


可以打包成 windwos/mac os/linux系统的应用

  1. # 安装nativefier
  2. npm install nativefier -g
  3. # 打包应用
  4. nativefier "http://medium.com"
  5. # 打包应用并指定名称
  6. nativefier --name "Some Awesome App" "http://medium.com"




  1. # 查看帮助命令
  2. nativefier --help
  3. Usage: cli [options] <targetUrl> [dest]
  4. Options:
  5. -v, --version 版本号,output the version number
  6. -n, --name <value> 指定应用名称 app name
  7. -p, --platform <value> 'osx', 'mas', 'linux' or 'windows'
  8. -a, --arch <value> 'ia32' or 'x64' or 'armv7l'
  9. --app-version <value> The release version of the application. Maps to the `ProductVersion` metadata property on Windows, and `CFBundleShortVersionString` on OS X.
  10. --build-version <value> The build version of the application. Maps to the `FileVersion` metadata property on Windows, and `CFBundleVersion` on OS X.
  11. --app-copyright <value> The human-readable copyright line for the app. Maps to the `LegalCopyright` metadata property on Windows, and `NSHumanReadableCopyright` on OS X
  12. --win32metadata <json-string> a JSON string of key/value pairs of application metadata (ProductName, InternalName, FileDescription) to embed into the executable (Windows only).
  13. -e, --electron-version <value> electron version to package, without the 'v', see https://github.com/electron/electron/releases
  14. --no-overwrite do not override output directory if it already exists, defaults to false
  15. -c, --conceal packages the source code within your app into an archive, defaults to false, see https://electronjs.org/docs/tutorial/application-packaging
  16. --counter if the target app should use a persistent counter badge in the dock (macOS only), defaults to false
  17. --bounce if the the dock icon should bounce when counter increases (macOS only), defaults to false
  18. -i, --icon <value> the icon file to use as the icon for the app (should be a .png)
  19. --width <value> set window default width, defaults to 1280px
  20. --height <value> set window default height, defaults to 800px
  21. --min-width <value> set window minimum width, defaults to 0px
  22. --min-height <value> set window minimum height, defaults to 0px
  23. --max-width <value> set window maximum width, default is no limit
  24. --max-height <value> set window maximum height, default is no limit
  25. --x <value> set window x location
  26. --y <value> set window y location
  27. -m, --show-menu-bar set menu bar visible, defaults to false
  28. -f, --fast-quit quit app after window close (macOS only), defaults to false
  29. -u, --user-agent <value> set the user agent string for the app
  30. --honest prevent the nativefied app from changing the user agent string to masquerade as a regular chrome browser
  31. --ignore-certificate ignore certificate related errors
  32. --disable-gpu disable hardware acceleration
  33. --ignore-gpu-blacklist allow WebGl apps to work on non supported graphics cards
  34. --enable-es3-apis force activation of WebGl 2.0
  35. --insecure enable loading of insecure content, defaults to false
  36. --flash if flash should be enabled
  37. --flash-path <value> path to Chrome flash plugin, find it in `Chrome://plugins`
  38. --disk-cache-size <value> forces the maximum disk space (in bytes) to be used by the disk cache
  39. --inject <value> path to a CSS/JS file to be injected (default: [])
  40. --full-screen if the app should always be started in full screen
  41. --maximize if the app should always be started maximized
  42. --hide-window-frame disable window frame and controls
  43. --verbose if verbose logs should be displayed
  44. --disable-context-menu disable the context menu
  45. --disable-dev-tools disable developer tools
  46. --zoom <value> default zoom factor to use when the app is opened, defaults to 1.0
  47. --internal-urls <value> regular expression of URLs to consider "internal"; all other URLs will be opened in an external browser. (default: URLs on same second-level domain as app)
  48. --proxy-rules <value> proxy rules. See https://electronjs.org/docs/api/session?q=proxy#sessetproxyconfig-callback
  49. --crash-reporter <value> remote server URL to send crash reports
  50. --single-instance allow only a single instance of the application
  51. --clear-cache prevent the application from preserving cache between launches
  52. --processEnvs <json-string> a JSON string of key/value pairs to be set as environment variables before any browser windows are opened.
  53. --file-download-options <json-string> a JSON string of key/value pairs to be set as file download options. See https://github.com/sindresorhus/electron-dl for available options.
  54. --tray [start-in-tray] Allow app to stay in system tray. If 'start-in-tray' is given as argument, don't show main window on first start
  55. --basic-auth-username <value> basic http(s) auth username
  56. --basic-auth-password <value> basic http(s) auth password
  57. --always-on-top enable always on top window
  58. --title-bar-style <value> (macOS only) set title bar style ('hidden', 'hiddenInset'). Consider injecting custom CSS (via --inject) for better integration.
  59. --global-shortcuts <value> JSON file with global shortcut configuration. See https://github.com/jiahaog/nativefier/blob/master/docs/api.md#global-shortcuts
  60. --browserwindow-options <json-string> a JSON string that will be sent directly into electron BrowserWindow options. See https://github.com/jiahaog/nativefier/blob/master/docs/api.md#browserwindow-options
  61. --background-color <value> Sets the background color (for seamless experience while the app is loading). Example value: '#2e2c29'
  62. --darwin-dark-mode-support (macOS only) enable Dark Mode support on macOS 10.14+
  63. -h, --help output usage information


  1. # 命令行格式
  2. nativefier [options] <targetUrl> [dest]
  3. # 打包的我的测试网站为app
  4. ## 预发版-测试
  5. nativefier --name "云创"\
  6. --platform windows\ 指定生成对应平台的应用'osx', 'mas', 'linux' or 'windows'
  7. --iocn "./ioc.ico"\ 指定图标
  8. --ignore-certificate\ 忽略证书措施
  9. --ignore-gpu-blacklist\ 忽略gpu黑名单 以允许WebGL应用程序在不支持的图形卡上运行
  10. --insecure\ 强制打包的应用忽略Web安全错误,例如在HTTPS站点上接收HTTP内容时的“混合内容”错误
  11. --disable-dev-tools\ 禁用开发者工具
  12. --single-instance\ 应用单例启动
  13. --clear-cache\ 每次清除缓存
  14. --tray\ 应用程序将作为图标保留在系统托盘中。防止通过单击窗口关闭按钮关闭应用程序
  15. --darwin-dark-mode-support\ 暗黑模式支持
  16. ""
  17. # 预发版
  18. # Windows
  19. nativefier --name "云创" --platform windows --iocn "./icon.ico" --ignore-certificate --ignore-gpu-blacklist --insecure --disable-dev-tools --single-instance --clear-cache --tray --darwin-dark-mode-support --disable-context-menu ""
  20. # Mac os
  21. nativefier --name "云创" --platform osx --iocn "./icon.ico" --ignore-certificate --ignore-gpu-blacklist --insecure --disable-dev-tools --single-instance --clear-cache --tray --darwin-dark-mode-support --disable-context-menu ""



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制作Mac OS安装包

把任意网站封装成桌面应用 - 图4
把任意网站封装成桌面应用 - 图5
把任意网站封装成桌面应用 - 图6
把任意网站封装成桌面应用 - 图7