1. 进入 /tmp 目录
2. 创建 fanmao目录
3. 进入fanmao目录
4. 创建文件 helloworld.txt 并输入内容“你好,Mysql”
5. 将fanmao目录压缩为 fanmao.tar.gz
6. fanmao.tar.gz 下载到Windows本地
7. 创建远程仓库 fanmao0528
8. 将 fanmao.tar.gz 文件上传到fanmao0528 远程仓库
9. 浏览器打开远程仓库地址 截图发群:要求 截图中能够显示出 远程仓库的地址 并且有仓库中的问题
25 2021-05-29 10:09:39 cd /tmp/
26 2021-05-29 10:09:45 mkdir fanmao
27 2021-05-29 10:09:47 cd fanmao/
28 2021-05-29 10:09:56 vi helloworld.txt
29 2021-05-29 10:10:18 cd ..
30 2021-05-29 10:10:20 ls
31 2021-05-29 10:10:46 tar -zcvf fanmao.tar.gz fanmao/
32 2021-05-29 10:10:48 ls
33 2021-05-29 10:13:49 sz fanmao.tar.gz
git 操作
2 cd Desktop/
3 pwd
4 git clone https://gitee.com/imzack/hellofanmao.git
5 ls
6 mv fanmao.tar.gz hellofanmao/
7 ls
8 cd hellofanmao/
9 ls
10 git add .
11 git commit -m "add fanmao"
12 git push
13 history
where between… and… 区间
-- 5-10 工作经验的学员信息
select * from taofei54
where workyear BETWEEN 5 AND 10;
where like… 模糊查询
SELECT * from taofei54
WHERE name like "小%";
like 中支持两种通配符
- % 匹配多个字符串
- _ 匹配一个字符串
-- 匹配 1个字符串
SELECT * from taofei54
WHERE name like "小_";
where … is Null 空值
数据表中有 Null 空值。查询的时候使用语法
-- 查询学号为空的信息
SELECT * from taofei54
WHERE number is null;
not 表示相反
-- 查询学号不为空
select * from taofei54
where number is not null;
-- 查询 姓名中不含有 "小" 的学员信息
select * from taofei54
where name not like "%小%"
SELECT * from taofei54
WHERE education not in ("本科","大专")
排序 order by
-- 默认按照升序进行排序 workyear 进行排序
select * from taofei54
ORDER BY workyear;
多个字段排序, order by 后面跟多个字段;
-- 根据两个字段排序,workyear 值一样的情况下,number 排序
SELECT * from taofei54
ORDER BY workyear,number;
-- 查询 学历为本科,研究生的学员,以工作年限进行排序(升序)
SELECT * from taofei54
WHERE education in ("本科","研究生") # 1. 查询
ORDER BY workyear # 2. 排序
desc 降序
-- 查询性别为男,学历本科,工作年限5-10
-- 年限排序(降序排序)
SELECT * from taofei54
WHERE sex="男" and education="本科" AND workyear BETWEEN 5 and 10
ORDER BY workyear DESC;
limit 限制
-- 查询出成绩最高的学员信息
SELECT * from student
ORDER BY score DEsc
SELECT * from student
ORDER BY score desc
limit 2, 3; # 2 表示从 第(2+1)条记录开始,3表示显示3条记录。
-- 查询最近的5个订单
SELECT * from orders
ORDER BY ordertime desc
limit 5
-- 查询最近的第5-10个订单
select * from orders
ORDER BY ordertime desc
limit 4,6
-- 按照总价进行排序;
select *, price*nums from orders
order by price*nums desc;
SELECT id as 序号, price as 单价, nums as 数量, price*nums as 总价, ordertime as 订单时间 from orders;
查询 订单表中 所有的name
-- 查询订单表中 name
select name from orders;
select distinct(name) from orders;
max 最大值
-- 最大
select max(nums) from orders;
min 最小值
sum 求和
-- 今天总共卖出多少件 水果?
select * from orders;
select sum(nums) from orders
where ordertime like ("%05-29%")
avg 平均值
SELECT avg(score) from student
WHERE sname = "张三"
count 出现次数
-- 统计结果中有多少条记录
select count(*) from orders
where ordertime like "2021-05-29%"
- 查询最高工资的人员 ```sql — 工资最高的人是谁?
— 1.查询最高的工资 select max(salary) from employees;
— 2. 查询工资为 60000的人员信息 SELECT * from employees where salary = 60000;
![image.png](https://cdn.nlark.com/yuque/0/2021/png/87080/1622275153935-461f0d4a-3dc9-4933-9b3c-2cc44f667665.png#clientId=u229d70c9-b5ee-4&from=paste&height=62&id=u45abcf74&margin=%5Bobject%20Object%5D&name=image.png&originHeight=123&originWidth=262&originalType=binary&size=5199&status=done&style=none&taskId=uf7db88ef-b547-41bb-8200-1a1f7c1605c&width=131)![image.png](https://cdn.nlark.com/yuque/0/2021/png/87080/1622275161120-08b6379d-fc66-4c07-ba55-fa2349bd7526.png#clientId=u229d70c9-b5ee-4&from=paste&height=93&id=udad28028&margin=%5Bobject%20Object%5D&name=image.png&originHeight=185&originWidth=588&originalType=binary&size=11188&status=done&style=none&taskId=uc535dddd-8e56-41c1-b4f7-138c7cb40b5&width=294)<br />可以使用 子查询的方式将 两个sql语句整合在一起
-- 查询最高工资的人员
SELECT * from employees
where salary = (
SELECT max(salary) from employees
- 查询第二高的工资的人员信息
- 工资去重再排序,找到第二高工资是多少
select distinct(salary) from employees
order by salary desc
limit 1,1
- 知道了第二高的工资是 50000,再查询工资为50000的人员信息
select * from employees where salary = 50000
select * from employees
where salary = (
select distinct(salary) from employees
order by salary desc
limit 1,1
子查询 就是将1条sql的结果作为另外一条sql的条件。
-- 1 班级名称去重后显示
select distinct(classname) from fanmaostu;
-- 2. 统计总共有多少个班级
select count(DISTINCT(classname)) from fanmaostu;
-- 3. fanmao53 班级中学员平均年龄
select avg(age) from fanmaostu
WHERE classname = "fanmao53";
-- 4. 找出年纪最大的人
select * from fanmaostu
where age = (
select max(age) from fanmaostu
-- 5. 找出年纪第二大的人
select * from fanmaostu
WHERE age = (
SELECT distinct(age) from fanmaostu
order by age desc
limit 1,1