I’m doomed. 我完了/我死定了/我注定要失败了
    I’m doomed. I forgot I had an interview today! 我完了!我居然忘记今天要面试了。
    Oh my God! This so bad! 天啊!太惨了!

    I’m damned! 我完了
    Are you still chatting with the guy told me last time? 你和上次那个男生还有联络吗?
    I’m damned! I forgot to reply his message. 我完了!我忘记回他讯息了!

    I’m toast! 我完了
    Have you sumitted your assignment? 你交作业了吗?
    I’m toast! I forgot the whole thing. 我完了!我完全忘记了。