title: WebView

sidebar_label: WebView

Container that carries webpages. It automatically fills the entire Mini Program page. It is currently not supported on Mini Programs owned by personal entities (individual).



  1. ComponentType<WebViewProps>


import Tabs from ‘@theme/Tabs’; import TabItem from ‘@theme/TabItem’;

tsx class App extends Component { handleMessage () {} render () { return ( <WebView src='https://mp.weixin.qq.com/' onMessage={this.handleMessage} /> ) } } html <template> <web-view src='https://mp.weixin.qq.com/' @message="handleMessage" /> </template>


Property Type Required Description
src string Yes wThe link from the webview to a webpage. It allows you to open an article of a linked Official Account. For other webpages, log in to Mini Program admin console to configure the service domain name.
onMessage BaseEventOrigFunction<onMessageEventDetail> No Triggered at a specific occasion (for example, the Mini Program returns to a previous page, a component is terminated, or a page is shared) when postMessage is called from a webpage to the Mini Program. A message is received after the event is triggered. The e.detail is {{ data }}, where data is an array consisting of parameter values obtained via multiple calls to postMessage.
onLoad BaseEventOrigFunction<onLoadEventDetail> No Triggered when a webpage is loaded. e.detail = {{ src }}
onError BaseEventOrigFunction<onErrorEventDetail> No Triggered when a webpage failed to be loaded. e.detail = {{ src }}

Property Support

Property WeChat Mini-Program H5 React Native
WebViewProps.src ✔️ ✔️
WebViewProps.onMessage ✔️
WebViewProps.onLoad ✔️ ✔️
WebViewProps.onError ✔️ ✔️


Property Type Description
data any[] The message data is an array of multiple postMessage parameters.


Property Type Description
src string Web Link Address


Property Type Description
src string Web Link Address

API Support

API WeChat Mini-Program H5 React Native
WebView ✔️ ✔️ ✔️