
Buttons communicate actions that users can take. They are typically placed throughout your UI, in places like:

  • 对话框/Dialogs
  • 模态窗口/Modal windows
  • 表单/Forms
  • 卡片/Cards
  • 工具栏/Toolbars


Identifiable: Buttons should indicate that they can triiger an action.

Findable: Buttons should be easy to find among other elements, including other buttons.

Clear: A button’s action and state should be clear.

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按钮的类型/Button types

纯文字按钮/Text button


Text buttons are typically used for less-pronounced actions, including those located:

  • 对话框/In dialogs
    对话框中为了保持和文字内容风格的统一常常会使用无边框纯文字的按钮。一般在从左到右的阅读顺序中,按钮会沿右边对齐。Dialogs use text buttons because the absence of a container helps unify the action with the dialog text. Align text buttons to the right edge for left-to-right scripts.
  • 卡片/ In cards

在卡片中,纯文字按钮可以帮助强调卡片本身的文字内容。要尽量使用短小精悍的文字作为按钮,避免出现太长的内容。In cards, text buttons help maintain an emphasis on card content. Avoid text labels that are too long. They should be concise.

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线型边框按钮/Outlined button

线型边框按钮是中等强调的按钮(强调层级比纯文字高,比填充型低)。它们包含了应用中一些重要但是却不主要/被期待的操作行为。Outlined buttons are medium-emphasis buttons(lower emphasis alternative to contained buttons, or a higher emphasis alternative to text buttons). They contain actions that are important, but aren’t the primary action in an app.

Outlined buttons display a stroke around a text label. Stroke can be represented in different ways:
一:将按钮的宽度设置为文字标签的宽度,左右两边各留出16dp的间距,按钮的宽度随着文字长度改变。Set a button’s width to be the size of the text label, with 16dp padding on the left and right,and its width will dynamically fit the text label.。
二:将按钮的相对位置设定与响应式布局一致。Set the button’s relative position to the responsive layout grid.


  • 背景图上层

线型边框按钮可用于不同背景之上,从而不会对背景造成太大的影响。Outlined buttons can be placed on top of a variety of backgrounds. Its container is transparent and until the button is interacted with, a color isn’t visible.

  • 和填充型按钮同时出现,用于弱化操作

和填充型按钮同时出现,用与弱化不安全或者危险的用户操作。Appear together with Contained button in order to weaken unsafe operations.

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填充型按钮/Contained button

Contained buttons are high-emphasis, distinguished by their use of elevation and fill. They contain actions that are primary to your app, they can be used where the platform wants to strongly suggest something that the user should do.

同样的,可以设定按钮的宽度随文字或者布局改变。需要注意的是,不要在同一个按钮里面使用一个以上icon。Similarly, the width of the button can be set to change with the text or layout. Don’t use more than 1 icon in the same button.


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切换型按钮/Toggle button

切换按钮可用于对相关选项进行分组。为了强调相关的切换按钮组,组应该共享一个公共容器。一次只能选择并激活一组切换按钮中的一个选项。选择一个选项将取消选择任何其他选项。Toggle buttons can be used to group related options. To emphasize groups of related toggle buttons, a group should share a common container. Only one option in a group of toggle buttons can be selected and active at a time. Selecting one option deselects any other.

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按钮的重要层级/Importance hierachy

A layout should contain a single prominent button that makes it clear that other buttons have less importance in the hierarchy. This high-emphasis button commands the most attention.

An app can show more than one button in a layout at a time, so a high-emphasis button can be accompanied by medium- and low-emphasis buttons that perform less important actions. When using multiple buttons, ensure the available state of one button doesn’t look like the disabled state of another.

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Refernce link: https://material.io/components/buttons/#usage