1. really (過於口語話)

    e.g. The swimmer really performed admirably. 這個游泳者真讓人敬佩。
    正確示範:The swimmer performed admirably.

    1. things(過於泛)

    e.g. The article said a lot of things. 這篇文章講了很多東西。
    正確示範:The article said a lot of principle of interior design. 這篇文章講了很多室內設計的原則。

    1. I believe, I feel, I think (會顯得對自己的看法沒信心)

    e.g. I believe the researcher has a great point here. 我認為研究者講了一個很棒的觀點。
    正確示範:The researcher has a great point here.

    1. very (過於口語化)

    Very good => Wonderful 太棒了
    Very bad => Atrocious 糟透了

    1. You (會讓讀者代入自己,和“我”有什麼關係?)

    e.g. You should not eat too much fast food. 你不應該吃太多快餐。
    正確示範:One should not eat too much fast food.

    1. Some (不夠具體)

    something 有些東西
    sometimes 有時候
    somewhere 有的地方
    somewhat 有點
    somebody 有人
    somehow 不知怎麼的

    1. -ing (讓動詞變弱)

    e.g. Sarch was running through the woods. 薩拉在森林中奔跑。
    正確示範:Sarch ran through the woods.

    1. -ly (副詞修飾的不夠明確)

    e.g. She laughed loudly.
    正確示範:Her loud laugh seemed to reverberate through the party like a gong.