
good-looking 好看,帅气
She’s quite good-looking. 她长得真好看。
I noticed him because he was good-looing. 我注意到他因为他长得帅气。

fit 好看,性感,吸引人的
The guy who just walked in is so fit. 剛走進來的那個男的好帥。

hunky 帥;健壯
I saw this really hunky guy in the gym today. 今天在健身房看到個肌肉帥哥。

attractive 好看;有吸引力的
My classmate is really attractive. 我的同學超級好看。

easy on the eye 好看
He’s very easy on the eye. 他很好看。


gorgeous 非常漂亮的;美丽动人的;令人愉快的
Stephen’s girlfriend is drop-dead gorgeous.

stunning 惊为天人的
A stunning person or thing is extremely beautiful or impressive.
She was 55 and still a stunning woman. 她55岁,仍是个极美的女人。

dreamy 美妙的;极好的
If you describe something as dreamy, you mean that you like it and that it seems gentle and soft, like something in a dreamy.
What’s he like? I bet he’s really dreamy. 他长得如何?我敢说他一定很俊。

ravishing 引人入胜的;令人陶醉的
If you describe someone or something as ravishing, you mean that they are very beautiful.
She has no make-up on but she is ravishing. 她没有化妆,但也非常迷人。

If you describe someone or something as fetching, you think that they look very attractive.
She was looking very fetching in a flowered bedjacket. 她穿着印花睡衣,看起来很迷人。

fabulous 极好的,绝妙的
You look fabulous. 你看上去美极了。


classy 优等的,上等的,漂亮的
Annie is very classy. 安妮很有气质。

elegant 高雅的,优雅的;讲究的
Sofia looks beautiful and elegant as always.


dress sense 衣品
When I met Emma I was immediately struck by her great dress sense.


fashionable 流行的;时髦的
She wears a fashionable hair style prevailing in the city.

trendy 时髦的,流行的
I really admire your dress sense. You always look so trendy.


  1. You look so healthy. 你看起来阳光健康。
  2. You’re looking sharp! 你看上去真精神/真棒/真漂亮。
  3. I can’t take my eyes off you. 你美得让人移不开眼。
  4. Your smile melts my heart. 你的笑容融化了我的心。
  5. You have really pretty eyes. 你的眼睛真美。
  6. You are one of kind. 你是独一无二的。
  7. I really love your dress. Where did you get it from? 我好喜欢你的裙子。你在哪买的?
  8. Did you change your hairstyle? I really like it. It really suits you. 你换发型了吗?我特别喜欢。很喜欢你。
  9. You’ve got a great personality. 你的个性很好。
  10. You have a good sense of humor. 你真幽默。
  11. You’re very professional. 你非常专业。
  12. You look great today. 你今天看上去很棒。

Is this a face that launched a thousand ships? 用于夸一个人漂亮