
  • 福布斯





让我举一个Braina(脑人工)的例子,这是一个智能个人助理,人类语言界面,自动化和Windows PC 语音识别软件。Braina是一款多功能人工智能软件,可让您使用世界上大多数语言的语音命令与计算机进行交互。Braina还允许您准确地将语音转换为世界上100多种不同语言的文本。
最近,在Apple整合了最令人惊讶的虚拟助手 - Siri后,语音助手获得了主要平台,Siri正式成为Apple Inc.的一部分。但最大的演变时间表始于1962年西雅图世界博览会上的IBM展示独特的设备称为Shoebox。它是鞋盒的实际尺寸,可以执行科学功能,可以感知16个单词,并且可以用人类可识别的声音说出0到9个数字。
像苹果公司和IBM这样的大型组织在90年代早些时候开始制造利用语音确认的东西。1993年,Macintosh开始使用带 有PlainTalk的Macintosh PC构建语音识别。
1997年4月,Dragon NaturallySpeaking是第一个可以理解大约100个单词并将其转换为可读内容的不断听写产品。

  1. 在浏览器中打开subreddit。
  2. 在浏览器中打开任何网站。
  3. 发送电子邮件给您的联系人。
  4. 启动任何系统应用程序。
  5. 告诉你几乎所有城市的当前天气和温度
  6. 告诉你当前时间。
  7. 问候
  8. 在VLC媒体播放器上播放一首歌(当然,您需要在笔记本电脑/台式机中安装VLC媒体播放器
  9. 更改桌面墙纸。
  10. 告诉你最新消息。
  11. 告诉你几乎所有你问的事。

系统要求:Python 2.7,Spyder IDE,MacOS Mojave(版本10.14)
pip install SpeechRecognition
pip install beautifulsoup4
pip install vlc
pip install youtube-dl
pip install pyowm
pip install wikipedia



  1. import speech_recognition as sr
  2. import os
  3. import sys
  4. import re
  5. import webbrowser
  6. import smtplib
  7. import requests
  8. import
  9. subprocess from pyowm import OWM
  10. import youtube_dl
  11. import vlc
  12. import urllib
  13. import urllib2
  14. import json
  15. from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
  16. from urllib2 import urlopen
  17. import wikipedia
  18. import random
  19. from time import strftime


  1. def myCommand():
  2. r = sr.Recognizer()
  3. with sr.Microphone() as source:
  4. print('Say something...')
  5. r.pause_threshold = 1
  6. r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source, duration=1)
  7. audio = r.listen(source)
  8. try:
  9. command = r.recognize_google(audio).lower()
  10. print('You said: ' + command + '\n')
  11. #loop back to continue to listen for commands if unrecognizable speech is received
  12. except sr.UnknownValueError:
  13. print('....')
  14. command = myCommand();
  15. return command


  1. def sofiaResponse(audio):
  2. print(audio)
  3. for line in audio.splitlines():
  4. os.system("say " + audio)


  1. while True:
  2. assistant(myCommand())


  1. 在浏览器中打开subreddit Reddit 。

用户将给出任何命令来打开Reddit中的任何subreddit,命令应为“Hey Sofia!你能打开Reddit subreddit_name “ 吗?只应使用斜体粗体短语。您可以使用任何类型的前缀,只需处理斜体粗体短语。

工作原理:如果您在命令中说了> open reddit,那么它将使用re.search()在user命令中搜索subreddit名称。该版(Subreddit)将使用搜索> www.reddit.com和使用蟒蛇的Webbrowser module.The浏览器将得到打开> 的Webbrowser模块提供了一个高层次的接口,以允许显示基于Web的文档给用户。

  1. if 'open reddit' in command:
  2. reg_ex = re.search('open reddit (.*)', command)
  3. url = 'https://www.reddit.com/'
  4. if reg_ex:
  5. subreddit = reg_ex.group(1)
  6. url = url + 'r/' + subreddit
  7. webbrowser.open(url)
  8. sofiaResponse('The Reddit content has been opened for you Sir.')


工作原理:如果你在命令中说了> open这个词,那么它将使用re.search()在user命令中搜索网站名称。接下来,它会将网站名称附加到> https:// www。并使用> webbrowser模块在浏览器中打开完整的URL。

  1. elif 'open' in command:
  2. reg_ex = re.search('open (.+)', command)
  3. if reg_ex:
  4. domain = reg_ex.group(1)
  5. print(domain)
  6. url = 'https://www.' + domain
  7. webbrowser.open(url)
  8. sofiaResponse('The website you have requested has been opened for you Sir.')
  9. else:
  10. pass


工作原理:如果你在命令中说过> 电子邮件,那么机器人会要求收据,如果我的响应是rajat,机器人将使用pthons smtplib库。该> 的smtplib模块> 定义了可用于发送邮件到任何互联网设备使用SMTP或ESMTP监听守护SMTP客户端会话对象。使用SMTP服务器使用Python的smtplib发送邮件。首先,它将使用> smtplib.SMTP()初始化gmail SMTP ,然后使用> ehlo()函数识别服务器,然后加密会话> starttls(),然后使用> login()登录到您的邮箱,然后使用> sendmail()发送邮件>

  1. elif 'email' in command:
  2. sofiaResponse('Who is the recipient?')
  3. recipient = myCommand()
  4. if 'rajat' in recipient:
  5. sofiaResponse('What should I say to him?')
  6. content = myCommand()
  7. mail = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com', 587)
  8. mail.ehlo()
  9. mail.starttls()
  10. mail.login('your_email_address', 'your_password')
  11. mail.sendmail('sender_email', 'receiver_email', content)
  12. mail.close()
  13. sofiaResponse('Email has been sent successfuly. You can check your inbox.')
  14. else:
  15. sofiaResponse('I don\'t know what you mean!')


工作原理:如果您在命令中说了“ > 启动 ”一词,那么它将使用re.search()在用户命令中搜索应用程序名称(如果它存在于您的系统中)。然后它会将后缀“.app”附加到应用程序名称。现在您的应用程序名称例如是calender.app(在macOS中,可执行文件以扩展名.app结尾,与Windows不同,以.exe结尾)。因此,可执行的应用程序名称将使用python subprocess的Popen()函数启动。该> 模块,您可以开始从你的Python程序的新应用。

  1. elif 'launch' in command:
  2. reg_ex = re.search('launch (.*)', command)
  3. if reg_ex:
  4. appname = reg_ex.group(1)
  5. appname1 = appname+".app"
  6. subprocess.Popen(["open", "-n", "/Applications/" + appname1], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  7. sofiaResponse('I have launched the desired application')


工作原理:如果您在命令中说过> 当前天气,那么它将使用re.search()搜索城市名称。我用> pythons pyowm库来获取任何城市的天气。get_status()会告诉你天气状况,如阴霾,阴天,下雨等,get_temperature()会告诉你城市的最高和最低温度。

  1. elif 'current weather' in command:
  2. reg_ex = re.search('current weather in (.*)', command)
  3. if reg_ex:
  4. city = reg_ex.group(1)
  5. owm = OWM(API_key='ab0d5e80e8dafb2cb81fa9e82431c1fa')
  6. obs = owm.weather_at_place(city)
  7. w = obs.get_weather()
  8. k = w.get_status()
  9. x = w.get_temperature(unit='celsius')
  10. sofiaResponse('Current weather in %s is %s. The maximum temperature is %0.2f and the minimum temperature is %0.2f degree celcius' % (city, k, x['temp_max'], x['temp_min']))



  1. elif 'time' in command:
  2. import datetime
  3. now = datetime.datetime.now()
  4. sofiaResponse('Current time is %d hours %d minutes' % (now.hour, now.minute))


它是如何工作的:如果你在命令中说了> hello这个词,那么根据一天的时间,机器人会问候用户。如果时间超过中午12点,机器人将回复“你好先生。下午好,“同样如果时间超过6 ck pm,机器人将回应”你好先生。晚上好”。当你将命令作为shutdown时,将调用> sys.exit()来终止程序。

  1. #Greet Sofia
  2. elif 'hello' in command:
  3. day_time = int(strftime('%H'))
  4. if day_time < 12:
  5. sofiaResponse('Hello Sir. Good morning')
  6. elif 12 <= day_time < 18:
  7. sofiaResponse('Hello Sir. Good afternoon')
  8. else:
  9. sofiaResponse('Hello Sir. Good evening')
  10. #to terminate the program
  11. elif 'shutdown' in command:
  12. sofiaResponse('Bye bye Sir. Have a nice day')
  13. sys.exit()


它是如何工作的:如果你说这个短语在你的命令中> 播放一首歌,那么它会问你要播放什么视频歌。您将要求的歌曲将在youtube.com中搜索,如果找到,将使用pythons youtube_dl库将歌曲下载到您的本地目录中。在> YouTube的-DL是一个命令行程序,从YouTube.com和一些更多的网站下载视频。现在,这首歌将在使用蟒蛇> VLC库下载后播放,播放(path_to__videosong)模块实际播放该歌曲。

  1. elif 'play me a song' in command:
  2. path = '/Users/nageshsinghchauhan/Documents/videos/'
  3. folder = path
  4. for the_file in os.listdir(folder):
  5. file_path = os.path.join(folder, the_file)
  6. try:
  7. if os.path.isfile(file_path):
  8. os.unlink(file_path)
  9. except Exception as e:
  10. print(e)
  11. sofiaResponse('What song shall I play Sir?')
  12. mysong = myCommand()
  13. if mysong:
  14. flag = 0
  15. url = "https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=" + mysong.replace(' ', '+')
  16. response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
  17. html = response.read()
  18. soup1 = soup(html,"lxml")
  19. url_list = []
  20. for vid in soup1.findAll(attrs={'class':'yt-uix-tile-link'}):
  21. if ('https://www.youtube.com' + vid['href']).startswith("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v="):
  22. flag = 1
  23. final_url = 'https://www.youtube.com' + vid['href']
  24. url_list.append(final_url)
  25. url = url_list[0]
  26. ydl_opts = {}
  27. os.chdir(path)
  28. with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:
  29. ydl.download([url])
  30. vlc.play(path)
  31. if flag == 0:
  32. sofiaResponse('I have not found anything in Youtube ')


工作原理:如果您在命令中说过> 更改壁纸这一短语,程序将从unsplash.com下载随机壁纸,将其存储在本地目录中,并使用subprocess.call()将其设置为桌面壁纸。我使用了unsplash API来访问其内容。

  1. elif 'change wallpaper' in command:
  2. folder = '/Users/nageshsinghchauhan/Documents/wallpaper/'
  3. for the_file in os.listdir(folder):
  4. file_path = os.path.join(folder, the_file)
  5. try:
  6. if os.path.isfile(file_path):
  7. os.unlink(file_path)
  8. except Exception as e:
  9. print(e)
  10. api_key = 'fd66364c0ad9e0f8aabe54ec3cfbed0a947f3f4014ce3b841bf2ff6e20948795'
  11. url = 'https://api.unsplash.com/photos/random?client_id=' + api_key #pic from unspalsh.com
  12. f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
  13. json_string = f.read()
  14. f.close()
  15. parsed_json = json.loads(json_string)
  16. photo = parsed_json['urls']['full']
  17. urllib.urlretrieve(photo, "/Users/nageshsinghchauhan/Documents/wallpaper/a") # Location where we download the image to.
  18. subprocess.call(["killall Dock"], shell=True)
  19. sofiaResponse('wallpaper changed successfully')


工作原理:如果您在命令中说过> 今天的短语> 那么它将使用Google News RSS()中的> Beautiful Soup来抓取数据并为您阅读。因为我已将新闻限制数限制为15。

  1. elif 'news for today' in command:
  2. try:
  3. news_url="https://news.google.com/news/rss"
  4. Client=urlopen(news_url)
  5. xml_page=Client.read()
  6. Client.close()
  7. soup_page=soup(xml_page,"xml")
  8. news_list=soup_page.findAll("item")
  9. for news in news_list[:15]:
  10. sofiaResponse(news.title.text.encode('utf-8'))
  11. except Exception as e:
  12. print(e)


工作原理:如果你在命令中> 告诉我这个短语,那么它将使用re.search()在user命令中搜索关键字。使用pythons维基百科库,它将搜索该主题并提取前500个字符(如果你没有指定限制,机器人将为你读取整个页面)。> Wikipedia是一个Python库,可以轻松访问和解析来自维基百科的数据。

  1. elif 'tell me about' in command:
  2. reg_ex = re.search('tell me about (.*)', command)
  3. try:
  4. if reg_ex:
  5. topic = reg_ex.group(1)
  6. ny = wikipedia.page(topic)
  7. sofiaResponse(ny.content[:500].encode('utf-8'))
  8. except Exception as e:
  9. sofiaResponse(e)


  1. import speech_recognition as sr
  2. import os
  3. import sys
  4. import re
  5. import webbrowser
  6. import smtplib
  7. import requests
  8. import subprocess
  9. from pyowm import OWM
  10. import youtube_dl
  11. import vlc
  12. import urllib
  13. import urllib2
  14. import json
  15. from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
  16. from urllib2 import urlopen
  17. import wikipedia
  18. import random
  19. from time import strftime
  20. def sofiaResponse(audio):
  21. "speaks audio passed as argument"
  22. print(audio)
  23. for line in audio.splitlines():
  24. os.system("say " + audio)
  25. def myCommand():
  26. "listens for commands"
  27. r = sr.Recognizer()
  28. with sr.Microphone() as source:
  29. print('Say something...')
  30. r.pause_threshold = 1
  31. r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source, duration=1)
  32. audio = r.listen(source)
  33. try:
  34. command = r.recognize_google(audio).lower()
  35. print('You said: ' + command + '\n')
  36. #loop back to continue to listen for commands if unrecognizable speech is received
  37. except sr.UnknownValueError:
  38. print('....')
  39. command = myCommand();
  40. return command
  41. def assistant(command):
  42. "if statements for executing commands"
  43. #open subreddit Reddit
  44. if 'open reddit' in command:
  45. reg_ex = re.search('open reddit (.*)', command)
  46. url = 'https://www.reddit.com/'
  47. if reg_ex:
  48. subreddit = reg_ex.group(1)
  49. url = url + 'r/' + subreddit
  50. webbrowser.open(url)
  51. sofiaResponse('The Reddit content has been opened for you Sir.')
  52. elif 'shutdown' in command:
  53. sofiaResponse('Bye bye Sir. Have a nice day')
  54. sys.exit()
  55. #open website
  56. elif 'open' in command:
  57. reg_ex = re.search('open (.+)', command)
  58. if reg_ex:
  59. domain = reg_ex.group(1)
  60. print(domain)
  61. url = 'https://www.' + domain
  62. webbrowser.open(url)
  63. sofiaResponse('The website you have requested has been opened for you Sir.')
  64. else:
  65. pass
  66. #greetings
  67. elif 'hello' in command:
  68. day_time = int(strftime('%H'))
  69. if day_time < 12:
  70. sofiaResponse('Hello Sir. Good morning')
  71. elif 12 <= day_time < 18:
  72. sofiaResponse('Hello Sir. Good afternoon')
  73. else:
  74. sofiaResponse('Hello Sir. Good evening')
  75. elif 'help me' in command:
  76. sofiaResponse("""
  77. You can use these commands and I'll help you out:
  78. 1. Open reddit subreddit : Opens the subreddit in default browser.
  79. 2. Open xyz.com : replace xyz with any website name
  80. 3. Send email/email : Follow up questions such as recipient name, content will be asked in order.
  81. 4. Current weather in {cityname} : Tells you the current condition and temperture
  82. 5. Hello
  83. 6. play me a video : Plays song in your VLC media player
  84. 7. change wallpaper : Change desktop wallpaper
  85. 8. news for today : reads top news of today
  86. 9. time : Current system time
  87. 10. top stories from google news (RSS feeds)
  88. 11. tell me about xyz : tells you about xyz
  89. """)
  90. #joke
  91. elif 'joke' in command:
  92. res = requests.get(
  93. 'https://icanhazdadjoke.com/',
  94. headers={"Accept":"application/json"})
  95. if res.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
  96. sofiaResponse(str(res.json()['joke']))
  97. else:
  98. sofiaResponse('oops!I ran out of jokes')
  99. #top stories from google news
  100. elif 'news for today' in command:
  101. try:
  102. news_url="https://news.google.com/news/rss"
  103. Client=urlopen(news_url)
  104. xml_page=Client.read()
  105. Client.close()
  106. soup_page=soup(xml_page,"xml")
  107. news_list=soup_page.findAll("item")
  108. for news in news_list[:15]:
  109. sofiaResponse(news.title.text.encode('utf-8'))
  110. except Exception as e:
  111. print(e)
  112. #current weather
  113. elif 'current weather' in command:
  114. reg_ex = re.search('current weather in (.*)', command)
  115. if reg_ex:
  116. city = reg_ex.group(1)
  117. owm = OWM(API_key='ab0d5e80e8dafb2cb81fa9e82431c1fa')
  118. obs = owm.weather_at_place(city)
  119. w = obs.get_weather()
  120. k = w.get_status()
  121. x = w.get_temperature(unit='celsius')
  122. sofiaResponse('Current weather in %s is %s. The maximum temperature is %0.2f and the minimum temperature is %0.2f degree celcius' % (city, k, x['temp_max'], x['temp_min']))
  123. #time
  124. elif 'time' in command:
  125. import datetime
  126. now = datetime.datetime.now()
  127. sofiaResponse('Current time is %d hours %d minutes' % (now.hour, now.minute))
  128. elif 'email' in command:
  129. sofiaResponse('Who is the recipient?')
  130. recipient = myCommand()
  131. if 'rajat' in recipient:
  132. sofiaResponse('What should I say to him?')
  133. content = myCommand()
  134. mail = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com', 587)
  135. mail.ehlo()
  136. mail.starttls()
  137. mail.login('your_email_address', 'your_password')
  138. mail.sendmail('sender_email', 'receiver_email', content)
  139. mail.close()
  140. sofiaResponse('Email has been sent successfuly. You can check your inbox.')
  141. else:
  142. sofiaResponse('I don\'t know what you mean!')
  143. #launch any application
  144. elif 'launch' in command:
  145. reg_ex = re.search('launch (.*)', command)
  146. if reg_ex:
  147. appname = reg_ex.group(1)
  148. appname1 = appname+".app"
  149. subprocess.Popen(["open", "-n", "/Applications/" + appname1], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  150. sofiaResponse('I have launched the desired application')
  151. #play youtube song
  152. elif 'play me a song' in command:
  153. path = '/Users/nageshsinghchauhan/Documents/videos/'
  154. folder = path
  155. for the_file in os.listdir(folder):
  156. file_path = os.path.join(folder, the_file)
  157. try:
  158. if os.path.isfile(file_path):
  159. os.unlink(file_path)
  160. except Exception as e:
  161. print(e)
  162. sofiaResponse('What song shall I play Sir?')
  163. mysong = myCommand()
  164. if mysong:
  165. flag = 0
  166. url = "https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=" + mysong.replace(' ', '+')
  167. response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
  168. html = response.read()
  169. soup1 = soup(html,"lxml")
  170. url_list = []
  171. for vid in soup1.findAll(attrs={'class':'yt-uix-tile-link'}):
  172. if ('https://www.youtube.com' + vid['href']).startswith("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v="):
  173. flag = 1
  174. final_url = 'https://www.youtube.com' + vid['href']
  175. url_list.append(final_url)
  176. url = url_list[0]
  177. ydl_opts = {}
  178. os.chdir(path)
  179. with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:
  180. ydl.download([url])
  181. vlc.play(path)
  182. if flag == 0:
  183. sofiaResponse('I have not found anything in Youtube ')
  184. #change wallpaper
  185. elif 'change wallpaper' in command:
  186. folder = '/Users/nageshsinghchauhan/Documents/wallpaper/'
  187. for the_file in os.listdir(folder):
  188. file_path = os.path.join(folder, the_file)
  189. try:
  190. if os.path.isfile(file_path):
  191. os.unlink(file_path)
  192. except Exception as e:
  193. print(e)
  194. api_key = 'fd66364c0ad9e0f8aabe54ec3cfbed0a947f3f4014ce3b841bf2ff6e20948795'
  195. url = 'https://api.unsplash.com/photos/random?client_id=' + api_key #pic from unspalsh.com
  196. f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
  197. json_string = f.read()
  198. f.close()
  199. parsed_json = json.loads(json_string)
  200. photo = parsed_json['urls']['full']
  201. urllib.urlretrieve(photo, "/Users/nageshsinghchauhan/Documents/wallpaper/a") # Location where we download the image to.
  202. subprocess.call(["killall Dock"], shell=True)
  203. sofiaResponse('wallpaper changed successfully')
  204. #askme anything
  205. elif 'tell me about' in command:
  206. reg_ex = re.search('tell me about (.*)', command)
  207. try:
  208. if reg_ex:
  209. topic = reg_ex.group(1)
  210. ny = wikipedia.page(topic)
  211. sofiaResponse(ny.content[:500].encode('utf-8'))
  212. except Exception as e:
  213. print(e)
  214. sofiaResponse(e)
  215. sofiaResponse('Hi User, I am Sofia and I am your personal voice assistant, Please give a command or say "help me" and I will tell you what all I can do for you.')
  216. #loop to continue executing multiple commands
  217. while True:
  218. assistant(myCommand())


