1. change job (非正式場合)

    e.g. What made you decide to change job? 是什麼使你決定換工作?

    1. jump ship 字面意思跳船,真實含義是跳槽

    e.g. It isn’t always money that makes people jump ship. 有時候人們跳槽並非是為了錢。

    1. job-hopping (最正式最常用的跳槽英文英文表達)

    job hopper:跳槽者
    frequent job-hopping 頻繁跳槽
    career-hopping 換行業
    e.g. Young people are more likely to job-hop for higher salary.
    Job-hopping is on the rise. My friend just changed his job last week.

    1. pastures n.牧場;牧草;草地

    green pastures 更綠的牧場,引申為更好的環境,更加能施展拳腳的地方。