
获得信息、交流信息 gain and share information

产生重要影响 have greate implications for

社会 community

各级党政机关和领导干部 Party and government offices and officials at all levels

发声 make voice heard

好想法、好建议 meaningful and constructive public input

积极回应网民关切、解疑释惑 readily address concerns and doubts raised by neitizens

来自各行各业 人+representing a broad cross-section of society

…+五花八门 a mixed assortment of…

对不了解情况的要及时宣介 shed light on things for those in the dark

对模糊认识要及时廓清 help people get a clearer picture

对错误看法要及时引导和纠正 set misconceptions straight