


  1. from numpy import *
  2. import operator
  3. def createDataSet():
  4. group = array([[1.0,1.1],[1.0,1.0],[0,0],[0,0.1]])
  5. labels = ['A','A','B','B']
  6. return group,labels
  1. Microsoft Windows [版本 10.0.18362.476]
  2. (c) 2019 Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。
  3. C:\Users\Joish>C:\Users\Joish\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\python.exe
  4. Python 3.7.4 (tags/v3.7.4:e09359112e, Jul 8 2019, 19:29:22) [MSC v.1916 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
  5. Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  6. >>> import kNN
  7. >>> group,labels = kNN.createDataSet()
  8. >>> group
  9. array([[1. , 1.1],
  10. [1. , 1. ],
  11. [0. , 0. ],
  12. [0. , 0.1]])
  13. >>> labels
  14. ['A', 'A', 'B', 'B']
  15. >>>


(1) 计算已知类别数据集中的点与当前点之间的距离;
(2) 按照距离递增次序排序;
(3) 选取与当前点距离最小的k个点;
(4) 确定前k个点所在类别的出现频率;
(5) 返回前k个点出现频率最高的类别作为当前点的预测分类。

  1. from numpy import *
  2. import operator
  3. def createDataSet():
  4. group = array([[1.0,1.1],[1.0,1.0],[0,0],[0,0.1]])
  5. labels = ['A','A','B','B']
  6. return group,labels
  7. def classify0(inX, dataSet, labels, k):
  8. dataSetSize = dataSet.shape[0]
  9. diffMat = tile(inX, (dataSetSize,1)) - dataSet
  10. sqDiffMat = diffMat**2
  11. sqDistances = sqDiffMat.sum(axis=1)
  12. distances = sqDistances**0.5
  13. sortedDisIndicies = distances.argsort()
  14. classCount={}
  15. for i in range(k):
  16. voteIlabel = labels[sortedDistIndicies[i]]
  17. classCount[voteIlabel] = classCount.get(voteIlabel,0) + 1
  18. sortedClassCount = sorted(classCount.items(),
  19. key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
  20. return sortedClassCount[0][0]




  1. def file2matrix(filename):
  2. fr = open(filename)
  3. arrayOLines = fr.readlines()
  4. numberOfLines = len(arrayOLines)
  5. returnMat = zeros((numberOfLines, 3))
  6. classLabelVector = []
  7. index = 0
  8. for line in arrayOLines:
  9. line = line.strip()
  10. listFromLine = line.split('\t')
  11. returnMat[index, :] = listFromLine[0:3]
  12. classLabelVector.append(basestring(listFromLine[-1]))
  13. index += 1
  14. return returnMat, classLabelVector
  1. >>> reload kNN
  2. >>> datingDataMat, datingLabels = kNN.file2matrix('datingTestSet2.txt')
  3. >>> import matplotlib
  4. >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  5. >>> fig = plt.figure()
  6. >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
  7. >>> from numpy import *
  8. >>> ax.scatter(datingDataMat[:,1], datingDataMat[:,2], 15.0*array(datingLabels), 15.0*array(datingLabels))
  9. >>> plt.show()
  1. def autoNorm(dataSet):
  2. minVals = dataSet.min(0)
  3. maxVals = dataSet.max(0)
  4. ranges = maxVals - minVals
  5. normDataSet = np.zeros(np.shape(dataSet))
  6. m = dataSet.shape[0]
  7. normDataSet = dataSet - np.tile(minVals, (m, 1))
  8. normDataSet = normDataSet/np.tile(ranges, (m, 1))
  9. return normDataSet, ranges, minVals
  1. def datingClassTest():
  2. hoRatio = 0.50
  3. datingDataMat, datingLabels = file2matrix(datingTestSet.txt')
  4. normMat, ranges, minVals = autoNorm(datingDataMat)
  5. m = normMat.shape[0]
  6. numTestVecs = int(m * hoRatio)
  7. errorCount = 0.0
  8. for i in range(numTestVecs):
  9. classifierResult = classify0(normMat[i, :], normMat[numTestVecs:m, :],
  10. datingLabels[numTestVecs:m], 3)
  11. print("the classifier came back with: %d, the real answer is: %d" % (
  12. classifierResult, datingLabels[i]))
  13. if classifierResult != datingLabels[i]:
  14. errorCount += 1.0
  15. print("the total error rate is: %f" % (errorCount / float(numTestVecs)))
  16. print(errorCount)
  1. def classifyPerson():
  2. resultList = ['not at all', 'in small doses', 'in large doses']
  3. percentTats = float(input("percentage of time spent playing video games ?"))
  4. ffMiles = float(input("frequent filer miles earned per year?"))
  5. iceCream = float(input("liters of ice cream consumed per year?"))
  6. datingDataMat, datingLables = file2matrix('G:/python/machinelearninginaction/Ch02/datingTestSet2.txt')
  7. normMat ,ranges, minVals = autoNorm(datingDataMat)
  8. inArr = np.array([ffMiles, percentTats, iceCream])
  9. classifierResult = classify0((inArr-minVals)/ranges, normMat, datingLables, 3)
  10. print ("You will probably like this person: ", resultList[classifierResult - 1])
