title: Map

sidebar_label: Map

Map. Related API: Taro.createMapContext.



  1. ComponentType<MapProps>


General usage

import Tabs from ‘@theme/Tabs’ import TabItem from ‘@theme/TabItem’

tsx class App extends Component { onTap () {} render () { return ( <Map onClick={this.onTap} /> ) } } html <template> <map id="map" style="width: 100%; height: 300px;" longitude="113.324520" latitude="23.099994" scale="14" :markers="markers" :polyline="polyline" :show-location="true" @regionchange="regionchange" @markertap="markertap" /> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { markers: [{ iconPath: "https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/1782542?s=460&u=d20514a52100ed1f82282bcfca6f49052793c889&v=4", id: 0, latitude: 23.099994, longitude: 113.324520, width: 50, height: 50 }], polyline: [{ points: [{ longitude: 113.3245211, latitude: 23.10229 }, { longitude: 113.324520, latitude: 23.21229 }], color:"#FF0000DD", width: 2, dottedLine: true }] } }, methods: { regionchange(e) { console.log(e.type) }, markertap(e) { console.log("markertap:", e.detail.markerId) } } } </script>

Customised bubbles

```js title=”Custom bubbles on marker customCallout” import { CoverView, Map, View } from ‘@tarojs/components’

const normalCallout = { id: 1, latitude: 23.098994, longitude: 113.32252, callout: { content: ‘text content’, color: ‘#ff0000’, fontSize: 14, borderWidth: 2, borderRadius: 10, borderColor: ‘#000000’, bgColor: ‘#fff’, padding: 5, display: ‘ALWAYS’, textAlign: ‘center’, } }

const customCallout1 = { id: 2, latitude: 23.097994, longitude: 113.32352, customCallout: { anchorY: 0, anchorX: 0, display: ‘ALWAYS’, }, }

const customCallout2 = { id: 3, latitude: 23.096994, longitude: 113.32452, customCallout: { anchorY: 0, anchorX: 0, display: ‘ALWAYS’, }, }

const customCallout3 = { id: 4, latitude: 23.095994, longitude: 113.32552, customCallout: { anchorY: 0, anchorX: 0, display: ‘ALWAYS’, }, }

const customMarkers = [ customCallout1, customCallout2, customCallout3, ]

const mapMarkers = [ normalCallout, …customMarkers ]

export default function Index() { return ( { customMarkers.map(item => ( navigator {item.id} )) } ) } ```


Property Type Default Required Description
longitude number Yes The longitude of the central point.
latitude number Yes The latitude of the central point.
scale number 16 No The zoom level. Its values range from 3 to 20.
markers marker[] No The marker.
covers any[] No This property will be discarded soon. Use the markers property instead.
polyline polyline[] No The polyline.
circles circle[] No The circle.
controls control[] No The control. (This property will be discarded soon. Use cover-view instead.)
includePoints point[] No Scales the view to include all the given coordinates.
showLocation boolean false No Displays the current location with directions.
polygons polygon[] No Polygon.
subkey string No The key used in a custom map.
layerStyle number 1 No The style set for a custom map. It cannot be dynamically modified.
rotate number 0 No Rotation angle. Its values range from 0 to 360. It is the angle between the north direction of the map and the y-axis of the device.
skew number 0 No Skew angle relative to the z-axis. Its values range from 0 to 40.
enable3D boolean false No Displays 3D blocks (Currently unsupported in the DevTools).
showCompass boolean false No Displays the compass.
showScale boolean false No Dispaly the scale
enableOverlooking boolean false No Enables overlooking.
enableZoom boolean true No Specifies whether to support scaling.
enableScroll boolean true No Specifies whether to support scrolling.
enableRotate boolean false No Specifies whether to support rotation.
enableSatellite boolean false No Specifies whether to enable the satellite images.
enableTraffic boolean false No Specifies whether to enable real-time traffic information.
setting MapProps | Object No Setting.

The map configuration is set uniformly. Some animation properties such as rotate and skew cannot be set separately by setData and must be modified by settting.
onTap BaseEventOrigFunction<any> No Triggered when the map is tapped.
onMarkerTap BaseEventOrigFunction<onMarkerTapEventDetail> No Triggered when the marker is tapped. e.detail = {{markerId}}
onLabelTap BaseEventOrigFunction<onLabelTapEventDetail> Triggered when the label is tapped. e.detail = {{markerId}}
onControlTap BaseEventOrigFunction<onControlTapEventDetail> No Triggered when the control is tapped. e.detail = {{controlId}}
onCalloutTap BaseEventOrigFunction<onCalloutTapEventDetail> No Triggered when the bubble corresponding to the marker is tapped. e.detail = {{markerId}}
onUpdated BaseEventOrigFunction<any> No Triggered when the map is rendered.
onRegionChange BaseEventOrigFunction<onRegionChangeEventDetail> No Triggered when the view changes.
onPoiTap BaseEventOrigFunction<onPoiTapEventDetail> Triggered when the point of interests (POI) on the map is tapped. e.detail = {{name, longitude, latitude}}
includePadding {{ left: string | number; right: string | number; top: string | number; bottom: string | number; }} No The view is displayed within the map padding.
groundOverlays any[] No Overlays, custom poster
tileOverlay any[] No Overlays, mesh poster
optimize boolean Specifies whether to enable optimize mode. When enabled, it is not necessary to set onRegionChange to get and set the new scale value to ensure that the map does not revert to the original scale.

Property Support

Property WeChat Mini-Program Baidu Smart-Program Alipay Mini-Program H5 React Native
MapProps.longitude ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
MapProps.latitude ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
MapProps.scale ✔️ ✔️(4-21) ✔️(5-18)
MapProps.markers ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
MapProps.covers ✔️
MapProps.polyline ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
MapProps.circles ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
MapProps.controls ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
MapProps.includePoints ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
MapProps.showLocation ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
MapProps.polygons ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
MapProps.subkey ✔️
MapProps.layerStyle ✔️
MapProps.rotate ✔️
MapProps.skew ✔️
MapProps.enable3D ✔️ ✔️
MapProps.showCompass ✔️ ✔️
MapProps.showScale ✔️
MapProps.enableOverlooking ✔️ ✔️
MapProps.enableZoom ✔️ ✔️
MapProps.enableScroll ✔️ ✔️
MapProps.enableRotate ✔️ ✔️
MapProps.enableSatellite ✔️
MapProps.enableTraffic ✔️
MapProps.setting ✔️ ✔️
MapProps.onTap ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
MapProps.onMarkerTap ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
MapProps.onLabelTap ✔️
MapProps.onControlTap ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
MapProps.onCalloutTap ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
MapProps.onUpdated ✔️ ✔️
MapProps.onRegionChange ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
MapProps.onPoiTap ✔️ ✔️
MapProps.includePadding ✔️
MapProps.groundOverlays ✔️
MapProps.tileOverlay ✔️
MapProps.optimize ✔️


The marker property is used to mark locations of markers on the map.

Property Type Required Description Remarks
id number No The ID of the marker This ID is returned when the marker tapping event is called back. We recommend that the number-type ID be set for each marker, to ensure that the marker has better performance during updates.
latitude number Yes Latitude The number of floating points. Its values range from –90 to +90.
longitude number Yes Longitude The number of floating points. Its values range from –180 to +180.
title string No Name of the marker Displayed when it is tapped. It will be ignored when there is a callout.
zIndex number No Display level
iconPath string Yes Displayed icon The image path in the project directory. It can be written as a relative path prefixed with a forward slash ‘/‘, which indicates a relative root directory of a Mini Program. It can also be written as a temporary path and a network image.
rotate number No Rotation angle The angle of clockwise rotation. Its values range from 0 to 360. It is 0 by default.
alpha number No Transparency of the marker It is 1 by default, indicating that the marker is completely not transparent. Its values range from 0 to 1.
width string | number No The width of the marker icon Defaults to the actual width of the image.
height string | number No The height of the marker icon Defaults to the actual height of the image.
callout callout No Bubble window above a custom marker Supported properties are shown in the following table. It can recognize line breaks.
label label No Labels added next to the marker Supported properties are shown in the following table. It can recognize line breaks.
anchor {{ x: number; y: number; }} No Anchor whose longitude and latitude fall in a marker icon. It is the central point of the bottom edge by default. Its value is in the form of{{x, y}}, where x indicates (0–1) in the horizontal direction, and y indicates (0–1) in the vertical direction. The value {{x: 0.5, y: 1}} indicates the central point of the bottom edge.
ariaLabel string No ARIA. Additional description of the (property’s) elements.


Callout of a Bubble on the Marker

Property Type Description
content string The text
color string The color of the text
fontSize number The font size of the text
borderRadius number The radius of the rounded corner on the border
borderWidth number The width of the border
borderColor string The color of the border
bgColor string The background color
padding number The space between the text and the border
display "BYCLICK" | "ALWAYS" ‘BYCLICK’ : Click to display. ‘ALWAYS’: Always on.
textAlign "left" | "right" | "center" The text alignment mode. Valid values include left, right, and center.


Label of a Bubble on the Marker

Property Type Description
content string The text
color string The color of the text
fontSize number The font size of the text
x number The X-coordinate of the label (This property has been discarded.)
y number The Y-coordinate of the label (This property has been discarded.)
anchorX number The X-coordinate of the label, with the coordinates of the origin being the longitude and latitude corresponding to the marker.
anchorY number The Y-coordinate of the label, with the coordinates of the origin being the longitude and latitude corresponding to the marker.
borderWidth number The width of the border
borderColor string The color of the border
borderRadius number The radius of the rounded corner on the border
bgColor string The background color
padding number The space between the text and the border
textAlign "left" | "right" | "center" The text alignment mode. Valid values include left, right, and center.


Specifies a series of coordinates, which are connected from the first item to the last item in an array.

Property Type Required Description Remarks
points point[] Yes The longitude and latitude array [{{latitude: 0, longitude: 0}}]
color string No The color of the line Hexadecimal
width number No The width of the line
dottedLine boolean No Specifies whether the line is a dotted line. Its value is false by default.
arrowLine boolean No Specifies whether the line contains an arrow. Its value is false by default. WeChat DevTools currently does not support this property.
arrowIconPath string No Changes the arrow icon. It takes effect when arrowLine is true.
borderColor string No The color of the line’s border
borderWidth number No The thickness of the line


Specifies a series of coordinates, which form a closed polygon based on the coordinate data in the points property.

Property Type Required Description Remarks
points point[] Yes The longitude and latitude array [{{latitude: 0, longitude: 0}}]
strokeWidth number No The width of the stroke
strokeColor string No The color of the stroke Hexadecimal
fillColor string No The fill color Hexadecimal
zIndex number No Sets the value of the z-axis of the polygon.


This property specifies whether to show a circle on the map.

Property Type Required Description Remarks
latitude number Yes Latitude The number of floating points. Its values range from –90 to +90.
longitude number Yes Longitude The number of floating points. Its values range from –180 to +180.
color string No The color of the stroke Hexadecimal
fillColor string No The fill color Hexadecimal
radius number Yes Radius
strokeWidth number No The width of the stroke


This property specifies whether to show controls on the map. The controls do not move with the map. This property will be discarded soon. Use CoverView instead.

Property Type Required Description Remarks
id number No The ID of the control This ID is returned when the control tapping event is called back.
position point Yes The location of the control on the map The location of the control relative to the map.
iconPath string Yes Displayed icon The image path in the project directory. It can be written as a relative path prefixed with a forward slash ‘/‘, which indicates a relative root directory of a Mini Program. It can also be written as a temporary path.
clickable boolean No Specifies whether the control is clickable. It is unclickable by default.


Property Type Description
longitude number Longitude
latitude number Latitude


Property Type Default Description
left number 0 The distance from the left edge of the map.
top number 0 The distance from the top edge of the map.
width number Image width The width of the control
height number Image height The height of the control


Param Type
markerId string | number


Param Type
markerId string | number


Param Type
controlId string | number


Param Type
markerId string | number


Param Type Description Remarks
type string Triggered at the start and end of a field of view change. begin and end
causedBy string Causes of changes in visual field drag, scale, update
detail regionChangeDetail Details of the change of region


Param Type Description
rotate number Rotation angle
skew number Skew angle


Param Type
name string
longitude number
latitude number

API Support

API WeChat Mini-Program Baidu Smart-Program Alipay Mini-Program H5 React Native
Map ✔️ ✔️ ✔️