

  • 创新战略与公司战略或经营战略保持一致
  • 必须明确创新项目的优先顺序
  • 必须取舍
  • 不存在标准优秀的创新战略

    Characteristics of a good innovation strategy

    The innovation strategy should be tailored to the specific organization. There is no standard recipe book that defines what an innovation strategy should be. Above all, the innovation strategy must provide a sound basis for providing alignment across the organization; for establishing priorities; and for evaluating trade-offs.
  1. Innovation is messy and should be embraced as such (form of art and science). For example, it is most often non-linear in its application as it involves abstract concepts such creativity and perseverance. The journey is as important as the end-goal (which in itself is often unclear).
    • 解读:非线性、抽象、目标常常不明确
  2. Innovation is about experiential learning and development. It comprises iterations of trying out new things, capturing the lessons, and then reprioritizing efforts.
    • 实验性学习与发展
  3. Information that is generated and useful during the innovation processes is key to success.
    • 信息是关键
  4. Constant intentional curiosity is required in order to search for the desired designs, outcomes, processes, systems, or products.
    • 保持好奇
  5. Innovation boils down to creating value, not necessarily new ideas and or inventions.
    • 不一定新产品新想法,而是创造价值
  6. Being first to market does not guarantee the intended success.
    • 率先上市不一定成功
  7. Involving customers as best, and as early, as possible is advisable.
    • 让客户早点参与
  8. Innovation requires the ability to integrate seemingly disparate (and unobvious) components into one.
    • 系统整合
  9. Innovation is ongoing, so organizations need to design and implement support structures and systems that enable it to be continual.
    • 组织支持


  • 波特战略框架 Porter’s Strategic Framework
  • 迈尔斯和斯诺战略框架 Miles and Snow Strategic Framework
  • 持续式创新 Sustaining Innovation
  • 颠覆式创新 disruptive Innovation
  • 创新画布(常规式、颠覆式、突破式、架构式)TheInnovation Landscape Map
  • 开放式创新 Open Innovation
  • 商业画布(BMC)Business Model Canvas
  • 平台战略 Product Platform Strategy
  • 技术战略 Technology Strategy
  • 知识产权战略 Intellectual Property Strategy
  • 营销战略 Marketing Strategy
  • 能力战略 Capability Strategy
  • 数字化创新 Digital Strategy