title: Use CSS Modules

Supported since version 1.2.0, React Native is compatible

There is built-in support for CSS Modules in Taro, but it is turned off by default, so if you need to turn it on, please add the following configuration to compile-config.

Open on the mini program :

```js title=”config/index.js” weapp: { module: { postcss: { // css modules function switches and related configurations cssModules: { enable: true, // Default is false, if you want to use the css modules function, set it to true config: { namingPattern: ‘module’, // The conversion mode, which takes the value global/module, is explained in detail below generateScopedName: ‘[name][local]_[hash:base64:5]’ } } } } }

  1. Open on the H5:
  2. ```js title="config/index.js"
  3. h5: {
  4. module: {
  5. postcss: {
  6. // css modules: function switches and related configurations
  7. cssModules: {
  8. enable: true, // Default is false, if you want to use the css modules function, set it to true
  9. config: {
  10. namingPattern: 'module', // The conversion mode, which takes the value global/module, is explained in detail below
  11. generateScopedName: '[name]__[local]___[hash:base64:5]'
  12. }
  13. }
  14. }
  15. }
  16. }

It is worth noting that there are two modes of using CSS Modules in Taro, namely global conversion and partial custom conversion, which are controlled by the namingPattern configuration

The namingPattern configuration takes the following values.

  • global, which means that all style files will be converted by CSS Modules, except for those with .global. in the file name
  • module, which means custom conversion, only style files with .module. in their filenames will be converted by CSS Modules

generateScopedName supports passing in strings and functions.

  • String in the format of https://github.com/webpack/loader-utils#interpolatename, it is worth It is worth pointing out that [local] can be used to take its original class name
  • function, whose type is defined as (localName: string, absoluteFilePath: string) => string, where localName is the original class name and absoluteFilePath is the absolute path to the file, and the return value will be the new class name

It is recommended to use custom conversion mode, so that the style of some third-party libraries will not be affected

CSS Modules are used in the following ways

Component Style

  1. .test {
  2. color: red;
  3. .txt {
  4. font-size: 36px;
  5. }
  6. }

Using Styles in Component JS

  1. import Taro, { Component } from '@tarojs/taro'
  2. import { View, Text } from '@tarojs/components'
  3. import styles from './Test.module.scss'
  4. export default class Test extends Component {
  5. constructor(props) {
  6. super(props)
  7. this.state = { }
  8. }
  9. render () {
  10. return (
  11. <View className={styles.test}>
  12. <Text className={styles.txt}>Hello world!</Text>
  13. </View>
  14. )
  15. }
  16. }

Related Reading

Open Source Plugin weapp-css-modules - The ultimate pursuit to reduce the code package of the mini program by 10%