title: Compile Configuration

The compile configuration is in the config directory in the project root directory and contains three files.

  • index.js Common configuration
  • dev.js Development environment configuration
  • prod.js Production environment configuration

Detailed compilation and configuration documentation: Compile configuration details

Default Configuration

```js title=”config/index.js” const config = { projectName: ‘Awesome Next’, date: ‘2020-6-2’, designWidth: 750, deviceRatio: { 640: 2.34 / 2, 750: 1, 828: 1.81 / 2 }, sourceRoot: ‘src’, outputRoot: ‘dist’, plugins: [], defineConstants: {}, copy: { patterns: [ ], options: { } }, // frameworks, react, nerv, vue, vue3, etc. framework: ‘react’, mini: { postcss: { autoprefixer: { enable: true }, url: { enable: true, config: { limit: 10240 } }, cssModules: { enable: false, config: { namingPattern: ‘module’, // Conversion mode generateScopedName: ‘[name][local]_[hash:base64:5]’ } } }, // Custom Webpack Configuration webpackChain (chain, webpack) {} }, // h5: { publicPath: ‘/‘, staticDirectory: ‘static’, postcss: { autoprefixer: { enable: true }, cssModules: { enable: false, config: { namingPattern: ‘module’, generateScopedName: ‘[name][local]_[hash:base64:5]’ } } }, webpackChain (chain, webpack) {}, devServer: {} } };

module.exports = function(merge) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === ‘development’) { return merge({}, config, require(‘./dev’)); } return merge({}, config, require(‘./prod’)); }; ```