Cool story. 比较敷衍的那种笑死。
    Hey! Look at this video! It’s super funny! 嘿!你看这个影片!超好笑的!
    Cool story! 笑死.

    I’m dead. 真的快要笑死掉的笑死
    I accidentally let out a loud fart yesterday during class. 我昨天不小心在上课时放了一个响屁。
    I’m dead. That’s so embarrassing! 笑死!你也太丢脸!

    LMAO(laugh my ass off),仅用于文字上,不会直接讲出来
    LMFAO, F就是freaking
    I watched a scary movie, then I just peed my pants, a little bit. 我昨天看了恐怖片,不小心吓到稍微闪尿。
    LMAO! Look on the bright side, luckily it’s just pee. 笑死!往好处想,幸好只是尿。

    What a joke 带嘲讽意味的笑死
    Listen to this speech! What he said was like a bunch of nonsense! 听听看这个演说,他说的根据根本一派胡言。
    IKR? What a joke. There’s no logic in his words at all. 对啊!笑死人了。他说的一点也没逻辑。