

  1. 设计思路:是否展示了完整的设计过程和思路?设计过程中是否充分运用了各种设计方式(用户调研究、流程图、线框图、低保真 / 高保真、原型制作等)?是否有针对每个项目应用最合理的设计流程和设计工具?是否有自己的想法和见解、有 big picture thinking?
    2. 以用户为中心的设计理念:是否有尽自己所能去了解目标用户?在设计过程中是否考虑到了不同用户的需求?设计的核心是不是为了解决实际问题?是否会操作用户测试、以及合理地根据用户反馈修改设计?
    3. 视觉执行:是否能熟练运用色彩、排版、字体?是否能正确应用各平台的设计规范?是否能针对不同项目的品牌需求提出对应的视觉方案?
    4. 创新能力:不同作品之中是否有自己的独到之处,而不是套用类似的模式?是否能突破框架尝试与众不同的方案?是否能在新奇的交互模式与可用性之间权衡?



  2. 沟通 / 表达能力:阐述自己的作品和思路的时候表达是否清晰干练?和产品经理、工程师、researcher 的合作经历是怎样的?在合作中遇到摩擦是怎么处理的?怎么和工程师表述设计中的交互细节?
    2. 产品执行能力:在快节奏、高压力的工作环境下,是否能在设计质量与工作速度之间做出权衡?怎么决定“这就是正确的设计方案”?产品开发中遇到障碍的时候是怎么解决的?是否能在虚心接受不同意见的同时、坚持以用户为中心的设计理念,不为了迎合别人而放弃可用性?

Key factors of telling a story

I tried to achieve Goal BECAUSE motivation BUT Conflict.(1)
Template: I had a X week project in class name where we were asked to challenge. I did this, and it’s important BECAUSE.(1)

1. Goal

What and why matters.
Many pitchers will state the goal, but because they are so deep in the problem, they forget to clearly say why it matters to the pitchee (BECAUSE) and why it’s hard to do (BUT.) Startups will assume everyone knows why natural language processing matters, but VCs want to hear why you care so much. (1)

2. Motivation/situation

You don’t need the full “what, what, why, when, how” of journalism. You do need to tell your audience
_what was the challenge you faced in enough detail so that they understand why what you did was difficult yet worth doing.(1) _what are the constrains and limitatins are there?

2. Conflicts/struggles

The speaker: But…
The audience: “what the heck are they going to do next?”(1)

3. Solution

Keep it short, and let it tease the audience into asking questions.(1)
eg. “And then we realized: it was all about culture.”(1)

Some actionable suggestions

  1. Avoid super detailed explanations, and make the presentation easy to digest and visually scannable.
  2. Imagine people will only look at it for 3s per slide
  3. Design the experience of your audience (2)
    1. you can also design the experience of the people who will recruit you. Who are they? What are their goals and motivations? What does a day in their life look like? What is their user journey? How do they interact with “your touchpoints” (your Linkedin, your portfolio website, phone interviews, etc.)?
  4. Do not get anxious about a perfect design. Each company has a differenct culture and design maturity.
  5. You should be able to make your story interesting to on experts.
  6. Choose one project and tell the best possible story about it. Choose the coolest, most interesting project you’ve done. Don’t necessarily make it your prettiest project or the one for a very famous brand, but the most exciting project. _Once you’ve selected it, tell a story. Become the screenwriter of your own movie, telling a tale, or a hero’s journey (3)_
  7. To talk about what didn’t work out well. Telling your future boss how you handled and solved these issues can build great credibility (3)
  8. Allow people to understand the story by only seeing the content/titles.

