
A topological sort is an ordering of the nodes of a directed graph such that if there is a path from node a to node b, then node a appears before node b in the ordering. For example, for the graph one topological sort is [4,1,5,2,3,6]:
An acyclic(无环的) graph always has a topological sort. However, if the graph contains a cycle, it is not possible to form a topological sort, because no node of the cycle can appear before the other nodes of the cycle in the ordering. It turns out that depth-first search can be used to both check if a directed graph contains a cycle and, if it does not contain a cycle, to construct a topological sort.

  1. topsort就是有向图的宽度优先遍历的应用
  2. 拓扑序,不唯一
  3. 如要要字典序最小的拓扑序,在遍历入度为0的点的时候,从1开始遍历,并入队
  4. 有明显【层级关系】的问题,可以考虑用topsort()模型



  1. 给出了m趟列车的停靠情况
  2. 每一个车站有一个级别
  3. 停靠的规则是,一旦停靠站A,那么后续经过的所有站,只要站的级别比A大,就要停靠
  4. 问,这n个车站,满足m趟停靠规则的前提下,最少需要区分出来几个级别
  5. 问题具有层级性