
People, especially who take an important role in office, should allow themselves to wholeheartedly listen to some words which do not appeal to them. It requires qualities of tolerance and generosity, which depend on what they do to~~ purify their heart and how they overcome weaknesses~~.

For those in high positions, they must be tolerant enough to embrace what is unpleasant to the ear and gain wisdom therefrom. That means they must refine their character and restrain imperfections of their personality.

  1. 介词使用
  2. 要能够……就需要…… must be… enough to…
  3. 心悦诚服地倾听 embrace
  4. 修养心性 refine one’s character

People in high positions might as well listen willingly to what is unpleasant to the ear but what offers true input. That entails tolerance and magnanimity, qualities that normally come from refined character and restrained personality.

  1. 情态动词使用(要能够……)might as well
  2. (人)从中获得智慧→(逆耳之言)提供“智慧” offer true input
  3. 就需要 entail
  4. magnanimity 宽宏大量
  5. 同位语善用 tolerance and magnanimity, qualities that
  6. 往往 normally


  • 身居要职 occupy an important position; hold an important post
  • 心悦诚服

对批评(逆耳之言)心悦诚服 fully accept sb’s criticism
feel a heartfelt admiration; be completely convinced; be gladly convinced; admire from the heart; be sincerely convinced that the other party is in the right; have real faith in sb.; have sincere belief in…; have faith in sb. and trust him with one’s whole heart; submit willingly [with good grace]; with joy in mind)

  • 逆耳之言

to grate on the ear; to be unpleasant to hear

  • 心性修养

心性 disposition; temperament
修养 cultivated;(理论、知识、艺术等的一定水平) accomplishment; training; mastery


The departure from Beijing to Sha’anxi in 1968 was always aching me, because I was concerned about my mom staying home alone without anyone at her side, seriously sick with a mortal disease. At that time, ~~the stick ~~on home letters carries with loving message from her.

  • 陕西 Shaanxi
  • 漏译“唯一”
  • 在故乡 left alone back
  • 邮票错译 stamp
  • “那枚”——泛指

When I moved from Beijing to Shaanxi in northwestern China in 1968, the only person I was concerned about was my mother, terminally ill but left alone back in the hometown. Parting with her weighed overwhelmingly heavy on my mind, as her days were literally numbered but there was no family around her. The only vehicle of communication between mother and me was a tiny stamp.

  • 时日不多 days are literally numbered
  • 身患绝症 terminally ill
  • 心中最沉重的痛 weigh overwhelmingly heavy on my mind
  • 传递信息 vehicle of communication