title: Design and Dimension unit

It is recommended to use px, % for dimension units in Taro, Taro will convert all units by default. In Taro, the size is written in a 1:1 relationship, that is, if the length 100px is measured from the design, then the size is written as 100px, and when it is converted to WeChat mini-program, the size will be converted to 100rpx by default, and when it is converted to H5, it will be converted to a value in rem by default.

If you want some of the px units not to be converted to rpx or rem, it is most convenient to add a capital letter to the px units, such as Px or PX, which will be ignored by the conversion plugin.

Taro defaults to 750px as the conversion size standard, if the design is not 750px, you need to set it in the project configuration config/index.js, for example, if the design size is 640px, you need to modify the designWidth to 640.

```jsx title=”/config/index.js” const config = { projectName: ‘myProject’, date: ‘2018-4-18’, designWidth: 640, …. }

  1. Taro supports `750`, `640` and `828` sizes and their conversion rules are as follows.
  2. ```jsx
  3. const DEVICE_RATIO = {
  4. '640': 2.34 / 2,
  5. '750': 1,
  6. '828': 1.81 / 2
  7. }

When using Taro, it is recommended to use iPhone 6 750px as the design size standard.

If your design is 375, which is not one of the three above, then you need to configure designWidth to 375 and add the conversion rule in DEVICE_RATIO as follows.

```jsx {5} const DEVICE_RATIO = { ‘640’: 2.34 / 2, ‘750’: 1, ‘828’: 1.81 / 2, ‘375’: 2 / 1 }

  1. ## API
  2. During compilation, Taro will do the size conversion for you, but if you write inline styles in JS, you can't do the replacement.
  3. In this case, Taro provides the API `Taro.pxTransform` to do the size conversion at runtime.
  4. ```jsx
  5. Taro.pxTransform(10)


The default configuration converts all px units, and Px or PX with uppercase letters are ignored.

The default values of the parameters are as follows:

  1. {
  2. onePxTransform: true,
  3. unitPrecision: 5,
  4. propList: ['*'],
  5. selectorBlackList: [],
  6. replace: true,
  7. mediaQuery: false,
  8. minPixelValue: 0
  9. }

Type: Object | Null

onePxTransform (Boolean)

Set whether 1px needs to be converted

unitPrecision (Number)

The number of decimal places allowed in the REM unit.

propList (Array)

The property that allows the conversion.

  • Values need to be exact matches.
  • Use wildcard * to enable all properties. Example: ['*']
  • Use * at the start or end of a word. (['*position*'] will match background-position-y)
  • Use ! to not match a property. Example: ['*', '!letter-spacing']
  • Combine the “not” prefix with the other prefixes. Example: ['*', '!font*']


Selectors in the blacklist will be ignored.

  • If value is string, it checks to see if selector contains the string.
    • ['body'] will match .body-class
  • If value is regexp, it checks to see if the selector matches the regexp.
    • [/^body$/] will match body but not .body

replace (Boolean)

Replace directly instead of appending an entry to override.

mediaQuery (Boolean)

Allow px unit conversion in media queries

minPixelValue (Number)

Set a minimum px value that can be converted

The configuration rules correspond to config/index.js, e.g.

```js {9-14,20-25} title=”/config/index.js” { h5: { publicPath: ‘/‘, staticDirectory: ‘static’, postcss: { autoprefixer: { enable: true }, pxtransform: { enable: true, config: { selectorBlackList: [‘body’] } } } }, mini: { // … postcss: { pxtransform: { enable: true, config: { selectorBlackList: [‘body’] } } } } }

  1. ## CSS Compile-time ignores
  2. ### Ignore single attributes
  3. The simplest way to ignore individual attributes currently is to use capital letters for px units.
  4. ```css
  5. /* `px` is converted to `rem` */
  6. .convert {
  7. font-size: 16px; // converted to 1rem
  8. }
  9. /* `Px` or `PX` is ignored by `postcss-pxtorem` but still accepted by browsers */
  10. .ignore {
  11. border: 1Px solid; // ignored
  12. border-width: 2PX; // ignored
  13. }

Ignore style files

The plugin does not handle files with the comment /*postcss-pxtransform disable*/ in the header.

Ignore style examples

When multiple lines of text are omitted from a style file we generally use the following code.

```css {3} .textHide { display: -webkit-box; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-line-clamp:2; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; }

  1. However, Taro is compiled without the `-webkit-box-orient: vertical;` style attribute, so we need to ignore this style
  2. #### Add a CSS comment to force the declaration to ignore the next line
  3. ```css {1}
  4. /* autoprefixer: ignore next */
  5. -webkit-box-orient: vertical;

Add CSS comments to force the declaration of multiple lines in between comments

```css {1,3} / autoprefixer: off / -webkit-box-orient: vertical; / autoprefixer: on /

  1. #### Write as in-line style
  2. ```HTML {2-9}
  3. <View
  4. style={{
  5. display: '-webkit-box',
  6. '-webkit-box-orient': 'vertical',
  7. '-webkit-line-clamp': 2,
  8. 'text-overflow': 'ellipsis',
  9. overflow: 'hidden',
  10. 'line-height': 2
  11. }}
  12. >
  13. This is the content to be omitted
  14. </View>
