by zoe 2020.07.08

We always try to come up with rules that can summarize a certain perspective of life. Once a practice shows that it will lead to good results, it will be implemented immediately and extensively. However, I doubt that the tendency of forming rules and theories may apply to basic science, but may not for human-beings. Therefore, I have 3 assumptions:

  1. people can evolve/change as they live, and there are so many varieties in real world that you just can’t exactly measure it;
  2. there is an original pulse inside individuals that guide them to act differently, and that is called personalization;
  3. every actions that tries to depersonalize people will fail, including theory generation process.
  4. usually knowledge gap leads to value difference. but sometimes, when knowledge or theory are broadly acknowledged, it will become a common trick and people can barely win respect by doing it.

Therefore, what I want to experience within this repository is:

  1. how many business/design theories are there or to be concluded;
  2. what do they have in common;
  3. what are their disadvantages in common;
  4. does that disadvantage has anything to do with depersonalization of human-beings?