title: InnerAudioContext

sidebar_label: InnerAudioContext

The InnerAudioContext instance can be obtained through the API Taro.createInnerAudioContext.

Supported Formats

Format iOS Android
flac x
ogg x
ape x
amr x
wma x
mp4 x
aiff x
caf x



Property Type Default Required Description
autoplay boolean false No Whether to enable auto playback.
buffered number Yes The position where the audio is buffered. Only the part between the position where the playback has got to and this position is buffered (read only).
currentTime number Yes The position where the playback has got to (in sec). It is only returned when a valid src attribute exists and is rounded to six decimal places (read only).
duration number Yes The length of the audio file (in sec). It is only returned when a valid src attribute exists (read only).
loop boolean false No Whether to enable loop playback.
obeyMuteSwitch boolean true No Whether to follow the “Mute” switch. If it is set to false, the audio file still sounds even if the “Mute” switch is on. As of base library 2.3.0, this parameter does not take effect and the feature is set through the API Taro.setInnerAudioOption.
paused boolean Yes Whether the playback is paused or stopped (read only).
src string No The audio file address which can be used to play the audio file directly.
startTime number 0 No The position where the playback starts (in sec).
volume number 1 No Specifies the volume, which ranges from 0 to 1. It is 1 by default.


Plays an audio file.

  1. () => void


Pauses the audio playback. The playback is resumed at the point where it was paused.

  1. () => void


Stops the audio playback. The playback starts from the beginning if the file is played again.

  1. () => void


Jumps to the specific position.

  1. (position: number) => void
Property Type
position number


Terminates the current instance.

  1. () => void


Listens on the event that an audio file is ready for playback. A smooth playback is not guaranteed.

  1. (callback?: () => void) => void
Property Type
callback () => void


Listens on the audio playback event.

  1. (callback?: () => void) => void
Property Type
callback () => void


Listens on the audio pause event.

  1. (callback?: () => void) => void
Property Type
callback () => void


Listens on the event of stopping audio playback.

  1. (callback?: () => void) => void
Property Type
callback () => void


Listens on the event of playing an audio file to the end without interruption.

  1. (callback?: () => void) => void
Property Type
callback () => void


Listens on the event of updating audio playback progress.

  1. (callback?: () => void) => void
Property Type
callback () => void


Listens on the audio playback error event.

  1. (callback?: (res: onErrorDetail) => void) => void
Property Type
callback (res: onErrorDetail) => void


Listens on the audio loading event. It is triggered when the playback of an audio file stops to load the file due to insufficient data.

  1. (callback?: () => void) => void
Property Type
callback () => void


Listens on the event of jumping to a specific position in the audio file.

  1. (callback?: () => void) => void
Property Type
callback () => void


Listens on the event of finishing the jump to a specific position in the audio file.

  1. (callback?: () => void) => void
Property Type
callback () => void


Un-listens on the event that an audio file is ready for playback.

  1. (callback?: () => void) => void
Property Type
callback () => void


Un-listens on the audio playback event.

  1. (callback?: () => void) => void
Property Type
callback () => void


Un-listens on the audio pause event.

  1. (callback?: () => void) => void
Property Type
callback () => void


Un-listens on the event of stopping audio playback.

  1. (callback?: () => void) => void
Property Type
callback () => void


Un-listens on the event of playing an audio file to the end without interruption.

  1. (callback?: () => void) => void
Property Type
callback () => void


Un-listens on the event of updating audio playback progress.

  1. (callback?: () => void) => void
Property Type
callback () => void


Un-listens on the audio playback error event.

  1. (callback?: () => void) => void
Property Type
callback () => void


Un-listens on the audio loading event.

  1. (callback?: () => void) => void
Property Type
callback () => void


Un-listens on the event of jumping to a specific position in the audio file.

  1. (callback?: () => void) => void
Property Type
callback () => void


Un-listens on the event of finishing the jump to a specific position in the audio file.

  1. (callback?: () => void) => void
Property Type
callback () => void



Property Type Description
errCode number Error code
errMsg string Error message


Valid values of errCode

Value Description
10001 System error
10002 Network error
10003 File error
10004 Format error
-1 Unknown error

Sample Code

  1. const innerAudioContext = Taro.createInnerAudioContext()
  2. innerAudioContext.autoplay = true
  3. innerAudioContext.src = 'https://ws.stream.qqmusic.qq.com/M500001VfvsJ21xFqb.mp3?guid=ffffffff82def4af4b12b3cd9337d5e7&uin=346897220&vkey=6292F51E1E384E061FF02C31F716658E5C81F5594D561F2E88B854E81CAAB7806D5E4F103E55D33C16F3FAC506D1AB172DE8600B37E43FAD&fromtag=46'
  4. innerAudioContext.onPlay(() => {
  5. console.log('Start playback')
  6. })
  7. innerAudioContext.onError((res) => {
  8. console.log(res.errMsg)
  9. console.log(res.errCode)
  10. })

API Support

API WeChat Mini-Program H5 React Native
InnerAudioContext.play ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
InnerAudioContext.pause ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
InnerAudioContext.stop ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
InnerAudioContext.seek ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
InnerAudioContext.destroy ✔️ ✔️
InnerAudioContext.onCanplay ✔️ ✔️
InnerAudioContext.onPlay ✔️ ✔️
InnerAudioContext.onPause ✔️ ✔️
InnerAudioContext.onStop ✔️ ✔️
InnerAudioContext.onEnded ✔️ ✔️
InnerAudioContext.onTimeUpdate ✔️ ✔️
InnerAudioContext.onError ✔️ ✔️
InnerAudioContext.onWaiting ✔️ ✔️
InnerAudioContext.onSeeking ✔️ ✔️
InnerAudioContext.onSeeked ✔️ ✔️
InnerAudioContext.offCanplay ✔️ ✔️
InnerAudioContext.offPlay ✔️ ✔️
InnerAudioContext.offPause ✔️ ✔️
InnerAudioContext.offStop ✔️ ✔️
InnerAudioContext.offEnded ✔️ ✔️
InnerAudioContext.offTimeUpdate ✔️ ✔️
InnerAudioContext.offError ✔️ ✔️
InnerAudioContext.offWaiting ✔️ ✔️
InnerAudioContext.offSeeking ✔️ ✔️
InnerAudioContext.offSeeked ✔️ ✔️