    People are not willing to or could not behave according to lessons summerized by ancients, and consequently make terrible mistakes.
    In practice, however, chances are that people deviate from/run counter to/put these insightful adages behind. They simply turn a deaf ear to candid, blunt words, ending up with serious/damaging/grave mistakes/mishaps/blunders/consequences.
    背离 deviate from; depart from+principle/truth
    古训 maxim/precept from ancient times; old adage
    逆耳之言 to grate on the ear; to be unpleasant to hear
    过失 (因疏忽而犯的错误) fault; slip; error; misconduct; culpa; mistake; blunder

    During the hustling journey, we were too busy to appreciate the scenery along the road. After skimming roughly, we could not further explore quiet places.
    Yet fatiguing/tiring/exhausting/long-haul journeys basically mean that I can only get a sketchy picture/glimpse of enchanting/engrossing/inviting/engaging/amazing/arresting natural landscape that greets me along my way as I hurry along to attend to business, with little time left to explore remote, less spoiled serenity.
    奔波 rush about; be busy running about; be on the go/hurry along to attend to business
    劳顿 fatigued; wearied
    车马劳顿 fatiguing/tiring/exhausting/long-haul journeys
    行色匆匆/过眼云烟 get a sketchy picture/glimpse of
    (山水)怡情悦目 enchanting/engrossing/inviting/engaging/amazing/arresting
    幽僻 remote, less spoiled serenity