Too much Traffic

Many of the problems / which face government nowadays / are international ones.
Take traffic, for example. All the major cities of the world / are having to try to find ways of dealing with too many vehicles / and the congested roads which they cause.
A large number of the vehicles / which clog our cities / are private cars.
Motorists / are very reluctant to leave their precious cars behind / and go to work on public transport, despite / the constant traffic jams.

They regard buses, trams / and trains / as being for / other people, while they themselves / like to drive / from door to door.
Thus, our roads are chock-a-block / with traffic.
Of course, parking space is not al ways available.
Some firms provide / car parks or garages, where at least / some of their employees / can leave their cars.

Most people, however, have to reply on public car parks, often multi-storey ones, or else try to park in the street.

Since this is usually highly restricted, with many parking meters in evidence, parking is a source of fructration to many motorists.

People who are otherwise/ quite law-abiding / are apt / to take a bit of a risk / when it comes to traffic offences.

Thus↑, they ignore both signs↑/ that say / ‘NO PARKING’ / and lines painted down the edge of the road / which indicate parking restrictions.
Should they be away from their cars for longer / than the amount of time allowed ↑/ by the parking me-ter↑, ↑they are not worried - -
↓until they see / that the -traffice warden↑ / has left a parking ticket /on their windscreen, and realize that they will have to / pay /a fine.

The authorities / in more and more cities / are trying to keep cars out of the city center.