title: React Native Development Considerations

:::tip Taro 3 requires version 3.1 or higher :::

React Native’s styles are based on the open source cross-platform layout engine Yoga , which basically implements a subset of CSS, and the property names are not identical, so when you start thinking about compatibility with the React Native side, you can take a brief look at A quick look at React Native styles. React Native Layout Props

Style layout on H5 is the most flexible, the next mini program, RN is the strongest, unified style that is aligned with the short board, that is, to manage the style with the constraints of RN, while taking into account the limitations of the mini program, the core can be summarized in three points.

  • Layout with Flex
  • Writing styles based on BEM
  • Overriding component styles with the style attribute



Flexbox rules are used in React Native to specify the layout of a component’s child elements. flexbox can provide a consistent layout structure across screen sizes. So if you’re thinking about the React Native, then your style layout will have to be a Flex layout.

For an introduction to Flex layouts, check out ruanyifeng Flex Layout Tutorial: Syntax

Note: The default orientation of the View tag in RN is column. If you don’t change the other ends to be consistent with RN, you need to explicitly declare the orientation of the main axis in all places where display: flex is used.


In React Native position only supports two properties, relative (default) and absolute. You can see the documentation



Only class selectors are supported on the React Native side, and combinators are not supported Combinators and groups of selectors

The following selectors are written in a way that they are not supported and will be automatically ignored during style conversions.

  1. .button.button_theme_islands {
  2. font-style: bold;
  3. }
  4. img + p {
  5. font-style: bold;
  6. }
  7. p ~ span {
  8. color: red;
  9. }
  10. div > span {
  11. background-color: DodgerBlue;
  12. }
  13. div span {
  14. background-color: DodgerBlue;
  15. }

If we develop based on a pre-compiled language such as scss, we can write styles based on BEM eg:

  1. <View className="block">
  2. <Text className="block__elem">Text</Text>
  3. </View>
  1. .block: {
  2. background-color: DodgerBlue;
  3. &__elem {
  4. color: yellow;
  5. }
  6. }

Conditional compilation of styles

1.3+ Versions Supported

Conditional compilation of style files

Suppose the following files exist in the directory at the same time.

  1. - index.scss
  2. - index.rn.scss

When referencing a style file in a JS file: import '. /index.scss', the RN platform will find and introduce index.rn.scss, and other platforms will introduce: index.scss, which is convenient for you to write cross-end style and better compatible with RN.

Conditional compilation of style code

To make it easier to write style code across styles, the style conditional compilation feature has been added.

Designated platform reserved:

  1. /* #ifdef %PLATFORM% */
  2. style code
  3. /* #endif */

Designated platform exclusion.

  1. /* #ifndef %PLATFORM% */
  2. style code
  3. /* #endif */

Multiple platforms can be separated by spaces.

Global introduction of styles

    1. The style introduced in the entry file app.js is the global style, and the local style will override the global style.
    1. Global injection through configuration ```js // config/index.js … const config = { … sass: { resource: [
      1. 'src/styles/common.scss'
      ] } }
  1. # 三、Navigation
  2. React Native Navigation is encapsulated in React-Navigation 5.x. To better facilitate business customization, the configuration of React Navigation is passed through in the global and page configuration, but note that the following navigation-related settings Taro 3.x are in effect.
  3. ### Global Configuration
  4. A separate configuration for rn navigation can be added in the global configuration app.config.js
  5. ```js
  6. // To have an impact on the other side, it is better to add environmental judgments
  7. let rnConfig = {}
  8. if(process.env.TARO_ENV === 'rn'){
  9. rnConfig = {
  10. //deep Linking perfix, https://reactnavigation.org/docs/deep-linking
  11. linking:[],
  12. //tabBar page config ,https://reactnavigation.org/docs/bottom-tab-navigator/#tabbar options config,the following property pass-through is supported, and the scheme that returns the react.Node node settings is not supported
  13. options:{
  14. title,
  15. tabBarVisible,
  16. tabBarBadge,
  17. tabBarBadgeStyle,
  18. tabBarTestID
  19. },
  20. tabBarOptions:{//tabbarOptions config ,other see https://reactnavigation.org/docs/bottom-tab-navigator/#tabbar tabBarOptions
  21. },
  22. screenOptions:{//Global screenOptions, which works on non-all pages, note that it does not support returning React. For more references https://reactnavigation.org/docs/stack-navigator/#options
  23. }
  24. }
  25. }
  26. export default {
  27. pages:[
  28. 'pages/index/index',
  29. ],
  30. rn:rnConfig
  31. }

Page Config

In addition to the global settings page, you can also set up a page individually.

  1. // page config
  2. rn:{
  3. screenOptions:{// set curernt page options,For more references https://reactnavigation.org/docs/stack-navigator/#options
  4. }
  5. }

There are some things to note about the configuration of pass-through react navigation.

  • Directly passing in parameters of React.Node nodes is not supported
  • The style object passed in is a React Native style such as tabStyle:{ backgroundColor :’#ff0000’}
    • rn’s configuration takes precedence over other configurations, e.g. if the selectedColor is configured in the unified tabBar and activeTintColor in rn’s configuration, then the activeTintColor is the one that takes effect

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can box-shadow be implemented?

React Native doesn’t support this well (only ios supports it and to a limited extent), and the only way to set the gray shadows on the android side is through elevation.

  1. {
  2. /* Shadow related properties */
  3. shadowOffset: {width: 0, height: 5},
  4. shadowOpacity: 0.5,
  5. shadowRadius: 5,
  6. shadowColor: Color.CMHeaderBgColor,
  7. /* android gray shadows */
  8. elevation: 4,
  9. }

2、border{Top,Right,Bottom,Left} not supported ?

The shorthand for border{Top,Right,Bottom,Left} (shorthands) is not supported, because borderStyle cannot be applied to a single border.

Use sass:

  1. /**
  2. * // NOTE Taro has a problem with border handling when compiling to RN
  3. * RN does not support setting style for one side, i.e. border-bottom-style will report an error.
  4. * Then border-bottom: 1px would need to be written as follows.
  5. * border: 0 style color; border-bottom-width: 1px;
  6. */
  7. @mixin border($dir, $width, $style, $color) {
  8. border: 0 $style $color;
  9. @each $d in $dir {
  10. #{border-#{$d}-width}: $width;
  11. }
  12. }

3. React Native doesn’t support background-image, is there any solution?s

Using the Image component, in conjunction with the Flex/Position layout, will basically accomplish most of your needs. Read this article.Background Images in React Native

Support for each property

React Native’s styles are based on the open source cross-platform layout engine Yoga, The style is basically a subset of CSS, but the property names are not identical, so check the documentation for details and differences React Native Layout Props

Text (18)

Property Name Value Description
color <color> Corresponds to CSS color property
fontFamily string Corresponds to CSS font-family property
fontSize <number> Corresponds to CSS font-size property
fontStyle normal, italic 对应 CSS font-style 属性,但阉割了 oblique 取值
fontWeight normal, bold 100~900 Corresponds to CSS font-weight property,But the bolder, lighter fetch is neutered
lineHeight <number> Corresponds to CSS line-height property
textAlign auto, left, right, center, justifyiOS Corresponds to CSS text-align property,Added auto fetch value. When the value is justify, it will change to left on Android.
textDecorationLine none, underline, line-through, underline line-through Corresponds to CSS text-decoration-line property,But the bolder, lighter fetch is neutered
textShadowColor <color> Corresponds to CSS text-shadow the color definition in the properties
textShadowOffset {
Corresponds to CSS text-shadow shadow offset definition in the properties
textShadowRadius <number> In CSS, the size of the rounded corners of the shadow depends on the element’s rounded corner definition and does not need to be defined additionally
<bool> By default, Android reserves some extra padding for text to allow room for superscript or subscript text. For some fonts, this extra padding may make it difficult to center the text vertically. If you set textAlignVertical to center and the text still looks off-center, try setting this property to false.
auto, top, bottom, center Corresponds to CSS vertical-align property, Added auto fetch, center replaces middle, and neutered baseline, sub and other values
small-caps, oldstyle-nums, lining-nums, tabular-nums, proportional-nums Corresponds to CSS font-variant property, but which has more values
<number> Corresponds to CSS letter-spacing property
<color> Corresponds to CSS text-decoration-color property
solid, double, dotted, dashed Corresponds to CSS text-decoration-style propery, But the wavy fetch is neutered
auto, ltr, rtl Corresponds to CSS direction propery, Added auto fetch value

Dimension (6)

Propery Name Values Description
width <number> Corresponds to CSS width propery
minWidth <number> Corresponds to CSS min-width propery
maxWidth <number> Corresponds to CSS max-width propery
height <number> Corresponds to CSS height propery
minHeight <number> Corresponds to CSS min-height propery
maxHeight <number> Corresponds to CSS max-height propery

Positioning (6)

Propery Name Values Description
position absolute, relative Corresponds to CSS position propery, but without the static, fixed fetch
top <number> Corresponds to CSS top propery
right <number> Corresponds to CSS right propery
bottom <number> Corresponds to CSS bottom propery
left <number> Corresponds to CSS left propery
zIndex <number> Corresponds to CSS z-index propery


Propery Name Values Description
margin <number> Corresponds to CSS margin property, the difference is that it can only define one parameter, if you want to define the external white of top, right, bottom and left 4 directions respectively, you can use the following one-way external white property
marginHorizontal <number> No corresponding CSS property. The effect is equivalent to setting both marginRight and marginLeft
marginVertical <number> No corresponding CSS property. The effect is equivalent to setting both marginTop and marginBottom
marginTop <number> Corresponds to CSS margin-top property
marginRight <number> Corresponds to CSS margin-right property
marginBottom <number> Corresponds to CSS margin-bottom property
marginLeft <number> Corresponds to CSS margin-left property


Propery Name Values Description
padding <number> Corresponds to CSS padding property, The difference is that it can only define one parameter, if you want to define the internal white of top, right, bottom and left 4 directions respectively, you can use the following one-way internal white property
paddingHorizontal <number> There is no corresponding CSS property. This has the effect of setting both paddingRight and paddingLeft at the same time
paddingVertical <number> No corresponding CSS property. The effect is equivalent to setting both paddingTop and paddingBottom.
paddingTop <number> Corresponds to CSS padding-top property
paddingRight <number> Corresponds to CSS padding-right property
paddingBottom <number> Corresponds to CSS padding-bottom property
paddingLeft <number> Corresponds to CSS padding-left property

Border (20)

Propery Name Values Description
borderStyle solid, dotted, dashed Corresponds to CSS border-style property,but with fewer none, hidden, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset fetch values and no direction splitting property
borderWidth <number> Corresponds to CSS border-width property
borderTopWidth <number> Corresponds to CSS border-top-width property
borderRightWidth <number> Corresponds to CSS border-right-width property
borderBottomWidth <number> Corresponds to CSS border-bottom-width property
borderLeftWidth <number> Corresponds to CSS border-left-width property
borderColor <color> Corresponds to CSS border-color property
borderTopColor <color> Corresponds to CSS border-top-color property
borderRightColor <color> Corresponds to CSS border-right-color property
borderBottomColor <color> Corresponds to CSS border-bottom-color property
borderLeftColor <color> Corresponds to CSS border-left-color property
borderRadius <number> Corresponds to CSS border-radius property
borderTopLeftRadius <number> Corresponds to CSS border-top-left-radius property
borderTopRightRadius <number> Corresponds to CSS border-top-right-radius property
borderBottomLeftRadius <number> Corresponds to CSS border-bottom-left-radiusproperty
borderBottomRightRadius <number> Corresponds to CSS border-bottom-right-radius property
shadowColor <color> Corresponds to CSS box-shadow the color definition in the property
shadowOffset {
width: <number>,
height: <number>
Corresponds to CSS box-shadow shadow offset definition in the properties
shadowRadius <number> In CSS, the size of the rounded corners of the shadow depends on the element’s rounded corner definition and does not need to be defined additionally
shadowOpacity <number> Corresponds to CSS box-shadow shadow transparency definition in the properties

Background (1)

Propery Name Values Description
backgroundColor <color> Corresponds to CSS background-color propery

Transform (3)

Propery Name Values Description
transform [{perspective: number}, {rotate: string}, {rotateX: string}, {rotateY: string}, {rotateZ: string}, {scale: number}, {scaleX: number}, {scaleY: number}, {translateX: number}, {translateY: number}, {skewX: string}, {skewY: string}] Corresponds to CSS transform property
transformMatrix TransformMatrixPropType Similar to the matrix() and matrix3d() functions of the transform property in CSS
backfaceVisibility visible, hidden Corresponds to CSS backface-visibility propery

Flexbox (9)

We use Flexbox rules in React Native to specify the layout of a component’s child elements, and Flexbox provides a consistent layout structure across screen sizes.

In general, most layout needs are met using the flexDirection, alignItems, and justifyContent style properties.

Flex number

In React Native, flex behaves a bit differently than CSS. flex can only be an integer value in RN, please refer to the yoga engine documentation for details

Conditions Performance
When flex is set to a positive integer, e.g. flex: 1 The component is flexible and the size is proportional to the value of flex
flex:0 The component is not flexible, and the size and width and height are consistent
flex: -1 If there is enough space, the size of the component is the same as width and height; however, when there is not enough space, the component is compressed to minWidth and minHeight

Flex Direction

Specifying flexDirection in the component’s style determines the main axis of the layout. Should the child elements be aligned along the horizontal axis (row) or along the vertical axis (column)? The default value is column direction, which is different from CSS and should be noted.

Justify Content

Specifying justifyContent in the component’s style determines how its child elements are arranged along the main axis. Should the child elements be distributed close to the beginning or the end of the main axis? Or should they be evenly distributed? The options are: flex-start, center, flex-end, space-around and space-between.

Align Items

Specifying alignItems in the component’s style determines how its child elements are arranged along the secondary axis (the axis perpendicular to the major axis, e.g. if the major axis is row, the secondary axis is column). Should the child elements be distributed near the beginning or the end of the secondary axis? Or should they be evenly distributed? The options are: flex-start, center, flex-end and stretch.

Propery Name Values Description
flex <number> Corresponds to CSS flex property,But only as integer values
flexGrow <number> Corresponds to CSS flex-grow property
flexShrink <number> Corresponds to CSS flex-shrink property
flexBasis <number> Corresponds to CSS flex-basis property
flexDirection row, row-reverse, column, column-reverse Corresponds to CSS flex-direction property
flexWrap wrap, nowrap Corresponds to CSS flex-wrap property, but the wrap-reverse fetch is missing
justifyContent flex-start, flex-end, center, space-between, space-around Corresponds to CSS justify-content property,but the stretch fetch is missing
alignItems flex-start, flex-end, center, stretch Corresponds to CSS align-items property,but the baseline fetch is missing
alignSelf auto, flex-start, flex-end, center, stretch Corresponds to CSS align-self property,but the baseline fetch is missing


Propery Name Values Description
opacity <number> Corresponds to CSS opacity property
overflow visible, hidden, scroll Corresponds to CSS overflow property, but the auto fetch is missing
<number> No corresponding property in CSS, only available on Android 5.0+
resizeMode cover, contain, stretch There is no equivalent property in CSS, you can refer to the background-size property
string There is no equivalent property in CSS to fill the corners with a color when the image has rounded corners
<color> No corresponding property in CSS, special color on iOS images, change color of opaque pixels


React Native supports most of the color types in CSS.

  • #f00 (#rgb)
  • #f00c (#rgba):No corresponding value in CSS
  • #ff0000 (#rrggbb)
  • #ff0000cc (#rrggbbaa):No corresponding value in CSS
  • rgb(255, 0, 0)
  • rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.9)
  • hsl(360, 100%, 100%)
  • hsla(360, 100%, 100%, 0.9)
  • transparent
  • 0xff00ff00 (0xrrggbbaa):No corresponding value in CSS
  • Color Name:Support to Basic color keywords and Expanded color keywords,But not support 28 system colors

Specificity and inheritance

The introduction style of a component has a higher priority than the global style.


  1. Basic selector only supports class selector
  2. Not support the combination selector writing method
  3. Not support for pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements

Shorthand properties

Only accepts values supported by React Native. For example, background accepts only one color, backgroundColor, because React Native’s Background only supports the backgroundColor property. properties supported by React Native can be found in the React Native stylesheet above.


Taro use PostCSS unit conversion plugin postcss-pxtransform will convert px to React Native’s pt, see the documentation for details on how to configure this.