
    1. Anything will do 啥都可以

    What would you like to eat? -Anything will do.(都行,随便你)

    1. It’s up to you 你来决定

    e.g. What will we have for dinner? -It’s up to you.(随便你,你来决定)

    1. It’s your call 你决定/你做主
    2. You’re the boss 你说了算

    e.g. Let’s take a spin. What do you say? -You’re the boss.(听你的)

    1. You decide 你决定
    2. Surprise me 惊喜我吧
    3. Either is fine with me 两个都可以的
    4. I don’t mind 我不介意的/都可以
    5. It depends on you. 取决于你。

    e.g. Do you want to watch this Chinese movie or that Indian one? -It depends on you.(听你的吧)