title: MatchMedia

sidebar_label: MatchMedia

media query match detection node. You can specify a set of media query rules that will be satisfied before this node is displayed.

This node enables the effect that an area is only displayed when the page is within a certain width and height range.



  1. ComponentType<MatchMediaProps>


import Tabs from ‘@theme/Tabs’; import TabItem from ‘@theme/TabItem’;

tsx class App extends Components { render () { return ( <View> <MatchMedia minWidth="300" maxWidth="600"> <view>Displayed when the page width is between 300 ~ 500 px</view> </MatchMedia> <MatchMedia minHeight="400" orientation="landscape"> <view>Displayed here when the page height is not less than 400 px and the screen orientation is portrait</view> </MatchMedia> </View> ) } } html <template> <view class="components-page"> <match-media min-width="300" max-width="500"> <view>Displayed when the page width is between 300 ~ 500 px</view> </match-media> <match-media min-height="400" orientation="landscape"> <view>Displayed here when the page height is not less than 400 px and the screen orientation is portrait</view> </match-media> </view> </template>


Property Type Required Description
minWidth number No Specify the display condition for the minimum page width in px
maxWidth number No Specify the display condition for the maximum page width in px
width number No Specify the display condition for the page width in px
minHeight number No Specify the display condition for the minimum page height in px
maxHeight number No Specify the display condition for the maximum page height in px
Height number No Specify the display condition for the page height in px
orientation string No Specify the display condition for the screen orientation

API Support

API WeChat Mini-Program H5 React Native
matchMediaProps.minWidth ✔️
matchMediaProps.maxWidth ✔️
matchMediaProps.width ✔️
matchMediaProps.minHeight ✔️
matchMediaProps.maxHeight ✔️
matchMediaProps.Height ✔️
matchMediaProps.orientation ✔️