I’ve noticed that many people are volunteering themselves within online/offline communities to mentoring design beginners or peers. I myslef is one of them. This is a fascinating and encouraging because on one hand, to see people giving back to the community and make the whole ecosystem better and better, on the other hand people who give mentoring can also learn from their mentees in the form of a fresher way of thinking. Those actitives and free events are not necessarily profit-oriented, at least not by its purpose from the very beginning.

However, there do have some challenges for such communities. For instance, how can offline event organizors find free places to give talks? How can online organizors filter the information that can positively promote the ecosystem? .etc.

I find this phenomenon charming and I am thinking maybe this can be a way out(at least one of the many ways) to help standarize digital content and promote information/knowledge that can help the online citizens to become a better version of themselves, and maybe a good place for them to feel included and reduce their sense of loneliness?

Recommended online community group

For designers
Linkedin is also a good place to find your own mentorship. Just ping them and usually we can get many responses than expected.