- 43 BGP Path Selection 4 - AIGP Metric
- 51 BGP Path Selection 12 - Lowest neighbor IP Address
- 50 BGP Path Selection 11 - Lowest neighbor BGP RID
- 49 BGP Path Selection 10 - Oldest eBGP Path
- 48 BGP Path Selection 9 - Closest IGP Neighbor
- 47 BGP Path Selection 8 - eBGP vs iBGP
- 46 BGP Path Selection 7 - MED
- 45 BGP Path Selection 6 - Origin Code
- 44 BGP Path Selection 5 - Shortest AS_PATH
- 52 BGP Path Selection 13 - Multi-Path
- 42 BGP Path Selection 3 - Originate
- 41 BGP Path Selection 2 - Local Preference
- 40 BGP Path Selection 1 - Weight
- 39 BGP Fundamental 4
- 38 BGP Fundamental 3
- 37 BGP Fundamental 2
- 36 BGP Fundamental 1
- 实验 6X15 - CCNP Mutual Redistribution @David
- 5x BGP Path Selection Summary
- 53 iBGP Scalability Enhancement Route Reflectors
- 54 iBGP Scalability Enhancement Confederations
- 55 BGP Route Summarization
- 56 BGP Route Filtering and Manipulation - Distribution List
- 57 BGP Route Filtering and Manipulation - Prefix List
- 58 BGP Route Filtering and Manipulation - AS_PATH Filtering
- 59 BGP Route Filtering and Manipulation - Route Map
- 60 Clearing BGP Connections
- 61 BGP Community
- 62 Maximum Prefix Count
- 63 BGP Configuration Scalability
- 64 Multiprotocol BGP for IPv6
- 实验 6X14 - CCNP Configure BGP @David
- 实验 6X16 - CCNP Large Scale BGP @David