目标: 很多程序支持的参数很多,例如图像处理时,牵扯到太多的图像相关细节,可通过json文件快速描述这些参数,软件去解析json文件




  1. /* cJSON Types: */
  2. #define cJSON_False (1 << 0) // 逻辑值 true 或者 false
  3. #define cJSON_True (1 << 1)
  4. #define cJSON_NULL (1 << 2)
  5. #define cJSON_Number (1 << 3) // 数字(整数或浮点数)
  6. #define cJSON_String (1 << 4) // 字符串(双引号中)
  7. #define cJSON_Array (1 << 5) // 数组(在中括号中)
  8. #define cJSON_Object (1 << 6) // 对象(在大括号中)


  1. {
  2. "flag":true,
  3. "rouble":null,
  4. "num0":30,
  5. "num1":3.2,
  6. "num2":-3.2,
  7. "ip":"",
  8. "arr0":[1,2,3],
  9. "arr1":["n1","n2","n3"],
  10. "arr2":[
  11. {"name":"Diaos","age":18},
  12. {"name":"Goddess" ,"age":16}
  13. ]
  14. }


cjson 使用demo

  1. /* The cJSON structure: */
  2. typedef struct cJSON
  3. {
  4. /* next/prev allow you to walk array/object chains. Alternatively, use GetArraySize/GetArrayItem/GetObjectItem */
  5. struct cJSON *next;
  6. struct cJSON *prev;
  7. /* An array or object item will have a child pointer pointing to a chain of the items in the array/object. */
  8. struct cJSON *child; // 子字段
  9. /* The type of the item, as above. */
  10. int type; // 要去解析json的类型,然后用下边的类型去查找
  11. /* The item's string, if type==cJSON_String and type == cJSON_Raw */
  12. char *valuestring;
  13. /* writing to valueint is DEPRECATED, use cJSON_SetNumberValue instead */
  14. int valueint;
  15. /* The item's number, if type==cJSON_Number */
  16. double valuedouble;
  17. /* The item's name string, if this item is the child of, or is in the list of subitems of an object. */
  18. char *string; // 当前字段的句柄描述,也就是key
  19. } cJSON;


  1. #include "cJSON.h"
  2. int parse_config(const char * jsbuf)
  3. {
  4. cJSON *root = NULL;
  5. cJSON *node = NULL;
  6. root = cJSON_Parse(jsbuf);
  7. if ( NULL == root ) {
  8. printf("%s:Parse root info json failed!", __func__);
  9. return -1;
  10. }
  11. node = cJSON_GetObjectItem((cJSON *)root, "flag");
  12. if ( (NULL != node) && (node->type & 3))
  13. printf("flag is %d", node->valueint); // 逻辑值
  14. node = cJSON_GetObjectItem((cJSON *)root, "ip");
  15. if ( NULL != node && (node->type == cJSON_String ))
  16. printf("ip is %s", node->valuestring); // 字符串char*
  17. // 数组
  18. cJSON * node_arr = cJSON_GetObjectItem((cJSON *)root, "arr0");
  19. cJSON* loop;
  20. int index = 0;
  21. cJSON_ArrayForEach(loop, node_arr){
  22. printf("test_arr1[%d] is %d\n",index,loop->valueint);
  23. index ++;
  24. }
  25. cJSON * node_arr = cJSON_GetObjectItem((cJSON *)root, "arr2");
  26. cJSON_ArrayForEach(loop, node_arr){
  27. printf("test_arr2[%d]-name is %s\n",
  28. index,cJSON_GetObjectItem((cJSON *)loop, "name"));
  29. printf("test_arr2[%d]-age is %d\n",
  30. index,cJSON_GetObjectItem((cJSON *)loop, "age"));
  31. index ++;
  32. }
  33. // free一定要放到所有程序最后去释放,否则其中字符串会丢失
  34. cJSON_free(root);
  35. }