1. shit-faced 爛醉的(俚語)=extremely drunk

    e.g. He went out last night and got shit-faced. 昨晚他出去並且喝得爛醉如泥。
    shit a brick = shit bricks = 非常驚駭
    We were all shitting bricks as the truck missed the car by inches.

    1. You’re wasted. 你喝得爛醉;你喝大了 = You get wasted.

    e.g. He was too wasted to drive. 他喝得爛醉,無法開車。
    She was completely wasted after only on drink. 她只喝了一杯就完全醉倒了。

    1. 其他表達法
    • drunk:醉的,喝醉的

    I got completely drunk at my sister’s wedding. 我在姐姐的婚禮上喝得大醉。

    • 稍微有些醉意

    I’m a little tipsy. 我有點醉了。
    I was a bit buzzed. 我有點醉了。
    I think he’s had one too many. 我覺得他有些醉意了。(one too many:喝多了酒)

    • 大醉

    You’re hammered. 你喝醉了。
    She was blasted. 她喝高了。
    We used to get plastered before every game. 過去每場比賽前,我們都一醉方休。