectives, Intraspectives
Process Tailoring/Hybrid Models
Value Stream Mapping
Control Limits
Pre-mortem (Rule Setting, Failure Analysis)
Fishbone Diagram Analysis
Process Improvement
产品质量 频繁的验证和确认
Frequent Verification and Validation
Definition of Done
Continuous Integration
Testing, Including Exploratory and Usability
Product Quality
风险管理 风险调整后的待办事项
Risk Adjusted Backlog
Risk Burn Down Graphs
Risk-based Spike
Architectural Spike
Risk Management
基于价值优先级 投资回报率/净现值/内部收益率
莫斯科 MoSCoW
卡诺分析 Kano analysis
Customer Valued Prioritization
Requirements Reviews
Minimal Viable Product (MVP)
Minimal Marketable Feature (MMF)
Relative Prioritization/Ranking
Kano Analysis


敏捷价值观和原则 Agile Values and Principles
敏捷框架和术语 Agile Frameworks and Terminology
敏捷方法和途径 Agile Methods and Approaches
评估和整合社区和干系人的价值观 Assessing and Incorporating Community and Stakeholder Values
干系人管理 Stakeholder Management
沟通管理 Communication Management
促进方法 Facilitation Methods
知识共享/书面交流 Knowledge Sharing/Written Communication
领导力 Leadership
构建敏捷团队 Building Agile Teams
团队激励 Team Motivation
物理和虚拟办公 Physical and Virtual Co-location
全球、文化和团队多样性 Global, Cultural, and Team Diversity
培训、辅导和指导 Training, Coaching, and Mentoring
发展掌握模型(例如,塔克曼,德雷福斯,守破离) Developmental Mastery Models (for Example, Tuckman, Dreyfus, Shu Ha Ri)
自我评估工具和技术 Self-assessment Tools and Techniques
参与式决策模型(例如:聚合、共享协作) Participatory Decision Models (for Example, Convergent, Shared Collaboration)
系统思维原理(例如:复杂的自适应、混沌) Principles of Systems Thinking (for Example, Complex Adaptive, Chaos)
解决问题 Problem Solving
优先级 Prioritization
增量交付 Incremental Delivery
敏捷发现 Agile Discovery
敏捷规模和估算 Agile Sizing and Estimation
基于价值的分析和分解(解聚) Value Based Analysis and Decomposition
过程分析 Process Analysis
持续改进 Continuous Improvement
敏捷混合模型 Agile hybrid Models
敏捷的KPI管理 Managing with Agile KPIs
敏捷项目章程 Agile Project Chartering
敏捷合同 Agile Contracting
敏捷项目会计原则 Agile Project Accounting Principles
合规性 Regulatory Compliance
PMI的道德与行为准则 PMI’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

附录 A:角色描述研究 (RDS) 过程


制定认证考试的第一步是确定认证接受者的责任。在开发内容有效的测试之前,必须知道执行敏捷活动的个人在工作中实际做了什么。有效的考试从专业的每个重要领域抽取问题,并指定被认为更重要,更重要和相关的表现领域(领域)应由考试中的更多问题表示。定义以敏捷能力服务的个人的角色分为两个主要阶段:一个是当前担任该角色的个人定义职责,另一个是在全球范围内验证已确定的责任。从2014年开始,PMI委托PMI敏捷认证从业者(PMI-ACP)认证进行全球角色描述研究(RDS)。 ®RDS流程由代表PMI认证治理结构的指导委员会领导。由执行敏捷活动的各种角色组成的项目工作组负责开展项目工作,并由指导委员会监督。该工作组在行业、职位和经验方面具有全球代表性和多样性。其他担任敏捷角色的人也负责对工作组的工作进行独立审查,并在调查更大的敏捷实践者样本之前对信息进行试点。研究参与者在专业教育服务(ProExam)的指导下,就绩效领域,定义角色的广泛职责和责任类别,以及能力绩效所需的任务和执行这些任务所需的知识/技能达成了共识。



