文章标题:Integrated transcriptomics and epigenomics reveal chamber-specific and species-specific characteristics of human and mouse hearts
PLoS Biol 2021 May 18;19(5):e3001229. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3001229. eCollection 2021 May.


DNA methylation, chromatin accessibility, and gene expression represent different levels information in biological process, but a comprehensive multiomics analysis of the mammalian heart is lacking. Here, we applied nucleosome occupancy and methylome sequencing(NOMe-seq), which detected DNA methylation and chromatin accessibility simultaneously, as well as RNA-seq, for multiomics analysis of the 4 chambers of adult and fetal human hearts, and adult mouse hearts.
Our results showed conserved region-specific patterns in the mammalian heart at transcriptome and DNA methylation level. Adult and fetal human hearts showed distinct features in DNA methylome, chromatin accessibility, and transcriptome. Novel long noncoding RNAs were identified in the human heart, and the gene expression profiles of major cardiovascular diseases associated genes were displayed. Furthermore, cross-species comparisons revealed human-specific and mouse-specific differentially expressed genes between the atria and ventricles. We also reported the relationship among multiomics and found there was a bell-shaped relationship between gene-body methylation and expression in the human heart. In general, our study provided comprehensive spatiotemporal and evolutionary insights into the regulation of gene expression in the heart.
测序技术:NOMe-seq and RNA-seq


Data Availability

The authors confirm that all data underlying the findings are fully available without restriction. The raw NOMe-seq and RNA-seq data of human have been deposited in Genome Sequence Archive (GSA) for Human under the accession code HRA000365. The raw NOMe-seq and RNA-seq data of mouse have been deposited in GSA under CRA003798. The processed NOMe-seq data of human have been deposited in OMix (https://bigd.big.ac.cn/omix/) under the ID OMIX247, and the processed RNA-seq data of human and BAM files of 176 novel lncRNAs have been deposited in OMix under OMIX243. The processed NOMe-seq and RNA-seq data of mouse have been deposited in OMix under OMIX245 and OMIX242, respectively. All data mentioned above can be accessed in GSA under BioProject ID PRJCA003611.