Zip it! 安静点(文雅一点的安静)
    OMG! This joke is so hilarious! 天啊这笑话也太好笑!
    Zip it! We are in a theater! 小声点!我们在剧院里面诶!

    Stop nagging. 别唠叨。
    Why do you always make your room like a mess? 你为什么总是把房间弄的一团糟?
    Stop nagging! I will tide it up late! 别唸了,我等等会整理啦!

    cut the crap 废话少说
    Damn it. Why do I have so many quizzes? 烦诶,为什么我有那么多考试?
    Cut the crap. Take your time to study more, OK? 废话少说!把你讲废话的时间拿去多念点书好吗?

    Cut it out! 够了/别说了!
    Sky, you will have five videos needed to shoot this week. Sky,这周你要拍摄五个影片!
    Cut it out! I only have 8 working hours a day, 5 days a week. I can’t make it! 别吵了,我一天工作八小时,一周工作五天,根本做不完。

    Shut up! 太扯了!/少来了!
    I heard that Andy had ten girlfriends before! 听说Andy交过十个女朋友!
    Shut up! He has been single since birth!