1.1.5 The Substitution Model for Function Application
We must evaluate the function expression to get the function to be applied, and we must evaluate the argument expressions to get the arguments.

The process we have just described is called the substitution model for function application. It can be taken as a model that determines the meaning of function application

In practice, the substitution is accomplished by using a local environment for the parameters.
The substitution model is only the first of these models—a way to get started thinking formally about the evaluation process. In general, when modeling phenomena in science and engineering, we begin with simplified, incomplete models.

This alternative fully expand and then reduce evaluation method is known as normal-order evaluation, in contrast to the evaluate the arguments and then apply method that the interpreter actually uses, which is called applicative-order evaluation. It can be shown that, for function applications that can be modeled using substitution (including all the functions in the first two chapters of this book) and that yield legitimate values, normal-order and applicative-order evaluation produce the same value.
JavaScript uses applicative-order evaluation, partly because of the additional efficiency obtained from avoiding multiple evaluations of expressions such as those illustrated with 5 + 1 and 5 * 2 above and, more significantly, because normal-order evaluation becomes much more complicated to deal with when we leave the realm of functions that can be modeled by substitution.
应用次序 遇到表达式就先运算求值,也就是先求参数值,再用参数值应用函数
正常次序 则是先展开,展开到最后只有运算组合了再求值

应用次序 (Applicative order)


正常次序 (Normal order)

很明显,JS使用的是 applicative-order evaluation