title: LivePusher

sidebar_label: LivePusher

Real-time audio/video recording. User Authorization is required for scope.camera and scope.record.

Currently, it is open only to Mini Programs in the following categories owned by Chinese entities. The component needs to pass the category review, and then on the Mini Program Console, you can activate the permissions for this component by choosing Development > API Settings.



  1. ComponentType<LivePusherProps>


import Tabs from ‘@theme/Tabs’; import TabItem from ‘@theme/TabItem’;

tsx class App extends Components { render () { return ( <LivePusher url='url' mode='RTC' autopush /> ) } } html <template> <live-pusher url="url" mode="RTC" :autopush="true" /> </template>


Property Type Default Required Description
url string No The stream pushing address. Only flv and rtmp formats are supported.
mode "SD" | "HD" | "FHD" | "RTC" "RTC" No Values include SD (Standard definition), HD (High definition), FHD (Full high definition), and RTC (Real-time call).
autopush boolean false No Auto stream pushing.
muted boolean false No Specifies whether to mute the component.
Not recommend
enableCamera boolean true No Enables the camera.
autoFocus boolean true No Auto focusing.
orientation "vertical" | "horizontal" "vertical" No The orientation of the image.
beauty number 0 No Beautifying. Values range from 0 to 9. 0 indicates disabled.
whiteness number 0 No Whitening. Values range from 0 to 9. 0 indicates disabled.
aspect "9:16" | "3:4" "9:16" No The aspect ratio. Available values include 3:4 and 9:16.
minBitrate number 200 No The minimum bitrate.
maxBitrate number 1000 No The maximum bitrate.
audioQuality string "high" No High quality (48KHz) or low quality (16KHz). Values include "high" and "low".
waitingImage string No The waiting image for stream pushing when the component enters the background.
waitingImageHash string No The MD5 value of resources on the waiting image.
zoom boolean false No Adjusts the focal length.
devicePosition string "front" No Front or back. Values include front and back.
backgroundMute boolean false No Specifies whether to mute the component after the component enters the background.
mirror boolean false No Specifies whether to mirror the stream pushing image. The effects are reflected in live-player.
Not recommended.
remoteMirror boolean false No Specifies whether to mirror the pushstream screen.
Note: Same as attribute mirror, Plan to dispose of mirror
localMirror "auto" | "enable" | "disable" "auto" No Specifies whether to mirror the local preview image.
audioReverbType 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 0 No Audio reverberation types.
enableMic boolean true No Turning the microphone on or off
enableAgc boolean false No Specifies whether to turn on audio auto gain.
enableAns boolean false No Specifies whether to turn on audio noise suppression
audioVolumeType "media" | "voicecall" "voicecall" No Volume type
videoWidth number 360 No The resolution width of the video stream pushed up
videoHeight number 640 No The resolution height of the video stream pushed up
onStateChange BaseEventOrigFunction<onStateChangeEventDetail> No The status change event. detail = {{code}}
onNetstatus BaseEventOrigFunction<onNetstatusEventDetail> No The notification of the network status. detail = {{info}}
onError BaseEventOrigFunction<onErrorEventDetail> No The rendering error event. detail = {{errMsg, errCode}}
onBgmStart BaseEventOrigFunction<any> No Triggered when the background music starts playing.
onBgmProgress BaseEventOrigFunction<onBgmProgressEventDetail> No Triggered when the progress of the background music changes. detail = {{progress, duration}}
onBgmComplete BaseEventOrigFunction<any> No Triggered when the background music stops playing.

Property Support

API WeChat Mini-Program H5 React Native
LivePusherProps.url ✔️
LivePusherProps.mode ✔️
LivePusherProps.autopush ✔️
LivePusherProps.muted ✔️
LivePusherProps.enableCamera ✔️
LivePusherProps.autoFocus ✔️
LivePusherProps.orientation ✔️
LivePusherProps.beauty ✔️
LivePusherProps.whiteness ✔️
LivePusherProps.aspect ✔️
LivePusherProps.minBitrate ✔️
LivePusherProps.maxBitrate ✔️
LivePusherProps.audioQuality ✔️
LivePusherProps.waitingImage ✔️
LivePusherProps.waitingImageHash ✔️
LivePusherProps.zoom ✔️
LivePusherProps.devicePosition ✔️
LivePusherProps.backgroundMute ✔️
LivePusherProps.mirror ✔️
LivePusherProps.remoteMirror ✔️
LivePusherProps.localMirror ✔️
LivePusherProps.audioReverbType ✔️
LivePusherProps.enableMic ✔️
LivePusherProps.enableAgc ✔️
LivePusherProps.enableAns ✔️
LivePusherProps.audioVolumeType ✔️
LivePusherProps.videoWidth ✔️
LivePusherProps.videoHeight ✔️
LivePusherProps.onStateChange ✔️
LivePusherProps.onNetstatus ✔️
LivePusherProps.onError ✔️
LivePusherProps.onBgmStart ✔️
LivePusherProps.onBgmProgress ✔️
LivePusherProps.onBgmComplete ✔️


Valid values of orientation

Value Description
vertical Vertical
horizontal Horizontal


Valid values of localMirror

Value Description
auto Front camera mirroring, rear camera not mirroring
enable Both front and rear cameras mirrored
disable Neither the front nor the rear camera is mirrored


Valid values of audioReverbType

Value Description
0 Off
2 Small room
3 Assembly Hall
4 The muffled
5 Loud and clear
6 Metallic sound
7 Magnetic


Valid values of audioVolumeType

Value Description
media Media volume
voicecall Call volume


Param Type Description
code number Status Code


Param Type Description
info netStatus Network Status


Param Type Description
errMsg string Error message
errCode string | number Error code


Param Type Description
progress any Progress
duration number Duration

API Support

API WeChat Mini-Program H5 React Native
LivePusher ✔️