索引卡 Index Card


  • Work description, often in the form of a user story,14 defect, technical debt, or a production bug (may be depicted with uniquely colored post-its).
  • Name of the person assigned.
  • Due dates by which the work must be completed.
  • Tracking IDs by which more documentation and other discussions about the work item are captured in an electronic system.
  • Progress indicators like the number of days elapsed, status of completion of previous steps like analysis and development, or whether it is blocked.
  • Estimate of the work item. The Kanban board represents a low-tech but high-touch tool. It makes hidden work apparent, making it a powerful tool to organize, track and monitor status and remove unnecessary work in the team. Since information is shared real time, it leads to transparency showing who is working on what at any point in time.
  • Kanban boards are generally physical boards like whiteboards or ‘writable’ walls strategically placed at very visible locations. However, for the aid of the virtual team, electronic boards are also available. Examples of such boards are Jira and Kanbanflow.


    Pull-driven System
    Pull items from Left to Right

  • 例子:一旦【测试】队列的工作项完成,那么就从左边的队列【开发】中,“右拉”一个已完成的工作项;此时,【开发】的队列,也可以从左边的队列【分析】继续“右拉”一个已完成的工作项,然后这个工作项正式开始开发。

  • 从上图观察,开发的限制在制品数目为“4”,但是,进行中只有一个WIP,而已完成工作项已经有3个。说明,开发这个队列存在瓶颈,很可能是开发遇到困难,无法顺利解决,所有开发人员都在为一个工作项Debug了。



Scrum 任务版(Task Board)
