Our product offering is growing rapidly. Occasionally we start new teams. Backend teams should map to our product categories. Backend teams also map 1:1 to product managers.
    A dedicated team needs certain skills and a minimum size to be successful. But that doesn’t block us from taking on new work. This is how we iterate our team size and structure as a feature set grows:

    1. 1. **Existing Team:**The existing PM schedules issues for most appropriate existing engineering team
    2. - If there is a second PM for this new feature, they work through the first PM to preserve the 1:1 interface
    3. 2. **Shared Manager Team:**Dedicated engineer(s) are identified on existing teams and given a specialty
    4. - The manager must do double-duty
    5. - Their title can reflect both specialties of their engineers _e.g._ Engineering Manager, Distribution & Package
    6. - Even if temporary, managing two teams is a valuable career opportunity for a manager looking to develop director-level skills * Each specialty can have its own process, for example: Capitalized team label, Planning meetings, Standups
    7. 3. **New Dedicated Team:**
    8. - Engineering Manager
    9. - Senior/Staff Engineer
    10. - Two approved fulltime vacancies
    11. - A dedicated PM