Build procss:
sum.c -> C preprocessor: cpp
-> compiler proper (cc1) translate to assemely: sum.s, s - source
-> assembler (AS): translate to machine code: sum.o, relocatable object file
-> linter (LD): excutable : a.out, sum.exe

  1. # -g: start debugger
  2. # -o: output filename
  3. # -Wall: turn on warnings
  4. # -E: will stop after the preprocessor runs
  5. # -S: assembley source file
  6. gcc -E -g -o sum.i demo.c -Wall # stop at the preprocessor
  7. gcc -S -g -o sum.s demo.c -Wall # stop at the compiler proper
  8. gcc -c -g -o sum.o demo,c -Wall # stop at the assembler, machine code
scp file.name yingwei@linux-best.cs.wisc.edu: cs354/
scp source dest


//From uppercase to lowercase
char_uppercase = char_lowercase - ('a' - 'b');

//arrays of characters
char str[] = "CS354"


variable names:

  • uppercase
  • lowercase
  • underscores(library variables)
  • digits - cannot be first

    primitive data type

  • integer - 4 byte

  • modifiers
  • char - 1 byte
  • short int - 2 byte >= char
  • int - 4 byte >=short
  • long int - 8 byte >= int
  • long long int - 8 byte >= long
  • float - 4 byte
  • double - 8 byte
  • long double - 10 byte

    sign + and -

  • unsigned char - 1 bit, 0-255

    C comment

  • // line coment

  • / / block comment
  • //*

comment codes
// */


  • no strings on char[]

    Boolean - no T/F

  • 0 -false

  • 1 - true
  • non-zero - true

C 参数

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
    return 0;
$ ./mysort 2 8 9 1 4 5
argc = 7
argv[ 0 ] = ./mysort
argv[ 1 ] = 2
argv[ 2 ] = 8
argv[ 3 ] = 9
argv[ 4 ] = 1
argv[ 5 ] = 4
argv[ 6 ] = 5

C 语言没有切片操作:q[-1]是越界行为out of boundary,但是[-1]实际上上地址-1*sizeof(datatype)


  1. array不能计算

    int a[] = {1,2,3};
    a++;   -> false, cannot increment an array.
  2. pointer and array

    x == &x[0]
    *x == x[0]
  3. Also, for any array or pointer p and index i the expressions p[i] and (p + i) are equivalent. ```c int p; p[0] == (p + 04); p[1] == (p + 14);

// same meaning int* myPointer = new int[100];

int firstValue = *(myPointer + 0); int secondValue = myPointer[1];

<a name="Qdg4A"></a>


<a name="ilrNe"></a>
# struct
struct student{
    char *name;
    int id;
struct person{
    char name[100];
    int id;
int main(){
    struct student s;
    s.id = 12;
    s.name = "mike";

    struct person p;
    p.id = 22;
    //p.name = "alice" // doesn't work. p.name is a variable in stack and unmutable
    // trying to assign a pointer to a string into a string.
    strncpy(p.id, "alice", 100);

Pointer 指针

  • asterisk, segmentation fault is runtime error
  • 表示定义一个指针变量,以和普通变量区分开,例如int a = 100; int *p = &a;。
  • 表示获取指针指向的数据,是一种间接操作,例如int a, b, p = &a; p = 100; b = *p;。

    int *p = NULL;
    *p = 1;        // this will cause segmentation fault because cannot dereference a null pointer
  • pointer and 2d array

    • A[0][2] = *(A[0] + 2)
    • image.png
    • assign pointer to integer directly ```c double *p = 0;

double *p; p = 0; // by doing this, we assign the address p with 0, we never dereference the p

   - **functions to increment pointer and value **
void increament_value(int *ptr){*ptr += 1;}
void increament_pointer(int **ptr){*ptr += 1;}

int main(){
    int arr[2] = {0, 1};
    int *ptr = arr;
    increament_pointer(&ptr); // this will change ptr to arr2[1]
    increament_value(ptr); // this will change value of arr2[1] as 2


  1. pointer 的sizeof 都是 8,不管是什么类型
  2. sizeof and len

    len("hello") -> 5
    sizeof("hello") -> 6, which will include the last /0 character.
  3. whenever pass the Array to a function, sizeof(Array) will always return the pointer size - 8

i ++ and ++i


strcpy and memcpy

(dest, source)
两者都是复制ptr2 to ptr1, 而不改变ptr内存放的地址。memcpyx需要提供长度(唯一区别)

Memory Alloc

Address Space


Implicit and explicit

  • Implicit - programming language use internal garbage collection, java/python
  • Explicit - malloc / free, programmer responsible

Super Simple Memory Allocator

block - header(metadata), payload(user space), padding(wasted space)
address 0 - 4, store next pointer at the head of the heap
HOWEVER, if I wanna free p2, there is no way to get the size of p2, and this it the problem.


  1. Maxmize throughput
  2. Maxmize memory utlization, minimize padding, holes and metadata


  1. Internal - wasted space inside of a block
    1. alignment
    2. minimize block size
    3. chose no to split
  2. External - have enough total free space to meet the request, but it’s broken into several pieces(object is bigger than hole)

structure: the address should divisible by 8
— metadata (next address / if-allocate)
— payload
— padding

free - coalescing

Math trick

  1. Fitness Policy
  2. splitness
  3. freeing
  4. coalessing
  5. boundary tags (footer) -> like double-linked list
    1. advanced boundary tags


  • immediate - block after (1 step)
  • deferred - block before (traverse)


coalscing after
H1 = size = sum_size / 0
F2 = copy of H1


movl 0x1000, %eax
movl 1000, %eax    // atuomatically converts to hex address and reads memory
location 0x3E8
// register to hold the memory addressing
movl $0x1000, %eax
movl (%eax), %ebx // parentness here means dereference
movl 8(%eax), %ebx
0x1000 + 0x8 = 0x1008   stores 42 in %ebx