Collaboration online shares many attributes with real world collaboration. The goal of this assignment is to compare and contrast how we collaborate in the physical vs. digital space with the goal of gaining insight about what the future of online collaboration could be.
For example, in the physical space you might observe small talk in checkout line at the grocery store. Who do people talk with or not? Why? What do they talk about? What function does this small talk serve, besides killing time? The online counterpart may be a conversation on Reddit or a feed on Facebook in relation to food shopping. In the online version, who you connect with is more selected rather than random. How may this change what people talk about? Another thing to note is that the online world leaves a traces, it’s often searchable forever, whereas the grocery store encounter is momentary.
Step 1: IRL (In Real Life)
Spend at least 30 minutes observing a physical collaboration site, for example: school tutoring, dance practice, boarding an airplane, socializing at a bar, standing in line, moving furniture, work meetings, etc. Take notes and photographs of coordination events: pointing to draw attention, counting out the beat, negotiating where people stand and sit, initiating a conversational turn, implicitly making space for others activities, using eye contact to coordinate timing and attention, the use of paper artifacts to set context, etc.
From your in-person observations, select three acts of coordination: (1) one that you believe was fluent or successful, (2) one that you believe was disfluent or unsuccessful, and (3) one that you found creative or interesting. For each, submit a photograph and write 1-2 sentences describing it. Please do not include faces in your submission (crop or black out photos if necessary). Peer reviewers will be advised to flag submissions that contain faces. If the image contains a visible face that has not been obscured, please report the submission to Coursera using the link found here.
Here is an example of a picture you might take:
In this example, the students have negotiated how to pass the scissors in order to coordinate safety. Notice the students faces are not in the picture at all. Here, the student used a camera placement technique so that no faces would have to be cropped or blurred. Remember, the idea is to photograph acts of coordination, so I encourage you to think outside the box when looking for ways to capture these moments.
Step 2: Online
Identify an online collaboration site that is the closest parallel you can think of to your physical site. For example, for school tutoring, it might be an online tutoring site or discussion forum. Other parallels may require more creativity: like what is the online equivalent of negotiating who gets the armrest in an airplane seat? Maybe it’s coordinating whose question gets answered on a Reddit forum. Again, take notes and screenshots of coordination events. What signals does the platform provide for coordination? How do people create their own cues, or adapt conventions from the offline world?
From your online observations, select three acts of coordination: (1) one that you believe was fluent or successful, (2) one that you believe was disfluent or unsuccessful, and (3) one that you found creative or interesting. For each, submit a screenshot and write 1-2 sentences describing it.
You will also write 2-3 sentences explaining the parallells between the online- and the person observation.
Step 3: Inventing the Future
Based on your observations of these two settings, what is something in real life that you think would be difficult to replicate online? How can you creatively address the function of that goal even if the means is dramatically different. For example, if you observe a meeting, you might see that people raised their hand or lean in or make other physical gestures to request a turn to speak. If you were making a telepresence robot, or video conferencing system for remote attendees to be “co-present”, how might you support the function of conversational turn-taking? Or, you might think about providing an occasion online for people to serendipitously connect with folks in their neighborhood. What might this be? Would it be making visible when others in your neighborhood are on the same website? One solution might be that If you were both viewing the local newspaper, an icon would pop up indicating each others presence.
Your submission will include: the coordination function you identify and seek to reimagine online, a hand-drawn sketch of what that might look like (1 pg), and 2-3 sentences describing how the interface you’ve sketched would work.
你要提交的内容包括:你在网上确定并试图重新设想的协调功能,手绘草图(1 pg),用2-3句话描述你所设计的界面如何工作。