title: Vue

Vue can be used in Taro via import Vue from 'vue', but there are still some differences from using Vue in the browser, specifically.

Entry Component

Every Taro application needs an entry component to register the application. The default entry file is app.js in the src directory.

To use Vue in Taro, the entry component must export a Vue component where we can set global state or access the lifecycle of the mini-program entry instance

```jsx title=”src/app.js” import Vue from ‘vue’ // Assuming we have configured the vuex in ‘. /store’ is configured with vuex import store from ‘./store’

const App = { store, onShow (options) { }, render(h) { // this.$slots.default 是将要会渲染的页面 return h(‘block’, this.$slots.default) } }

export default App

  1. > Note: Since Taro v3.1, the entry component has been written with Breaking Changes, see [3.1.0 Release Information] for details.(https://github.com/NervJS/taro/releases/tag/v3.1.0)。
  2. For an entry file (e.g. `app.js`), we can add a new `app.config.js` file for global configuration. The default export of `app.config.js` is the mini-program's[global configuration](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/reference/configuration/app.html):
  3. ```js title="app.config.js"
  4. export default {
  5. pages: [
  6. 'pages/index/index'
  7. ],
  8. window: {
  9. backgroundTextStyle: 'light',
  10. navigationBarBackgroundColor: '#fff',
  11. navigationBarTitleText: 'WeChat',
  12. navigationBarTextStyle: 'black'
  13. }
  14. }



This lifecycle method corresponds to the app’s onLaunch in the WeChat/Baidu/ByteDance/Alipay mini-program.

Listening to program initialization, triggered when initialization is complete (only triggered once globally)

The program initialization parameters are accessible through getCurrentInstance().router.params during this lifecycle

The parameter format is as follows

Proerty Type Description WeChat Mini-Program Baidu Smart-Program ByteDance Mini-Program Alipay Mini-Program H5 React Native
path string Path to launch the mini-program ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
scene number Scene values to launch the mini-program ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
query Object query parameter to launch the mini-program ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
shareTicket string shareTicket, See Get More Forwarding Information ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
referrerInfo Object Source information. Returned when accessing an mini program from another mini program, public number or app. Otherwise returns {} ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Among them, the scene value scene, there are differences in WeChat mini-program and Baidu smart-program, please refer to respectively WeChat mini-program documentation and Baidu smart-program documentation

The data structure of the source referrerInfo is as follows

Proerty Type Description Wechat Mini-Program Baidu Smart-Program ByteDance Mini-Program Alipay Mini-Program
appId string Source mini-program, or public number (in WeChat) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
extraData Object The data passed from the source mini-program is supported by WeChat and Baidu smart-program at scene=1037 or 1038 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
sourceServiceId string Source plugin, visible when in plugin run mode ✔️(Base library version 1.11.0)


This lifecycle method corresponds to the app’s onLaunch in WeChat/Baidu/ByteDance/Alipay mini-program and is executed after componentWillMount.

Listening to program initialization, triggered when initialization is complete (only triggered once globally)


This lifecycle method corresponds to onShow in WeChat/Baidu/ByteDance/Alipay mini-program, and is implemented in H5/RN in parallel

It can be triggered when the program starts, or when it enters the foreground from the background, or you can use Taro.onAppShow to bind the listener in the WeChat mini-program.

The program initialization parameters can be accessed during this lifecycle via this.$router.params

The parameters are basically the same as those obtained in componentWillMount, but the two additional parameters in Baidu smart-program are as follows

Proerty Type Description Lowest version
entryType string The source identifier of the exhibit, taking the value user/ schema /sys :
user:Indicates before and after passing home
Switching or unlocking the screen, etc. to bring up.
schema:Indicates that the protocol is called up;
appURL string The call-up protocol at the time of the presentation, which exists only if the value of entryType is schema 2.10.7


This lifecycle method corresponds to onHide in WeChat/Baidu/ByteDance/Alipay mini-program, and is implemented in H5/RN in parallel

The program is triggered when it enters the background from the foreground, you can also use Taro.onAppHide to bind the listener in the WeChat mini-program

onError(String error)

This lifecycle method corresponds to onHide in WeChat/Baidu/ByteDance/Alipay mini-program, and is not yet implemented in H5/RN.

Triggered when a script error or API call error occurs, you can also use Taro.onError to bind the listener in the WeChat mini-program


This lifecycle method corresponds to onPageNotFound in the WeChat/ByteDance mini-program, and is not yet implemented on other ends.
In WeChat mini-program, the base library 1.9.90 starts to support

Triggered when the page to be opened does not exist, you can also use Taro.onPageNotFound to bind the listener in the WeChat mini-program

The parameters are as follows

Proerty Type Description
path string Path to non-existent page
query Object Open the query parameter of a non-existent page
isEntryPage boolean Whether the first page of this launch (e.g. coming in from a portal such as sharing, the first page is the developer-configured sharing page)

Page Components

Every Taro application includes at least one page component that can jump through Taro routes and access the lifecycle of mini-program pages, and each page component must be a .vue file.

  1. <template>
  2. <view class="index">
  3. <NumberDisplay />
  4. <NumberSubmit />
  5. </view>
  6. </template>
  7. <script>
  8. import NumberDisplay from '../../components/NumberDisplay.vue'
  9. import NumberSubmit from '../../components/NumberSubmit.vue'
  10. export default {
  11. name: 'Index',
  12. components: {
  13. NumberDisplay,
  14. NumberSubmit
  15. }
  16. }
  17. </script>
  18. <style>
  19. .index {
  20. font-family: "Avenir", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
  21. -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
  22. -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
  23. text-align: center;
  24. color: #2c3e50;
  25. margin-top: 60px;
  26. }
  27. </style>

Page Configuration

As with the portal component, for a page file(e.g../pages/index/index.vue), we can add a new ./pages/index/index.config.js file for page configuration, index.config.js the default export ofpage Configuration, Each page has its own configuration config, which is configured for the current page, and the configuration specification is based on the page configuration of the WeChat mini-program, To develop and unify all platforms:



This lifecycle corresponds to the onReady lifecycle of the mini program page on the mini program side. From this lifecycle, you can access the real DOM using APIs like createCanvasContext or createselectorquery.

In non-page components, you can use Taro’s built-in message mechanism to access the onReady() lifecycle of a page component.

  1. <template>
  2. <view id="only" />
  3. </template>
  4. <script>
  5. import { eventCenter, getCurrentInstance } from '@tarojs/taro'
  6. export default {
  7. mounted () {
  8. eventCenter.once(getCurrentInstance().router.onReady, () => {
  9. const query = Taro.createSelectorQuery()
  10. query.select('#only').boundingClientRect()
  11. query.exec(res => {
  12. console.log(res, 'res')
  13. })
  14. console.log('onReady')
  15. })
  16. }
  17. }
  18. </script>


This lifecycle corresponds to the onLoad lifecycle of the mini program page on the mini program side. This lifecycle can be accessed from getCurrentInstance().router.


Triggered on page load, a page will only be called once, when the page DOM is not ready and cannot yet interact with the view layer


Triggered when the initial rendering of the page is complete, and will only be called once per page to indicate that the page is ready to interact with the view layer


Page will be updated soon

updated(prevProps, prevState)

Page updated


Triggered when a page is unloaded, such as when redirectTo or navigateBack to another page


Triggered when the page is displayed/cut to the foreground


Triggered when the page is hidden/cut to the background, such as navigateTo or bottom tab to other pages, mini program cut to the background, etc.

In all the above lifecycle methods, you can get the parameters in the path to open the current page with getCurrentInstance().router.

Page event handling functions

In the mini-program, the page also has in some exclusive event handling functions, as follows


Listening for user drop-down refresh events

  • You need to turn on enablePullDownRefresh in the window option of the global configuration or in the page configuration.
  • The pull-down refresh can be triggered by Taro.startPullDownRefresh, which triggers the pull-down refresh animation after the call, and the effect is the same as the user’s manual pull-down refresh.
  • When the data has been processed and refreshed, Taro.stopPullDownRefresh You can stop the drop-down refresh of the current page.


Listen to the user pull-up bottom event

  • You can set the trigger distance onReachBottomDistance in the window option of the global configuration or in the page configuration.
  • This event will only be triggered once during the slide within the trigger distance


Listening to user swipe page events

Object Parameters Description:

Parameters Type Description
scrollTop Number The distance the page has scrolled in the vertical direction (unit: px)

Note: Please define this method in the page only when needed and do not define empty methods. To reduce the impact of unnecessary event dispatching on rendering-logic layer communication. Note: Please avoid executing this.setState() too often in onPageScroll to cause logic-rendering layer communication. In particular, transferring a large amount of data at a time can affect communication time consumption.


Listen to the user’s behavior when they click on the forward button (Button component openType=’share’) or the “Forward” button in the top-right menu, and customize the forwarding content.

Note: Only if this event handler is defined, the “Forward” button will be displayed in the upper right menu.

Object Parameters Description:

Parameters Type Description
from String Forward the event source.
button:In-page forwarding buttons.
menu:Top right corner forwarding menu
target Object If the from value is button, then target is the button that triggered the forwarding event, otherwise it is undefined
webViewUrl String If the page contains a WebView component, the url of the current WebView is returned

This event requires the return of an Object, which is used to customize the forwarding content, and returns the following.

Customized forwarding content

Fields Type Description
title Forwarding Title Current mini-program name
path Forwarding Title Current page path, must be a full path starting with /
imageUrl Custom image path, either local file path, package file path or network image path. Support PNG and JPG. Display image aspect ratio is 5:4 Use default screenshot

Sample Code

  1. export default class Index extends Component {
  2. config = {
  3. navigationBarTitleText: 'Home'
  4. }
  5. onShareAppMessage (res) {
  6. if (res.from === 'button') {
  7. console.log(res.target)
  8. }
  9. return {
  10. title: 'Custom forwarding title',
  11. path: '/page/user?id=123'
  12. }
  13. }
  14. render () {
  15. return (
  16. <View className='index'>
  17. <Text>1</Text>
  18. </View>
  19. )
  20. }
  21. }


Only WeChat mini-program are supported
Base library 2.4.0 or higher support

Triggered when the mini-program screen is rotated. For details, see Response to display area changes.


In WeChat mini-program, the base library 1.9.0 starts to support

Triggered when the tab is clicked.

Object Parameter Description :

Parameters Type Description
index String The serial number of the clicked tabItem, starting from 0
pagePath String The path to the page where the tabItem was clicked
text String The text of the clicked tabItem’s button


Supported by Taro 3.0.3 and above. Only supported by WeChat mini-program , this interface is Beta version, supported from Android version 7.0.15, only supported in Android platform for now.

Listen to the user’s click on the “Favorites” button in the upper-right corner of the menu and customize the contents of the favorites.

Object Parameter Description :

Parameters Type Description
webviewUrl String If the page contains a web-view component, the url of the current web-view is returned

This event handler requires the return of an Object, which is used to customize the contents of the collection.

Fields Description Default
title Customized Title Page title or account name
imageUrl Customize the image, displaying it with an aspect ratio of 1:1 Page Screenshot
query Custom query fields Current page query

Sample Code

  1. onAddToFavorites(res) {
  2. // webview page return webviewUrl
  3. console.log('WebviewUrl: ', res.webviewUrl)
  4. return {
  5. title: 'custom title',
  6. imageUrl: 'https://demo.png',
  7. query: 'name=xxx&age=xxx',
  8. }
  9. }


Taro version 3.0.3 and above support Only WeChat mini-program are supported, the base library 2.11.3 starts to support, this interface is a Beta version, only supported in Android platform for now

Listen to the behavior of the “Share to moments” button in the top-right menu and customize the sharing content.

Note: Only if this event handler is defined, the “Share to Friends” button will be displayed in the upper right corner menu

Customized forwarding content

The event handler function can return an Object for customizing the shared content, does not support custom page paths, and returns the following content.

Fields Description Defalut
title Custom title Current mini-program name
query The parameters carried in the custom page path The parameters carried in the current page path
imageUrl Custom image path, can be local file or network image. Support PNG and JPG, display image aspect ratio is 1:1. default use mini-program Logo


Currently only WeChat mini program are supported



Only supported by Alipay mini program, supported by base library since 1.3.0

Click on the title to trigger


Only supported by Alipay mini-program, supported by base library since 1.3.0

Triggered by clicking on additional icons in the navigation bar


Only supported by Alipay mini-program, supported by base library since 1.11.0

No description yet


Only supported by Alipay mini-program, supported by base library since 1.3.0

Triggered on dropdown truncation

H5 does not synchronize onReachBottom and onPageScroll event functions for the time being, so you can simulate them by binding scroll events to the window, while onPullDownRefresh can only use the ScrollView component instead.

The degree of support for each end of the page event function is as follows

Methods Functions Wechat Mini-Program Baidu Smart-Program ByteDance Mini-Program Alipay Mini-Program H5 React Native
onPullDownRefresh Page related event handling functions - listening to user drop-down actions ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
onReachBottom Handler function for the page pull-up bottoming event ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
onShareAppMessage Users click on the top right corner to forward ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
onPageScroll Handling functions for page scrolling trigger events ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
onTabItemTap Triggered when tab is clicked when the current page is a tab ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
onResize Triggered when the page size changes, see Response to display area changes ✔️
componentWillPreload Preload ✔️
onTitleClick Click on the title to trigger ✔️
onOptionMenuClick Triggered by clicking on additional icons in the navigation bar ✔️(base library 1.3.0)
onPopMenuClick ✔️(base library 1.3.0)
onPullIntercept Triggered on dropdown truncation ✔️(base library 1.11.0)

The above member methods can also be used in Taro’s pages by writing methods with the same name. However, it should be noted that only the mini program side supports these methods for the time being (the support level is as above), and they will be invalid after compiling to the H5/RN side.

```js title=”./pages/index/index.jsx” export default { navigationBarTitleText: ‘Home’ }

  1. ## Property Settings
  2. Property settings follow the mini-program specification, using the `Kebab Case`
  3. Note: Properties with `Boolean` values need to be explicitly bound to `true` and do not support abbreviations.
  4. Example :
  5. ```html
  6. <input type="text" placeholder-style="color: red" :focus="true"/>

Built-in components

Using Vue in Taro, the built-in components follow the mini-program component specification, and the parameters of the components and the mini-program parameters are exactly the same.


Use the @ modifier (or v-on:, see Vue documentation)instead of bind in mini program events, and you can use stopPropagation in event handler functions to prevent event bubbling.

Note: In vue click events are bound using @tap.

Example :

  1. <template>
  2. <view>
  3. <input v-model="number" type="number" class="input" />
  4. <button @tap="addNumber">
  5. Add new number
  6. </button>
  7. </view>
  8. </template>
  9. <script>
  10. export default {
  11. data() {
  12. return {
  13. number: 0
  14. }
  15. },
  16. methods: {
  17. addNumber(e) {
  18. e.stopPropagation()
  19. }
  20. }
  21. }
  22. </script>

Compatible <transition>

The <transition> component uses getComputedStyle internally to sniff the animation style on the component. However, there is no way to implement getComputedStyle in the mini-program, it can be hacked in the following way. The <transition> component uses getComputedStyle internally to sniff the animation style on the component. However, there is no way to implement getComputedStyle in the mini-program, it can be hacked in the following way.

Set transitionDuration or animationDuration to an element’s style to specify the transition time to be compatible with <transition>.

  1. <transition>
  2. <view style="animationDuration: 0.5s" />
  3. </transition>

Other limitations

  • Since mini-program access element positions as an asynchronous API, the built-in transition-group component cannot be used in mini-program.
  • <style scoped> is not supported in the mini-program, it is recommended to use cssModules instead.#6662
  • The id of all components must remain unique throughout the application (even if they are on different pages), otherwise it may cause problems with events not firing.#7317