• 通过问一系列“Why”问题来确定问题的根本原因。这些问题探讨了观测结果和原因之间的因果关系。数字5并不是特定要求的,但是,通过五次刨根问底式问题,已经收集了足够信息,可以帮助解决问题以及预防再次发生。 | Question | Question Response | | —- | —- | | 1. Why did the incident happen? | Our application database went down. | | 2. Why did the database go down? | The file system became full and there was no disk space left. | | 3. Why did the support team not monitor the disk usage levels proactively? | They are new to the team and do not have enough knowledge of the diagnostic tools and how to deal with the system-generated alerts. | | 4. Why did the new support team members not have enough knowledge? | The knowledge transition has not fully happened. Our team member slack the experience in using the diagnostic tools. | | 5. Why has the knowledge transition not happened? | We have been so busy with issues daily, that we couldn’t prioritize the training sessions. But we should do that as soon as possible, otherwise we will have more issues like this. |