The millions of reads produced by ChIP-seq of RYBP, Cbx7, Ring1B, Suz12,
and H2AK119Ub were aligned with the mouse genome (version NCBIM37)using the Bowtie (Langmead et al., 2009) tool version 0.12.7; two mismatches
were allowed within the seed alignment

Mapping reads

-3/—trim3 Trim bases from 3’ (right) end of each read before alignment (default: 0)
—local In this mode, Bowtie 2 does not require that the entire read align from one end to the other. Rather, some characters may be omitted (“soft clipped”) from the ends in order to achieve the greatest possible alignment score

其实我们在用bowtie2时默认是使用—end-to-end,但是其是要求 entire read align from one end to the other, without any trimming (or “soft clipping”) of characters from either end,所以在使用-3/—trim3参数时,需要再加个—local参数


  1. #/bin/bash
  2. GENOME=/home/anlan/reference/index/bowtie2/mm10/mm10
  3. bowtie2 -p 5 --trim3 5 --local -x $GENOME -U SRR620204.fastq 2> ring1B_bowtie2.log |samtools sort -O bam -@ 5 -o ring1B.bam
  4. bowtie2 -p 5 --trim3 5 --local -x $GENOME -U SRR620205.fastq 2> cbx7_bowtie2.log |samtools sort -O bam -@ 5 -o cbx7.bam
  5. bowtie2 -p 5 --trim3 5 --local -x $GENOME -U SRR620206.fastq 2> suz12_bowtie2.log |samtools sort -O bam -@ 5 -o suz12.bam
  6. bowtie2 -p 5 --trim3 5 --local -x $GENOME -U SRR620207.fastq 2> RYBP_bowtie2.log |samtools sort -O bam -@ 5 -o RYBP.bam
  7. bowtie2 -p 5 --trim3 5 --local -x $GENOME -U SRR620208.fastq 2> IgGold_bowtie2.log |samtools sort -O bam -@ 5 -o IgGold.bam
  8. bowtie2 -p 5 --trim3 5 --local -x $GENOME -U SRR620209.fastq 2> IgG_bowtie2.log |samtools sort -O bam -@ 5 -o IgG.bam


  1. 19687027 reads; of these:
  2. 19687027 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
  3. 7960096 (40.43%) aligned 0 times
  4. 8614711 (43.76%) aligned exactly 1 time
  5. 3112220 (15.81%) aligned >1 times
  6. 59.57% overall alignment rate


  1. samtools index ring1B.bam

Peak calling

Peak calling可以理解为寻找peak出现的位置,而这些位置可能是一些靶蛋白结合的位点,我们做ChIP-seq也就是为了研究捕获到的序列以及其差异。至于其peak calling的原理以及我接下来使用的MACS2软件的原理可以参照Chip-seq处理流程,本来想贴这篇文章作者的博客链接的,结果发现博客打不开了!看了这文章后,大概能了解一点其统计学的含义

  1. conda install -c bioconda macs2

如果报错:CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 CONNECTION FAILED for url [https://nanomirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/cloud/bioconda/linux-64/repodata.json\](https://nanomirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/cloud/bioconda/linux-64/repodata.json/%3E)

  1. vim ~/.condarc
  2. # 删除 - defaults 的行

安装成功后就可以用macs2对每个bam文件进行call peaks了,简单看一下可能会用到的几个参数

  • -t/–treatment 输入文件,支持很多格式,搭配-f/–format使用
  • -f/–format 设定输入文件的格式,这里我会选择bam格式
  • -c/–control 对照组(或者模拟的)数据,需要跟-t的输出文件在相同目录下
  • -n/–name 输出文件(有很多个文件)的前缀
  • –outdir 输出文件所在目录(不设定的话就默认当前目录了)
  • -g/–gsize 提供基因组的大小,程序有默认的几个物种可以选hs,mm,ce,dm
  • -q/–qvalue 设定FDR的阈值,默认是0.05
  • -p/–pvalue 设定pvalue的阈值,如果参数设定了-p,则其会覆盖参数-q的作用
  • -B/–bdg If this flag is on, MACS will store the fragment pileup, control lambda, -log10pvalue and -log10qvalue scores in bedGraph files.

Peaks with a FDR lower than 5% from Cbx7, Ring1B, Suz12, and H2AK119ub,
and lower than 1% from RYBP, were combined to detect chromosomal
regions for further analyses.
We observed an overlap of RYBP peaks (3,918 in
total) with 14%, 42%, and 37% of Cbx7, Ring1B, and Suz12
peaks, respectively (false discovery rate [FDR] = 1%; p = 1 3
10-5) (Figure 1A

  1. macs2 callpeak -c IgGold.bam -t suz12.bam -p 1e-5 -f BAM -g mm -n suz12 2> suz12.macs2.log
  2. macs2 callpeak -c IgGold.bam -t ring1B.bam -p 1e-5 -f BAM -g mm -n ring1B 2> ring1B.macs2.log
  3. macs2 callpeak -c IgGold.bam -t cbx7.bam -p 1e-5 -f BAM -g mm -n cbx7 2> cbx7.macs2.log
  4. macs2 callpeak -c IgGold.bam -t RYBP.bam -p 1e-5 -f BAM -g mm -n RYBP 2>RYBP.macs2.log


  1. wc -l *.bed
  2. 2198 cbx7_summits.bed
  3. 7072 ring1B_summits.bed
  4. 6872 RYBP_summits_2.bed
  5. 2 RYBP_summits.bed
  6. 6633 suz12_summits.bed

回到文章中一看,cbx7、ring1B,RYBP和suz12对应的peaks number分别对应2754、6982、3918和8054。除了RYBP相差的也太严重了,其他的样本也有点差别。RYBP样本肯定无法进行后续分析了,所以按照教程中所说的,从https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE42466把RYBP样本的peaks文件下载下来用用

  1. wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/series/GSE42nnn/GSE42466/suppl/GSE42466_RYBP_peaks_5.txt.gz
  2. gunzip GSE42466_RYBP_peaks_5.txt.gz
  3. mv GSE42466_RYBP_peaks_5.txt RYBP_summits.bed

macs2 call peak出来各个文件的作用可以看官网介绍https://github.com/taoliu/MACS/

  • NAME_peaks.xls 包含called peaks的信息
  • NAME_peaks.narrowPeak is BED6+4 format file which contains the peak locations together with peak summit, pvalue and qvalue
  • NAME_summits.bed BED format, which contains the peak summits locations for every peaks.If you want to find the motifs at the binding sites, this file is recommended
