- JTAG引脚定义: JTAG有10pin的、14pin的和20pin-标准
JTAG(Joint Test Action Group,联合测试行动组)调试接口目前主要有10针,14针和20针。
- TMS:测试模式选择,TMS用来设置JTAG接口处于某种特定的测试模式,必须在目标板上将此引脚上拉;
- TCK:测试时钟输入,建议在目标板上将此引脚上拉;
- TDI:测试数据输入,仿真器连接至目标CPU的数据输入信号,建议在目标板上上拉到VDD;
- TDO:测试数据输出,目标板返回给仿真器的数据信号;
- VREF:目标表参考电压信号,用于检测目标板是否供电,直接与目标板VDD相连,并不向外提供输出电压;
- RTCK:目标板提供仿真器的时钟信号,有些项目中是要求JTAG的输入与其内部时钟信号同步,仿真器利用此引脚的输入可动态的控制自己的TCK速率;
- TRST:JTAG复位,连接到目标板CPU的nTRST引脚,用于复位CPU调试接口的TAP控制器;目标板上应该将此脚上拉到高电位,避免意外复位,可选引脚—复位JTAG;
- RESET:仿真器输出至目标CPU的系统复位信号,可选信号-复位CPU;
- USER IN / USER OUT :用户自定义输入输出
JTAG Probe
淘宝链接: JLINK硬件支持SWD和JTAG两种模式,可选使用。转接板信息
rt # trest
device cortex-a7
si jtag
speed 100
i # read id
Available commands are:
f Firmware info
h halt
IsHalted Returns the current CPU state (halted / running)
WaitHalt Waits until the CPU is halted or the given timeout is exceeded.
Syntax: WaitHalt <TimeoutMs> Default timeout is 1000 ms
g go
Sleep Waits the given time (in milliseconds). Syntax: Sleep <delay>
s Single step the target chip
Syntax: s [<NumSteps (dec)>]
st Show hardware status
hwinfo Show hardware info
mem Read memory. Syntax: mem [<Zone>:]<Addr>, <NumBytes> (hex)
mem8 Read 8-bit items. Syntax: mem8 [<Zone>:]<Addr>, <NumBytes> (hex)
mem16 Read 16-bit items. Syntax: mem16 [<Zone>:]<Addr>, <NumItems> (hex)
mem32 Read 32-bit items. Syntax: mem32 [<Zone>:]<Addr>, <NumItems> (hex)
w1 Write 8-bit items. Syntax: w1 [<Zone>:]<Addr>, <Data> (hex)
w2 Write 16-bit items. Syntax: w2 [<Zone>:]<Addr>, <Data> (hex)
w4 Write 32-bit items. Syntax: w4 [<Zone>:]<Addr>, <Data> (hex)
erase Erase internal flash of selected device. Syntax: Erase
wm Write test words. Syntax: wm <NumWords>
is Identify length of scan chain select register
ms Measure length of scan chain. Syntax: ms <Scan chain>
mr Measure RTCK react time. Syntax: mr
q Quit
qc Close JLink connection and quit
eoe Exit on error
Syntax: eoe <1/0>
r Reset target (RESET)
rx Reset target (RESET). Syntax: rx <DelayAfterReset>
RSetType Set the current reset type. Syntax: RSetType <type>
Regs Display contents of registers
wreg Write register. Syntax: wreg <RegName>, <Value>
moe Shows mode-of-entry, meaning: Reason why CPU is halted
SetBP Set breakpoint. Syntax: SetBP <addr> [A/T] [S/H]
SetWP Set Watchpoint. Syntax: <Addr> [R/W] [<Data> [<D-Mask>] [A-Mask]]
ClrBP Clear breakpoint. Syntax: ClrBP <BP_Handle>
ClrWP Clear watchpoint. Syntax: ClrWP <WP_Handle>
VCatch Write vector catch. Syntax: VCatch <Value>
loadfile Load data file into target memory.
Syntax: loadfile <filename>, [<addr>]
Supported extensions: *.bin, *.mot, *.hex, *.srec
<addr> is needed for bin files only.
loadbin Load *.bin file into target memory.
Syntax: loadbin <filename>, <addr>
savebin Saves target memory into binary file.
Syntax: savebin <filename>, <addr>, <NumBytes>
verifybin Verfies if the specified binary is already in the target memory at the specified address.
Syntax: verifybin <filename>, <addr>
SetPC Set the PC to specified value. Syntax: SetPC <Addr>
le Change to little endian mode
be Change to big endian mode
log Enables log to file. Syntax: log <filename>
unlock Unlocks a device. Syntax: unlock <DeviceName>
Type unlock without <DeviceName> to get a list
of supported device names.
nRESET has to be connected
term Test command to visualize printf output from the target device,
using DCC (SEGGER DCC handler running on target)
ReadAP Reads a CoreSight AP register.
Note: First read returns the data of the previous read.
An additional read of DP reg 3 is necessary to get the data.
ReadDP Reads a CoreSight DP register.
Note: For SWD data is returned immediately.
For JTAG the data of the previous read is returned.
An additional read of DP reg 3 is necessary to get the data.
WriteAP Writes a CoreSight AP register.
WriteDP Writes a CoreSight DP register.
SWDSelect Selects SWD as interface and outputs
the JTAG -> SWD switching sequence.
SWDReadAP Reads a CoreSight AP register via SWD.
Note: First read returns the data of the previous read.
An additional read of DP reg 3 is necessary to get the data.
SWDReadDP Reads a CoreSight DP register via SWD.
Note: Correct data is returned immediately.
SWDWriteAP Writes a CoreSight AP register via SWD.
SWDWriteDP Writes a CoreSight DP register via SWD.
Device Selects a specific device J-Link shall connect to
and performs a reconnect.
In most cases explicit selection of the device is not necessary.
Selecting a device enables the user to make use of the J-Link
flash programming functionality as well as using unlimited
breakpoints in flash memory.
For some devices explicit device selection is mandatory in order
to allow the DLL to perform special handling needed by the device.
ExpDevList Exports the device names from the DLL internal
device list to a text file
Syntax: ExpDevList <Filename>
ExpDevListXML Exports the device names from the DLL internal
device list to a text file in XML format
Syntax: ExpDevListXML <Filename>
PowerTrace Perform power trace (not supported by all models)
Syntax: PowerTrace <LogFile> [<ChannelMask> <RefCountSel>]
<LogFile>: File to store power trace data to
<ChannelMask>: 32-bit mask to specify what channels shall be enabled
<SampleFreq>: Sampling frequency in Hz (0 == max)
<RefCountSel>: 0: No reference count
1: Number of bytes transmitted on SWO
---- CP15 ------------
rce Read CP15. Syntax: rce <Op1>, <CRn>, <CRm>, <Op2>
wce Write CP15. Syntax: wce <Op1>, <CRn>, <CRm>, <Op2>, <Data>
---- ICE -------------
Ice Show state of the embedded ice macrocell (ICE breaker)
ri Read Ice reg. Syntax: ri <RegIndex>(hex)
wi Write Ice reg. Syntax: wi <RegIndex>, <Data>(hex)
---- TRACE -----------
TClear TRACE - Clear buffer
TSetSize TRACE - Set Size of trace buffer
TSetFormat TRACE - SetFormat
TSR TRACE - Show Regions (and analyze trace buffer)
TStart TRACE - Start
TStop TRACE - Stop
---- SWO -------------
SWOSpeed SWO - Show supported speeds
SWOStart SWO - Start
SWOStop SWO - Stop
SWOStat SWO - Display SWO status
SWORead SWO - Read and display SWO data
SWOShow SWO - Read and analyze SWO data
SWOFlush SWO - Flush data
SWOView SWO - View terminal data
---- PERIODIC --------
PERConf PERIODIC - Configure
PERStat PERIODIC - Display status
PERRead PERIODIC - Read and display data
PERShow PERIODIC - Read and analyze data
---- File I/O --------
fwrite Write file to emulator
fread Read file from emulator
fshow Read and display file from emulator
fdelete Delete file on emulator
fsize Display size of file on emulator
flist List directory on emulator
SecureArea Creates/Removes secure area on probe
---- Test ------------
TestHaltGo Run go/halt 1000 times
TestStep Run step 1000 times
TestCSpeed Measure CPU speed.
Parameters: [<RAMAddr>]
TestWSpeed Measure download speed into target memory.
Parameters: [<Addr> [<Size>]]
TestRSpeed Measure upload speed from target memory.
Parameters: [<Addr> [<Size>] [<NumBlocks>]]
TestNWSpeed Measure network download speed.
Parameters: [<NumBytes> [<NumReps>]]
TestNRSpeed Measure network upload speed.
Parameters: [<NumBytes> [<NumReps>]]
---- JTAG ------------
JTAGConf Set number of IR/DR bits before ARM device.
Syntax: Config <IRpre>, <DRpre>
speed Set target interface speed. Syntax: speed <freq>|auto|adaptive, e.g. speed 2000, speed a
i Read JTAG Id (Host CPU)
wjc Write JTAG command (IR). Syntax: wjc <Data>(hex)
wjd Write JTAG data (DR). Syntax: wjd <Data64>(hex), <NumBits>(dec)
RTAP Reset TAP Controller using state machine (111110)
wjraw Write Raw JTAG data. Syntax: wjraw <NumBits(dec)>, <tms>, <tdi>
rt Reset TAP Controller (nTRST)
---- JTAG-Hardware ---
c00 Create clock with TDI = TMS = 0
c Clock
tck0 Clear TCK
tck1 Set TCK
0 Clear TDI
1 Set TDI
t0 Clear TMS
t1 Set TMS
trst0 Clear TRST
trst1 Set TRST
r0 Clear RESET
r1 Set RESET
---- Connection ------
usb Connect to J-Link via USB. Syntax: usb <port>, where port is 0..3
ip Connect to J-Link ARM Pro or J-Link TCP/IP Server via TCP/IP.
Syntax: ip <ip_addr>
---- Configuration ---
si Select target interface. Syntax: si <Interface>,
where <Interface> can be any supported target interface (e.g SWD, JTAG, ICSP, FINE, ...
power Switch power supply for target. Syntax: power <State> [perm],
where State is either On or Off. Example: power on perm
wconf Write configuration byte. Syntax: wconf <offset>, <data>
rconf Read configuration bytes. Syntax: rconf
license Shows a list of all available license commands
ipaddr Show/Assign IP address and subnetmask of/to the connected J-Link.
gwaddr Show/Assign network gateway address of/to the connected J-Link.
dnsaddr Show/Assign network DNS server address of/to the connected J-Link.
conf Show configuration of the connected J-Link.
calibrate Calibrate the target current measurement.
selemu Select a emulator to communicate with,
from a list of all emulators which are connected to the host
The interfaces to search on, can be specified
Syntax: selemu [<Interface0> <Interface1> ...]
ShowEmuList Shows a list of all emulators which are connected to the host.
The interfaces to search on, can be specified.
Syntax: ShowEmuList [<Interface0> <Interface1> ...]
VCOM enable/disable VCOM. Takes effect after power cycle of the J-Link
Syntax: VCOM <enable|disable>
VTREF Sets a fixed value for VTref on J-Link.
Syntax: VTREF <ValuemV>
- Supports most Cortex A-R-M, RX and Power PC devices/cores
- Supports the following internal and external flash devices:
- Internal flash of most popular microcontrollers
- CFI-compliant NOR flash (the combinations 18x, 2x8, 1x16, 2x16 are supported)
- Most non-CFI compliant NOR flash devices (the combinations 1x8, 2x8, 1x16, 2x16 are supported)
- SPI NOR-flash
- NAND flash
Please specify device / core. <Default>: CORTEX-A9
Type '?' for selection dialog
Please specify target interface:
J) JTAG (Default)
C) C2
Device position in JTAG chain (IRPre,DRPre) <Default>: -1,-1 => Auto-detect
ERROR while parsing value for IRPre. Using default: -1.
ERROR while parsing value for DRPre. Using default: -1.
Specify target interface speed [kHz]. <Default>: 4000 kHz
Speed>speed 100
ERROR while parsing value for speed. Using default: 4000 kHz.
Device "CORTEX-A9" selected.
Connecting to target via JTAG
TotalIRLen = 4, IRPrint = 0x01
JTAG chain detection found 1 devices:
#0 Id: 0x4BA00477, IRLen: 04, CoreSight JTAG-DP
Scanning AP map to find all available APs
AP[3]: Stopped AP scan as end of AP map has been reached
AP[0]: AHB-AP (IDR: 0x44770001)
AP[1]: APB-AP (IDR: 0x24770002)
AP[2]: JTAG-AP (IDR: 0x14760010)
Iterating through AP map to find APB-AP to use
AP[0]: Skipped. Not an APB-AP
AP[1]: APB-AP found
ROMTbl[0][0]: CompAddr: 80001000 CID: B105900D, PID:04-003BB907 ETB
ROMTbl[0][1]: CompAddr: 80002000 CID: B105900D, PID:04-003BB906 CTI
ROMTbl[0][2]: CompAddr: 80003000 CID: B105900D, PID:04-004BB912 TPIU
ROMTbl[0][3]: CompAddr: 80004000 CID: B105900D, PID:04-001BB908 CSTF
ROMTbl[0][4]: CompAddr: 80005000 CID: B105900D, PID:04-002BB913 ITM
ROMTbl[0][5]: CompAddr: 80006000 CID: B105900D, PID:04-002BB914 SWO
ROMTbl[0][6]: CompAddr: 80008000 CID: 00000000, PID:00-00000000 ???
ROMTbl[0][7]: CompAddr: 80010000 CID: B105900D, PID:04-000BBC09 Cortex-A9
Found Cortex-A9 r3p0
6 code breakpoints, 4 data breakpoints
Debug architecture ARMv7.0
Data endian: little
Main ID register: 0x413FC090
I-Cache L1: 32 KB, 256 Sets, 32 Bytes/Line, 4-Way
D-Cache L1: 32 KB, 256 Sets, 32 Bytes/Line, 4-Way
System control register:
Instruction endian: little
Level-1 instruction cache enabled
Level-1 data cache disabled
MMU enabled
Branch prediction enabled
Memory zones:
[0]: Default (Default access mode)
[1]: AHB-AP (AP0) (DMA like acc. in AP0 addr. space)
[2]: APB-AP (AP1) (DMA like acc. in AP1 addr. space)
Cortex-A9 identified.
CPU is not halted !
PC: (R15) = C3E14EE8, CPSR = 400001D3 (SVC mode, ARM FIQ dis. IRQ dis.)
R0 =13820000, R1 =C3E329C4, R2 =C3E3EC78, R3 =0001000E
R4 =C3E3EA3C, R5 =C3E3EA3C, R6 =0000000C, R7 =00000022
R8 =C3CFBFF0, R9 =00000000, R10=00200000, R11=00000000, R12=FFFFFFFF
R13=43FFEF88, R14=C3E14EE8, SPSR=00000C55
USR: R8 =C3CFBFF0, R9 =00000000, R10=00200000, R11=00000000, R12=FFFFFFFF
R13=00000000, R14=00000000
FIQ: R8 =00000000, R9 =00000000, R10=00000000, R11=00000000, R12=00000000
R13=00000000, R14=00000000, SPSR=70081280
IRQ: R13=02020700, R14=00000000, SPSR=E4024E85
SVC: R13=43FFEF88, R14=C3E14EE8, SPSR=CC08C824
ABT: R13=00000000, R14=00000000, SPSR=82090C28
UND: R13=00000000, R14=00000000, SPSR=B80B2D51
JLINK官网和下载地址, 中文推荐文档
注: 这里选择MDK-ARM
https://bbs.elecfans.com/jishu_1897394_1_1.html 破解器
这个是个开源的JLINK库,以后有空了可以试试 , 这样可能可以绕过JTAG ID
安装好vivado软件后,链接上JTAG,安装驱动 “./2017.4/data/xicom/cable_drivers/lin64/install_script/install_drivers/install_drivers”
选择vivado-》open Hardware Manager
左上角open target 选择Auto connect,等链接上后,JTAG灯变绿