1. 企业优化
2. Fetch抓取
Fetch抓取是指,Hive中对某些情况的查询可以不必使用MapReduce计算。例如:SELECT * FROM employees;在这种情况下,Hive可以简单地读取employee对应的存储目录下的文件,然后输出查询结果到控制台。
Expects one of [none, minimal, more].
Some select queries can be converted to single FETCH task minimizing latency.
Currently the query should be single sourced not having any subquery and should not have any aggregations or distincts (which incurs RS), lateral views and joins.
0. none : disable hive.fetch.task.conversion
1. minimal : SELECT STAR, FILTER on partition columns, LIMIT only
2. more : SELECT, FILTER, LIMIT only (support TABLESAMPLE and virtual columns)
3. 表优化
3.1. 小表、大表Join
将key相对分散,并且数据量小的表放在join的左边,这样可以有效减少内存溢出错误发生的几率;再进一步,可以使用map join让小的维度表(1000条以下的记录条数)先进内存。在map端完成reduce。
set hive.auto.convert.join = false; -- 关闭mapjoin功能(默认是打开的)
-- 建立大表
create table bigtable(id bigint, t bigint, uid string, keyword string, url_rank int, click_num int, click_url string) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
load data local inpath '/opt/module/datas/bigtable' into table bigtable;
-- 建立小表
create table smalltable(id bigint, t bigint, uid string, keyword string, url_rank int, click_num int, click_url string) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
load data local inpath '/opt/module/datas/smalltable' into table smalltable;
-- 建立结果表格
create table jointable(id bigint, t bigint, uid string, keyword string, url_rank int, click_num int, click_url string) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
-- 连接操作
insert overwrite table jointable
select b.id, b.t, b.uid, b.keyword, b.url_rank, b.click_num, b.click_url
from smalltable s
join bigtable b
on b.id = s.id;
insert overwrite table jointable
select b.id, b.t, b.uid, b.keyword, b.url_rank, b.click_num, b.click_url
from bigtable b
join smalltable s
on s.id = b.id;
3.2. 大表join大表
-- 建没有Null的表
create table ori(id bigint, t bigint, uid string, keyword string, url_rank int, click_num int, click_url string) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
load data local inpath '/opt/module/datas/ori' into table ori;
-- 建立有Null的表
create table nullidtable(id bigint, t bigint, uid string, keyword string, url_rank int, click_num int, click_url string) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
load data local inpath '/opt/module/datas/nullid' into table nullidtable;
-- 空key过滤
insert overwrite table jointable select n.* from (select * from nullidtable where id is not null ) n left join ori o on n.id = o.id;
-- 空key转换
insert overwrite table jointable
select n.* from nullidtable n full join ori o on
nvl(n.id,rand()) = o.id;
3.3. MapJoin(MR引擎)
如果不指定MapJoin或者不符合MapJoin的条件,那么Hive解析器会将Join操作转换成Common Join,即:在Reduce阶段完成join。容易发生数据倾斜。可以用MapJoin把小表全部加载到内存在map端进行join,避免reducer处理。
set hive.auto.convert.join = true; -- 默认为true
set hive.mapjoin.smalltable.filesize=25000000; -- 大表小表的阈值设置(默认25M一下认为是小表)
3.4. Group By
set hive.map.aggr = true; -- 是否在Map端进行聚合,默认为True
set hive.groupby.mapaggr.checkinterval = 100000; -- 在Map端进行聚合操作的条目数目
set hive.groupby.skewindata = true; -- 有数据倾斜的时候进行负载均衡(默认是false)
当选项设定为 true,生成的查询计划会有两个MR Job。第一个MR Job中,Map的输出结果会随机分布到Reduce中,每个Reduce做部分聚合操作,并输出结果,这样处理的结果是相同的Group By Key有可能被分发到不同的Reduce中,从而达到负载均衡的目的;第二个MR Job再根据预处理的数据结果按照Group By Key分布到Reduce中(这个过程可以保证相同的Group By Key被分布到同一个Reduce中),最后完成最终的聚合操作。
select deptno from emp group by deptno;
3.5. 笛卡尔积
3.6. 行列过滤
列处理:在SELECT中,只拿需要的列,如果有,尽量使用分区过滤,少用SELECT *。
-- 测试先关联两张表,再用where条件过滤
select o.id from bigtable b
join ori o on o.id = b.id
where o.id <= 10;
-- 通过子查询后,再关联表
select b.id from bigtable b
join (select id from ori where id <= 10 ) o on b.id = o.id;
3.7. 动态分区
-- 首先设置非严格模式
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict; -- 默认为strict
-- 创建分区表
create table dept_partition(id int, name string) partitioned
by (location int) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
-- 从原表中向分区表插入数据
insert into table dept_partition partition(location)
select deptno, dname, loc from dept;
4. 严格模式
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=strict; -- 默认为strict严格模式
- 将hive.strict.checks.no.partition.filter设置为true时,对于分区表,除非where语句中含有分区字段过滤条件来限制范围,否则不允许执行。
- 将hive.strict.checks.orderby.no.limit设置为true时,对于使用了order by语句的查询,要求必须使用limit语句。
- 将hive.strict.checks.cartesian.product设置为true时,会限制笛卡尔积的查询。
5. JVM重用
<description>How many tasks to run per jvm. If set to -1, there is
no limit.
6. 执行计划(Explain)
explain select * from emp;