High Level Idea:
- Initialize 2 potinters i and j pointing to the head
- While the next move of the faster pointer j is valid (inside bound), move j two steps and i one step forward
- Return the node at i
public ListNode linkedlistMiddleNode(ListNode head){
ListNode i = head, j = head;
while(j != null && i != null){
i = i.next;
j = j.next;
return i;
High Level Idea:
- Initialize two pointers i and j pointing to the head
- Move j k steps forward
- Move both i and j one step forward at a time until j is out of bound
public ListNode linkedlistLastKehNode(ListNode head, int k){
ListNode i = head, j = head;
for(int c = 0; c < k; c++){
j = j.next;
while(j != null){
i = i.next;
j = j.next;
return i;
Recursion 递归翻转单链表
Bottom up recursion 3 steps:
- Ask for subproblem result
- Do something in current level of recursion
- Return result
Recursion 最重要的一点: 相信自己的recurisive function是正确的
High Level Idea:
- Ask for next recursion level result
- Reverse current node
- Return reversed head
使用宏观思想思考递归,切勿跳进递归,base case是替罪羊
//Reverse Linked List
public ListNode reverse(ListNode head){
if(head == null || head.next = null){ //base case
return head;
ListNode reverse_head = reverse(head.next); //宏观思维
head.next.next = head;
head.next = null;
return reverse_head; //new head
ListNode successor = null; // 后驱节点
// 反转以 head 为起点的 n 个节点,返回新的头结点
ListNode reverseN(ListNode head, int n) {
if (n == 1) { //base case 替罪羊
// 记录第 n + 1 个节点
successor = head.next;
return head;
// 以 head.next 为起点,需要反转前 n - 1 个节点
ListNode last = reverseN(head.next, n - 1);
head.next.next = head;
// 让反转之后的 head 节点和后面的节点连起来
head.next = successor;
return last;
- base case 变为n == 1,反转一个元素,就是它本身,同时要记录后驱节点。
- 刚才我们直接把head.next设置为 null,因为整个链表反转后原来的head变成了整个链表的最后一个节点。但现在head节点在递归反转之后不一定是最后一个节点了,所以要记录后驱successor(第 n + 1 个节点),反转之后将head连接上。