
  • communication is the fundamental element from which trust is built


  • Inspire team, facilitate innovation and change, and hold organizations together in times of crisis.
  • words like issues, challenges, opportunities, because research show that words stimulate brain activity, and brain activity creates mindsets, and mindsets create actions and behaviors. Giving tasks do not motivate people, both intrinsically and extrinsically, and it certainly suppresses people taking initiatives, offering better ideas and how to do the work better and improve. leaders don’t give tasks, they assign various responsibilities, where people can take ownership and initiatives, and be creative. and being proactive can lead to success. (Timothy Connerton)


  • respect attitude尊重(leaders must communicate with respect, show a positive attitude, and act conably, when they talk to the people who they lead)

  • 自信
  • 迅速而透明 swiftly and transparently
  • 耐心倾听和同理心
  • 清晰,富含逻辑且建设性constructive
  • 诚恳
  • trust
  • simple and easy to understand
  • emphasize partnership(a successful leader without full support, dedication and hard work of a great team.)
  • no “can’t”, or “impossible”
  • No head counts, but people
  • help other people succeed, facilitate their success and help them out
  • affect their organization
  • accountability(主动承担责任的)
  • how many problems in your opinion is~


  • 使用动机语言理论(MLT)
  • think about the root causes of the problem, think about the possible solutions you may have, present the best solution to others and explain why it is the best and then we can have a intelligent conversation
  • “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams