minor compaction和major compaction。
在HBase进行major compaction的时候,它会把多个HFile合并成1个HFile,在这个过程中,一旦检测到有被打上墓碑标记的记录,在合并的过程中就忽略这条记录。这样在新产生的HFile中,就没有这条记录了,自然也就相当于被真正地删除了
由于memstore每次刷写都会生成一个新的HFile,且同一个字段的不同版本(timestamp)和不同类型(Put/Delete)有可能会分布在不同的HFile中,因此查询时需要遍历所有的HFile。为了减少HFile的个数,以及清理掉过期和删除的数据,会进行StoreFile Compaction。
Compaction分为两种,分别是Minor Compaction和Major Compaction。Minor Compaction会将临近的若干个较小的HFile合并成一个较大的HFile,但不会清理过期和删除的数据(有异议,)。Major Compaction会将一个Store下的所有的HFile合并成一个大HFile,并且会清理掉过期和删除的数据。
<!-- 一个region进行 major compaction合并的周期,在这个点的时候, 这个region下的所有hfile会进行合并,默认是7天,但是时间是不固定的,有0.5的摇摆范围.可能3.5天就触发,如果正执行高并发的操作,忽然HBase启动了major compaction操作.那么会影响系统性能(IO压力很大,写入非常慢). ,major compaction非常耗资源,建议生产关闭(设置为0),在应用空闲时间手动触发(比如说每天夜里一两点不是很忙了,那么可以写个定时脚本来触发一下) -->
<description>The time (in miliseconds) between 'major' compactions of
HStoreFiles in a region. Default: Set to 7 days. Major compactions tend to
happen exactly when you need them least so enable them such that they
run at
off-peak for your deploy; or, since this setting is on a periodicity that is
unlikely to match your loading, run the compactions via an external
invocation out of a cron job or some such.
<!-- 一个store里面允许存的hfile的个数,超过这个个数会被写到新的一个hfile里面 也即是每个region的每个列族对应的memstore在fulsh为hfile的时候,默认情况下当超过3个hfile的时候就会对这些文件进行合并重写为一个新文件,设置个数越大可以减少触发合并的时间,但是每次合并的时间就会越长 -->
If more than this number of HStoreFiles in any one HStore
(one HStoreFile is written per flush of memstore) then a compaction
is run to rewrite all HStoreFiles files as one. Larger numbers
put off compaction but when it runs, it takes longer to complete.
<!-- 每个minor compaction操作的 允许的最大hfile文件上限 -->
<description>Max number of HStoreFiles to compact per 'minor'
<!-- regionServer的全局memstore的大小,超过该大小会触发flush到磁盘的操作,默认是堆大小的40%,而且regionserver级别的flush会阻塞客户端读写 -->
<description>Maximum size of all memstores in a region server before
updates are blocked and flushes are forced. Defaults to 40% of heap (0.4).
Updates are blocked and flushes are forced until size of all
in a region server hits
The default value in this configuration has been intentionally left
emtpy in order to
honor the old hbase.regionserver.global.memstore.upperLimit property if
在这种情况下,写操作就要被阻塞一直到memstore恢复到一个“可管理”的大小, 这个大小就是默认值是堆大小 * 0.4 * 0.95,也就是当regionserver级别的flush操作发送后,会阻塞客户端写,一直阻塞到整个regionserver级别的memstore的大小为 堆大小 * 0.4 *0.95为止 -->
<description>Maximum size of all memstores in a region server before
flushes are forced.
Defaults to 95% of hbase.regionserver.global.memstore.size (0.95).
A 100% value for this value causes the minimum possible flushing to
occur when updates are
blocked due to memstore limiting.
The default value in this configuration has been intentionally left
emtpy in order to
honor the old hbase.regionserver.global.memstore.lowerLimit property if
<!-- 内存中的文件在自动刷新之前能够存活的最长时间,默认是1h -->
Maximum amount of time an edit lives in memory before being automatically
Default 1 hour. Set it to 0 to disable automatic flushing.
<!-- 单个region里memstore的缓存大小,超过那么整个HRegion就会flush,默认128M -->
Memstore will be flushed to disk if size of the memstore
exceeds this number of bytes. Value is checked by a thread that runs
every hbase.server.thread.wakefrequency.