

Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) with sparse conditional computation has been proved an effective architecture for scaling attention-based models to more parameters with comparable computation cost. In this paper, we propose Sparse-MLP, scaling the recent MLP-Mixer model with sparse MoE layers, to achieve a more computation-efficient architecture.


We replace a subset of dense MLP blocks in the MLP-Mixer model with Sparse blocks. In each Sparse block, we apply two stages of MoE layers:

  1. one with MLP experts mixing information within channels along image patch dimension,
  2. one with MLP experts mixing information within patches along the channel dimension.


Besides, to reduce computational cost in routing and improve expert capacity, we design Re-represent layers in each Sparse block. These layers are to re-scale image representations by two simple but effective linear transformations.


When pre-training on ImageNet-1k with MoCo v3 algorithm, our models can outperform dense MLP models by 2.5% on ImageNet Top-1 accuracy with fewer parameters and computational cost. On small-scale downstream image classification tasks, i.e., Cifar10 and Cifar100, our Sparse-MLP can still achieve better performance than baselines.



  • 将MoE技术引入MLP模型中,用于替换原始的MLP层。其中,通过构建多个具有不同权重的专家,从而扩大了模型的容量和表达能力,并且通过门控路由机制从而约束了实际使用的专家数量,即所谓的conditional computation。从而不至于带来过多的计算成本和时间损耗。
  • 由于原始空间token数量和通道数量差异较大,这会导致在路由和专家前向计算时不平衡的计算成本(computational cost),所以作者们在空间MoE层的前后通过对空间token数量和通道数量进行平衡(使用线形层重新投影),从而保证了更加平衡和有效的计算过程。

    专家混合结构(Mixture of Experts)


    Sparse-MLP: A Fully-MLP Architecture with Conditional Computation - 图3
    这里从左到右分别是包含Sparse-MLP: A Fully-MLP Architecture with Conditional Computation - 图4个专家的MoE层的聚合操作,用于计算以输入为条件的路由权重的门控网络(使用softmax生成归一化权重,这里引入了噪声Sparse-MLP: A Fully-MLP Architecture with Conditional Computation - 图5从而探索更好的分配策略),以及第Sparse-MLP: A Fully-MLP Architecture with Conditional Computation - 图6个专家层。


  • MoE的思想主要来自于ICLR 2017的一篇文章:OUTRAGEOUSLY LARGE NEURAL NETWORKS: THE SPARSELY-GATED MIXTURE-OF-EXPERTS LAYER (Noam Shazeer, Azalia Mirhoseini, Krzysztof Maziarz, Andy Davis, Quoc Le, Geoffrey Hinton and Jeff Dean),该文提到“The capacity of a neural network to absorb information is limited by its number of parameters. Conditional computation, where parts of the network are active on a per-example basis, has been proposed in theory as a way of dramatically increasing model capacity without a proportional increase in computation.”。

    • 这篇文章通过在LSTM中间插入多个专家结构,通过可训练的门控网络来对专家们进行稀疏组合,从而将模型的能力(capacity)提升了超过1000倍并且只有少量的效率损失。
    • 除了主要的想法与这篇文章类似外,针对MoE结构的优化策略也基本一脉相承。
  • 另外,这篇SparseMLP的工作与作者们的另一篇针对ViT改进的工作Go Wider Instead of Deeper有着潜在的共通点。

Go Wider Instead of Deeper

  • 当然,从损失函数上来讲,其实更像Scaling Vision with Sparse Mixture of Experts这篇文章。损失函数形式非常相似


    对于损失函数,本文延续了之前工作的设定,应用了负载均衡损失(Load Balance Loss)。该损失鼓励横跨专家对输入进行均衡分配。
  1. 重要性损失(Importance Loss):目的是让各个专家信息传播过程中的重要性尽量相近,这样可以保证各个专家可以被尽量选择到并被充分的训练。
    1. 为此,引入了关于专家重要性的定义:Sparse-MLP: A Fully-MLP Architecture with Conditional Computation - 图8
    2. 权重Sparse-MLP: A Fully-MLP Architecture with Conditional Computation - 图9表示MoE层的门控权重矩阵(gating weight matrix),其将输入的Sparse-MLP: A Fully-MLP Architecture with Conditional Computation - 图10维的Sparse-MLP: A Fully-MLP Architecture with Conditional Computation - 图11的映射到专家数量Sparse-MLP: A Fully-MLP Architecture with Conditional Computation - 图12,由softmax处理后即获得每个样本Sparse-MLP: A Fully-MLP Architecture with Conditional Computation - 图13被分配到各个专家的权重。这里将与第Sparse-MLP: A Fully-MLP Architecture with Conditional Computation - 图14个专家有关的各个输入对应的权重加和后获得其对于batch输入Sparse-MLP: A Fully-MLP Architecture with Conditional Computation - 图15的重要性度量。这可以反映出各个专家相较于其他专家,在整体输入被分配处理的过程中所起到的相对作用。
    3. 所以为了尽可能均衡各个专家的重要性,使大家都能更好的“表现”,所以各个专家的重要性应该尽量均衡。于是使用重要性的平方变异系数(the squared coefficient of variation of the importance distribution over experts)作为重要性损失:Sparse-MLP: A Fully-MLP Architecture with Conditional Computation - 图16

论文Scaling Vision with Sparse Mixture of Experts的表4

  1. 负载损失(Load Loss):重要性损失旨在保证所有专家平均而言具有相似的路由权重。但是不幸的是,不难想到这些看上去有着总体趋于平衡的权重的路由配置,仍然有一小部分专家获得了所有分配(可见上表,虽然输入1~4对专家的权重之和均为2,但是却在最终额选择中,仅仅只会选择到专家1和3,而2则无法得到合适的学习)。
    1. 为此这里引入了关于专家负载的定义:Sparse-MLP: A Fully-MLP Architecture with Conditional Computation - 图18
    2. Sparse-MLP: A Fully-MLP Architecture with Conditional Computation - 图19,表示专家Sparse-MLP: A Fully-MLP Architecture with Conditional Computation - 图20在输入batch数据时,对各个样本而言被选中(门控路由大于阈值,即位于前k个最大权重的专家中)的概率和。
    3. 这个概率看上去不太好搞定,但是作者们这里引入了一个正态分布的噪声,使得一切都可以计算了,大致如下式,最后是一个正态分布变量的概率的计算。
    4. 负载损失则表示为负载分布的平方变异系数:Sparse-MLP: A Fully-MLP Architecture with Conditional Computation - 图21Sparse-MLP: A Fully-MLP Architecture with Conditional Computation - 图22

所以MoE层损失为:Sparse-MLP: A Fully-MLP Architecture with Conditional Computation - 图23。这里的超参数Sparse-MLP: A Fully-MLP Architecture with Conditional Computation - 图24用来控制辅助损失在鼓励跨专家路由的平衡,也保证不会压制(overwhelm)原始的模型损失。实际与之前的工作设置一样,都设为0.01。按照之前的工作,这个参数对于性能的影响不太明显。
除了多专家层本身的设定,考虑到在原始的MLP-Mixer中,基于patch的token处理方式导致空间token数量小于通道数量的1/3。这对于MOEs,也就是空间层面上的MoE层而言,会导致路由部分与专家部分计算成本的不均衡。所以作者们引入了一个重表征层(re-present layer)来重新调整MOEs的输入和输出的空间和通道尺寸。其中主要是通过专门的线性层进行处理,伪代码如下:
实际中设置Sparse-MLP: A Fully-MLP Architecture with Conditional Computation - 图26


We find that scaling MLP models in parameters and training them from scratch with limited training data will lead to an overfitting problem. Such finding is consistent with previous work on MLP models (Tolstikhin et al. 2021) and attention based models (Chen, Xie, and He 2021; Dosovitskiy et al. 2020; Xue et al. 2021).
In order to better obtain model capacity, we adopt MoCo v3 algorithm as our default self-supervised training algorithm (He et al. 2019; Chen et al. 2020b; Chen, Xie, and He 2021), and fine-tune models on downstream image classification tasks.
所有的模型都是使用MoCo V3自监督训练得来的

  • 专家数量的影响

这里是分别固定MoEs和MoEc来做实验的,可以看到,MoEs的增加可以带来性能的提升。但是MoEc却会导致下降,作者们认为是造成了过拟合(关于增加针对通道特征的专家数量会导致过拟合的现象在作者们之前的工作Go Wider Instead of Deeper中也有体现)。

  • 路由选择的专家的数量K


  • Sparse Blocks的位置,即MoE结构的位置

对于结构B,原本Sparse Blocks被放置在最后两个阶段,这里进行了对比,可以看到,这样的结构放置到模型最后可以起到更好的效果。

  • 重表征层的作用

