title: Input

sidebar_label: Input

Input box. This component is a Native Component. Note related limits before use.



  1. ComponentType<InputProps>


import Tabs from ‘@theme/Tabs’ import TabItem from ‘@theme/TabItem’

tsx class App extends Component { render () { return ( <View className='example-body'> <Text>Auto-focusable</Text> <Input type='text' placeholder='focus will be acquired' focus/> <Text>Controls the maximum input length</Text> <Input type='text' placeholder='maximum input length is 10' maxlength='10'/> <Text>Input box for numeric type</Text> <Input type='number' placeholder='This is a numeric input box'/> <Text>Input box for password type</Text> <Input type='password' password placeholder='This is a password input box'/> <Text>Input boxes for numeric types that allow decimals</Text> <Input type='digit' placeholder='Numeric keypad with decimal point'/> <Text>Input box for ID type</Text> <Input type='idcard' placeholder='Keyboard support for entering ID cards'/> <Text>Input box with placeholder color control</Text> <Input type='text' placeholder='Placeholder font is red' placeholderStyle='color:red'/> </View> ) } } html <template> <view class="example-body"> <text>Auto-focusable</text> <input type="text" placeholder="focus will be acquired" :focus="true" /> <text>Controls the maximum input length</text> <input type="text" placeholder="maximum input length is 10" maxlength="10"/> <text>Input box for numeric type</text> <input type="number" placeholder="This is a numeric input box"/> <text>Input box for password type</text> <input type="password" :password="true" placeholder="This is a password input box"/> <text>Input boxes for numeric types that allow decimals</text> <input type="digit" placeholder="Numeric keypad with decimal point"/> <text>Input box for ID type</text> <input type="idcard" placeholder="Keyboard support for entering ID cards"/> <text>Input box with placeholder color control</text> <input type="text" placeholder="Placeholder font is red" placeholder-style="color:red;"/> </view> </template>


Property Type Default Required Description
value string No The initial content in the input box
type "number" | "text" | "idcard" | "digit" "text" No The type of input
password boolean No Specifies whether the input is password-type content
placeholder string No The placeholder used when the input box is empty
placeholderStyle string No Specifies the style of the placeholder
placeholderClass string "input-placeholder" No Specifies the style class of the placeholder
disabled boolean No Specifies whether to disable the component
maxlength number 140 No The maximum length. When it is set to “-1”, the maximum length is not limited.
cursorSpacing number 0 No Specifies the distance between the cursor and the keyboard. It is either the distance between the input box and the bottom of the screen or the distance specified via cursor-spacing, whichever is smaller.
autoFocus boolean false No (Will be discarded soon. Use the focus instead.) Auto focus. The keyboard is automatically displayed.
focus boolean No Gets focus
confirmType "send" | "search" | "next" | "go" | "done" done No Sets the text on the lower-right button on the keyboard. It takes effect only when type=’text’.
confirmHold boolean false No Specifies whether the keyboard is not hidden when the lower-right button on the keyboard is tapped
cursor number No Specifies the cursor position during focusing
selectionStart number -1 No The start position of the cursor. It takes effect only during auto focusing, and needs to used with selection-end.
selectionEnd number -1 No The end position of the cursor. It takes effect only during auto focusing, and needs to used with selection-start.
adjustPosition boolean true No Specifies whether to automatically push up the page when the keyboard is displayed
holdKeyboard boolean false No Specifies whether to hide the keyboard when the page is clicked when focused
onInput BaseEventOrigFunction<inputEventDetail> No Triggered when the user taps the keyboard. event.detail = {{value, cursor, keyCode}}, where keyCode is the key value. The processing function can directly return a string to replace the content in the input box.
onFocus BaseEventOrigFunction<inputForceEventDetail> No Triggered when the input box is focused. event.detail = {{ value, height }}, where height is the height of the keyboard.
onBlur BaseEventOrigFunction<inputValueEventDetail> No Triggered when the input box is unfocused. event.detail = {{value}}
onConfirm BaseEventOrigFunction<inputValueEventDetail> No Triggered when the Done button is tapped.
onKeyboardHeightChange BaseEventOrigFunction<onKeyboardHeightChangeEventDetail> No Triggered when the height of the keyboard changes.

event.detail = {{height: height, duration: duration}}

Property Support

Property WeChat Mini-Program H5 React Native
InputProps.value ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
InputProps.type ✔️ ✔️ ✔️(partial support)
InputProps.password ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
InputProps.placeholder ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
InputProps.placeholderStyle ✔️
InputProps.placeholderClass ✔️
InputProps.disabled ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
InputProps.maxlength ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
InputProps.cursorSpacing ✔️
InputProps.autoFocus ✔️
InputProps.focus ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
InputProps.confirmType ✔️ ✔️
InputProps.confirmHold ✔️
InputProps.cursor ✔️ ✔️
InputProps.selectionStart ✔️ ✔️
InputProps.selectionEnd ✔️ ✔️
InputProps.adjustPosition ✔️
InputProps.holdKeyboard ✔️
InputProps.onInput ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
InputProps.onFocus ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
InputProps.onBlur ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
InputProps.onConfirm ✔️ (Borrow theForm component’s onSubmit event instead) ✔️
InputProps.onKeyboardHeightChange ✔️


Value Type Description
value string input value
cursor number cursor position
keyCode number Key Value

Note: React-Native side inputEventDetail only has parameter value,if you need to get the cursor position in real time, you can do it by onSelectionChange.


Param Type Description
value string input value
height number Keyboard height


Param Type Description
value string input value


Param Type Description
height number Keyboard height
duration number Duration

API Support

API WeChat Mini-Program H5 React Native
Input ✔️ ✔️ ✔️